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"Now?" Like he only just started? LOL!
inicky46 61 Reviews 959 reads

Under various handles, Johny's been showing off his stupidity here for a long, long time.  If you like stupid, he's the gift that keeps on giving.

Skinny_Minnie:-)4002 reads

I feel like I may be setting myself up for failure here, but I have been wondering you guys' opinion on this:

How acceptable (or not) do you find it for an adult, young woman to CHOOSE to not be employed in the year 2014?

Now let me preface this by saying that the woman is CAPABLE of working, has some marketable skill, a college degree, no children, not married, her living expenses are being covered somehow (ex: family money, alimony, independently wealthy, or someone is supporting her.)

She just chooses to pursue some hobby or life interest rather than employment.

Would your opinion of this question change if she was married and not working?  Serious responses appreciated!

Millenials  in large numbers are saying that the job market sucks so rather than working to survive they are choosing to live life and go where life takes them. They are looking for life experiences, not things....Interesting post from a provider since that certainly is the life less traveled. On the other hand there are certainly a lot of ladies doing this to survive. Hard to make it on a single income these days.

Skinny_Minnie:-)1411 reads

I'm interested in reading it!

it was Time magazine within the past 6 weeks. But there also a lot of books saying pretty much the same thing.......

!_!1550 reads

The mother will most likely be forced to stay home at least for a little while or longer. I have a child and know that there are far more things to do while raising a kid than holding a full time job. On the other hand, a married girl who has No kid yet has perfectly marketable skills who sits home for more than a few years doing absolutely nothing, doesn't want to pursue a career of some sort to make something of herself, I'd think that she lacks ambition and I would be tempted to dump her and find some other more ambitious girl. More than likely I'd still be with her and try to get her to make something of herself, or be raising my kid or something. A year sebatical traveling and enjoying life,  certainly fine by me though but I've had girls stay with me doing nothing for longer than that. It largely depends on how successful the girl is, (or if married,  how successful both of you are)  if you're married to someone who's already financially independent or had a large inheritance or won the lotto somehow then there are absolutely no limits to how long you can pursue your other interests.

As you say, she is "covered somehow". The only situation in which I might form an opinion would be if "somehow" = public assistance. Other than that, it's her life and she gets to choose what fulfills her.

Married? What's that? ;-)

If she is somehow independently wealthy, neither a parasite nor burden on anyone, and has no worries of the money running out; more power to her!

From where exactly does this Judeo-Christian precept of working one's self into an early grave merit so highly? The precept is surely brow-beaten into us. But is that the only litmus test of character and self worth?  

America is arguably the most productive country on earth. Half our adult population however is on anti-depressants. Suicide and teen suicide are at an all time high. We laud people like Joan Rivers who work feverishly into their 80's when in reality they're consumed by a deep seated anxiety/phobia. Or simply chronic greed and avarice like Donald Trump or the Koch Brothers.  

  Soon after my dad learned to really enjoy his retirement he suffered a life changing stroke, then died of pancreatic cancer a little more than a year later. What a glorious reward for his years of toil, sacrifice, and dedication to an 'ethic'.        




-- Modified on 10/31/2014 5:59:06 PM

Southerners comfortably say, "Oh, I don't work." all the time, no issues.  No justifications with managing investments, vc, children, charity work, etc.

Have not heard that a single time since I moved to Chicago.

(BTW, Warren Buffet has no such plague.  Workaholism or greed.  He's always said things like he mostly just reads all day, nothing he does ever really seems like work, etc., and he lead the charge on billionaires giving away their money.  Just sayin.')

I did unfairly group Mr Buffet with the likes of Donald the Obnoxious. In fact I recall WB offering to write a book for billionaires obsessed with making yet more money. "Life on $500,000,000 a year" he was going to title it.  

Good on em'!  

PS. I have edited my original OP to reflect more worthy holder(s) of the epithet.  

Posted By: MissMarieM  
 (BTW, Warren Buffet has no such plague.  Workaholism or greed.  He's always said things like he mostly just reads all day, nothing he does ever really seems like work, etc., and he lead the charge on billionaires giving away their money.  Just sayin.')

-- Modified on 10/31/2014 6:04:53 PM

Skinny_Minnie:-)1085 reads

And I don't know if that's necessarily a BAD thing.  Although working yourself till death is.  

I just know that things have changed a lot over the past 50 years.  At one time, it was pretty much only acceptable for a woman to be a mother/housewife, nurse, secretary, or teacher.  Then feminists started demanding equality in the workplace and women wanted to be mothers, plus work the same jobs and be paid the same as men.

Now, I guess I'm just wondering if it's totally unacceptable in this day and age for a woman to "regress" to a place where she DOESN'T want to compete with men for corporate jobs.  And having kids/getting married?  She can take it or leave it

There are some people who have really never worked for a wage...yet have made some significant contributions to society.  

I will venture to say that philanthropists tend to work harder than most hourly wage earners....yet their purpose is to give back to society.

I saw a comment earlier on folks like Warren Buffet giving away his billions...he is far from the first.  And sometimes it's not a philanthropic motive.  Yet those like Buffet have been captains of industry for millennium.

I can tell you this young lady...be concerned less about how others see what you do in life...rather look in the mirror and see if the reflection is one that YOU are happy with.

Then...and only then will your purpose in life be achieved.

The way I saw women in the workforce began about 30 years ago.  It was clear to me then that women would be the driving force in economic growth.  I look at many of the young women who worked for me over the years...and many have achieved tremendous success.  Some became Moms and raised their families, while others have been very successful business owners and entrepreneurs.  Some did both.  In all cases they work very hard.  

So what is work?

Posted By: Skinny_Minnie:-)
And I don't know if that's necessarily a BAD thing.  Although working yourself till death is.    
 I just know that things have changed a lot over the past 50 years.  At one time, it was pretty much only acceptable for a woman to be a mother/housewife, nurse, secretary, or teacher.  Then feminists started demanding equality in the workplace and women wanted to be mothers, plus work the same jobs and be paid the same as men.  
 Now, I guess I'm just wondering if it's totally unacceptable in this day and age for a woman to "regress" to a place where she DOESN'T want to compete with men for corporate jobs.  And having kids/getting married?  She can take it or leave it!    

Women who want an income still need to work even when they are not corporate material.

Don't get me started on these lesbians that want to raise children. Why be a lesbian if you want kids?

I thought that was the highlight to same sex relationships... no kids.

The fact a woman may(or most likely will have to work) and may not want to is a practical statement...

Perhaps even a factual one.


Same sex couples who want children. Why? it's much less complicated to do that as an opposite sex couple.  

Hey, it's okay with me if they want to do that. I can't ignore questioning the why?

GaGambler1178 reads

That post alone might win it for him. Damn, and I thought that Fungy had a clear field ahead of him if Pimples was out of the running.

If it were anyone else, I might be able to make a case that "he was just joking" but we all know better than that.

You are assuming I think lesbians are less womanly than non-lesbians.  

I think lesbians can be sufficient mothers. I happen to ponder why a woman who wants to be a mother, would not find the human male as an appealing mate.

You can believe that's a fucktarded question to ask.

if she wants to have kids?" Dipshit, it's not a choice, her sexuality is being attracted to WOMEN not men. It's her sexual orientation, it's how she's wired.

Now I'm done 'cause you really are TSTTT.

This would be thinking like a fucktard.  

I was thinking, why a lesbian who is sexually attracted to women, would want children?

if a woman is attracted to other women, and not men. Where does the desire to have children come from?

Seeing how procreation involves sex between a male and a female.  

if anything it would seem that a lesbian who has given birth is bisexual and not a lesbian.

hotplants1098 reads

If a woman does not want to get married and be supported financially, unless she is independently wealthy, there aren’t many options other than working.  And if women are working the same job as a man, yes, we damned well expect to be paid the same salary as a man. You and blame the fact that that discrepacy is gradually closing on feminists.

There’s  that.  

But, If a woman does not want to work, that’s not “regression”. That is simply another choice. And that’s a good thing. But again, unless she’s independently wealthy, there aren’t many options other than to marry a man who wants to be the primary breadwinner. And with that, comes a financial vulnerability (as well as a loss of independence)  with which many women are not comfortable.  

50%  of marriages end in divorce. And, despite the popular perception, while a small minority of women fall into an alimony parachute, the vast majority of women who get divorced, without a professional job history to fall back on, end up in poverty, often as single mothers, while their ex husbands prosper financially (I’m not pulling that out of a hat).  

So, if you don’t want to work, and you don’t want to get married? I hope you have a significant inheritance to fall back on. And as far as what anyone else thinks about that? Who cares? Not their business

Make less than their male co workers?  

When I say the majority of women I mean the majority of women.  

I don't believe the majority of Americans work in the corporate world. Which causes me a great deal of doubt on my part that the majority of women are paid less than their male counter parts.

hotplants1109 reads

As opposed to the majority? Of women....that's deep.  

There's no nice way to say this. You really are too stupid to engage with on.......any topic. It would be like me getting into a fist-fight with a 6 yr old. Obviously, I'll win. And, yet, I still lose.  

But, here's link. Go forth and completely misinterpret it. If you don't like this one try: www.google.co

You also ignore what I believe to be fact. The majority of Americans do not work corporate jobs, or hold college degrees.

Those numbers may be true when those two factors are added into the equation, however I am not including those two factors. Go ahead, and produce those numbers I'm speaking of.

ow raising the national minimum wage is going to help improve the U.S. economy in a global market place.

Compare the U.S. growth rate of 1.9 percent for 2014, to that of China's at 7.7 percent for 2014.

Raising women's wages is not going to create a more competitive U.S. economy

JackDunphy1319 reads

simply because she is doing the same work? Do you not realize that experience plays a part in compensation? Men get paid more, in general, because they have more experience and time on the job.

A woman, much more often than a man, will leave the workforce to raise a family. She weighed the pros and cons of both and made a decision she felt was best for her and her children.  

Those decisions can come with a downside. But she knows this and accepts it. When and if she comes back to the corporate world, she does so at a disadvantage to that of her male counterpart, and rightfully so.

"Equal pay for equal work" is a great bumper sticker slogan, but life isn't a bumper, is it? Any employer, male or female, will tell you how important experience and "paying your dues" is as one rises up the corporate ladder.

Look at unions. They don't believe in equal pay for equal work. Pay is based on seniority in most fields. They don't pay a first year female teacher the same as a 10 year male one even though they may be teaching the same grade and doing the same job.

hotplants897 reads

Of course there are disparities in salaries based on years of experience, and women do pay a professional penalty when they drop out of the workforce to have children. And even when a women returns to the workforce after having a child, it is much more likely that she will continue to be the one who puts her work life secondary to taking a day off if the kid(s) are sick, or leaving early to drive the kids to extracurricular events.  

But,  life choices do not entirely explain the gap in pay between men and women.

All factors being equal, men/women with equal levels of education/training, equal levels of experience and time on the job, and equal levels of competency (as measured by whatever metrics are used for a particular position), performing the same job, on avg men are paid 30% more than women. This occurs in every sector of the work force; including jobs that have traditionally been considered women's jobs--nursing, for example. Even in union jobs where that pay gap is less prominent, woman on ave earn .90 cents for every dollar a man makes. These gaps widen even more for women of color.  

If the reverse was true—-If you found out that one of your female colleagues, doing the same job as you, was being paid a 30% higher salary than you—-when you have just as much education, just as much experience as she does, you would be screaming to the heavens and anyone else who would listen about how fucked-up that is. And you would be right.  

Why would I think women deserve the same salary as a man? Why do you think, jack? This is not a complicated concept.

I agree with you that woman and men should get the same pay (all else being equal, ie education, experience, competence, etc.) and I do realize that it is not always the case that pay is equal, but 30% disparity sounds excessive. I have never seen that much disparity in any field I have ever worked in. I also don't personally know anyone male or female who makes that much more or less than a counterpart of the opposite sex.

Not arguing with you here, just curious where your numbers come from.

JackDunphy1281 reads

Here is an article from the liberal Salon magazine completely debunking her bullshit. They would be quite shocked to learn they are living in 1960 as well. Lol.

JackDunphy1143 reads

If you want to know why so many women RUN from the word "feminist" it is because they are associated with unjustifiable men bashing and made up stats

hotplants1294 reads

And, the numbers swing. Depending on a particular professional field, or an economic strata,  the % varies from 30ish % to 20ish %.  Women who are part of a union clearly do much better; with the pay gap leaning more towards 10%.  

But, even if the median gap was....say.. 15%, this is still a problem. Especially considering that for the last 20 years women have been outpacing men in completing undergraduate, and graduate degrees. I've heard jack's argument ad nauseum---that basically, women 'choose' to make less money because they choose to have children.

But, men choose to have children too. And men are not (statistically---as far as salary)  impacted by that choice.  





-- Modified on 11/1/2014 2:29:28 PM

JackDunphy1170 reads

I have now quoted a left wing, a right wing and a bi-partisan, independent source completely debunking not only your 30% nonsense but the 23 cents per dollar myth.  

All three in agreement the feminists/white house are lying by grossly distorting the numbers.  

But you can live in your alternate reality if it makes you happy.  

And you wonder why most women want nothing to do with the feminist label? Lol.

hotplants987 reads

There is a gap between men and women's salaries. This is an indisputable fact. Do you think the Bureau of labor statistics is lying? We could debate the reasons why, or the % points of that gap until tues next month, and we still won't have resolved this; or agreed.  

Why, do you suppose we don't see men raising this issue? Are men so complacent that they would never bother to mention it? Or, is it possible that, this  is not a problem for men?  

Are you looking for me to capitulate and say that this whole pay equity thing is a complete myth? That this is  just another line of BS made-up by feminists? That women have been imagining this for 100 yrs? No-can-do Jack. Being as I am a woman, and I do work, and I have seen this bullshit up close and personal.  I know, without a single doubt, this happens.  

There's nothing remarkable about that. Any survey of professional women would likely tell you the same thing. What is remarkable is that men continue to dig their heels in and deny that this problem even exists.  



-- Modified on 11/1/2014 3:02:01 PM

-- Modified on 11/1/2014 3:04:09 PM

JackDunphy1019 reads

Yes, men make more than women. Duh. No one is arguing that. It's the REASONS why that are all important to this debate. Duh, part two.

Radical feminsts would like America to believe it is primarily due to sexism, when honest, independent and even left wing people have acknowledged it is most likely many other, more complex factors such as women's personal choices.

If it were true what you are saying, CEO's/managers would hire women in droves to save 30% off their payroll costs, especially in this bad economy.

Feminists don't want to have an honest debate and convo and deal with facts. They just want go keep on with the bogus male bashing.

On that front, sweetie, you have been a raging success.

-- Modified on 11/1/2014 11:19:47 PM

hotplants976 reads

Women make less money than men. duh.  

And this happens because: women make choices that inevitably demand they get paid less, women lack confidence in asking for a raise, and women lack experience on the job.  

Did I get that right jack? Duly noted. Got it.

Where does any of that factor into America's economy becoming more competitive

The judgement would be made on WHY she chooses to be unemployed. If she's independently wealthy, she has no reason to work but she should do something with her life and I wouldn't exclude playing in this hobby for fun and profit as something some women may want to do. However, if she's sponging off family... that's a different story.  

Being an adult means being responsible for yourself, not sponging off others. If she's living off an ex's alimony and it meets her needs, she can choose not to work. But she should never sponge off her family. Once she considers herself an adult, she's responsible for paying her way in life assuming she remains single. However she supports herself is up to her but living off the state or sponging off family is not being an adult. Adults in this country work and support themselves to the best of their ability.

Things change if she marries.  If she marries a guy who wants to support her, it's fine as long as a couple, they both agree that he'll work and she'll do her part in other ways. She could sponge off her husband of course by sitting around and not contributing to the partnership in any way. Marriage is a partnership where each spouse contributes something to the couple as a whole. One person doing all the work while the other does nothing doesn't cut it.

VOO-doo1070 reads

I personally can't imagine doing NOTHING with my life. Going to yoga, eating lunch out, getting hair'n'nails did, watching some TV, having dinner (w/ or w/o husband), more TV, going to bed. How do people DO that?  

I don't judge anybody for not doing anything, but such people generally bore me stiff.  

I used to have an escort/sugar baby friend. She always used to nag me to come hang out w/her in her luxury pad. She complained about being bored, but god forbid she take a class, or even worse, get a part-time job. I couldn't stand visiting her, because we were both trapped waiting for her sugar daddy to come home for lunch, then dinner. When when he came home for dinner, I was invariably trapped with them until they were finished arguing for the night. Great life, right? (They broke up). But not before we drifted apart. I'd rather to hang out with someone who's into museums, books, art, sports, travel; who DOES stuff and is excited about life and learning....  

I'd imagine that MOST of us are happiest when doing SOMETHING, whether that's art, charity, taking classes, etc

Skinny_Minnie:-)1351 reads

a girl who chose to travel the world or volunteer or write a column without compensation or being there for a relative or SOMETHING she feels passionate about.  Not just watching TV and shopping.

VOO-doo1280 reads

I'd be insanely jealous.

art = dumb  

charity = why work for free? may as well do art

taking classes = waste of time & money - unless you can profit from them later

Under various handles, Johny's been showing off his stupidity here for a long, long time.  If you like stupid, he's the gift that keeps on giving.

It's time for us to make our own way in life. I understand, and I guess some allowance could be made for someone going to college.  

But I feel strongly that even if an adult is living with their parents while going to school, they should get at least a part time job.

Now, if a woman has kids and the decision is made for her to be a stay at home Mom, then that is a full time job. Other than that, we are accountable for ourselves and we must push away from the apron strings and make our own way in life.

I'm not sure why, perhaps because of society, but my feelings are stronger that a man should work. I have zero respect for a man that lives with Mommy and Daddy after they turn 18 or graduate HS. None. I do however tend to feel more lax about an adult woman living at home. But there is an end to that too.

Lazy - she can work , has marketable skills .... She just "bums" around all day watching life pass her by . Day after day watching TV , walking the dog , taking naps .... That's defines LAZY !
Leech - doing the aforementioned above while someone else pays her way . That pretty much defines a leech in my book !
No ambitions - see all of the above .
If you don't have any ambition in life , leech off others and CAN work but choose not to .....
Expect no respect from me sweetie .... You are a lazy leech sponging off of some one while life passes you by .
Good luck with that !

-- Modified on 10/31/2014 4:18:56 PM

Posted By: guybeingaguy
Lazy - she can work , has marketable skills .... She just "bums" around all day watching life pass her by . Day after day watching TV , walking the dog , taking naps .... That's defines LAZY !  
 Leech - doing the aforementioned above while someone else pays her way . That pretty much defines a leech in my book !  
 No ambitions - see all of the above .  
 If you don't have any ambition in life , leech off others and CAN work but choose not to .....  
 Expect no respect from me sweetie .... You are a lazy leech sponging off of some one while life passes you by .  
 Good luck with that !

-- Modified on 10/31/2014 4:18:56 PM

I've read and re read the OP and can't find any reference that the OP is talking about herself, nor that the fictitious person that she is describing is leeching off of anyone.  

And I'll be clear to point out that if she is a provider then she is working and supporting herself, albeit not in the traditional sense. Personally I feel that providers are more ambitious than most people as they are clearly entrepreneurs, responsible not only for the execution of their service but also the marketing of said service. I am very good at what I do for a living, but I'd be totally clueless if I had to market myself or the company that I work for. Being a provider is providing a service, just as a Dentist or a Message Therapist or a Plumber.

Dang man, talk about setting oneself up to be slammed. You've succeeded.

I share your obvious distaste for anyone who leeches off of anyone else, unless they are clearly disabled.

Posted By: guybeingaguy
Lazy - she can work , has marketable skills .... She just "bums" around all day watching life pass her by . Day after day watching TV , walking the dog , taking naps .... That's defines LAZY !  
 Leech - doing the aforementioned above while someone else pays her way . That pretty much defines a leech in my book !  
 No ambitions - see all of the above .  
 If you don't have any ambition in life , leech off others and CAN work but choose not to .....  
 Expect no respect from me sweetie .... You are a lazy leech sponging off of some one while life passes you by .  
 Good luck with that !

-- Modified on 10/31/2014 4:18:56 PM


Seriously, search this guy's posts here. Homeboy is just...yeah.

GaGambler1257 reads

and a "fucking little douche bag, being a douche bag"

not to mention being a douche bag who needs serious lessons in reading comprehension.  The OP is a hooker, which means by any fair definition, she works for a living. "douchebag being a douchebag" may or may not actually work for a living.

yeah, "lame fuck" sums it up pretty well.

Where does a loser like this get the unmitigated gall to look down on anyone?  I mean, I'd actually have felt sorry for him if I'd read his other post and not the one he just put up.  Wanker.

Who cares what other people think? Make yourself happy!

I would quit my boring job tomorrow if the money in this hobby didn't vary so much each month. Who wants to work in a boring 9-5, with a boss and alarm clock? Not me! I want to be a woman of leisure. LOL  

I'd find purpose elsewhere, under my terms, when I feel like having a purpose.

Most people work to pay their bills and eat. If you can eat and pay your bills without working, why would you?

ODF1008 reads

Using the basis you set out that the woman is financially independent and not having to depend on welfare, food stamps, other government assistance to live, I have NO problem with a woman or a man taking some time off from working and enjoying other pursuits - travel, education, skills development.  One need not have to wait until retirement age to take a break from work and enjoy life.  LIFE IS TOO SHORT!

hy on earth should choosing not to work be held against anyone. I cant wait to stop working. The marraige component does change the dynamic but I am not, never have been, and will not be married so I wont spew an opinion on a situation I have never experienced.

Time like this is needed to write books, plays, movies, music, paint.   A creative hobby or life interest is a great way to spend a life.  I never saw where it's written that we have to be a cog in the machine if you can make it work financially.

hotplants1044 reads

where this mysterious source of financial support is coming from.  

There's a big difference between being independently wealthy and having the option to do whatever you choose as far as work (or not work), and an adult 'choosing' not to work so they can pursue some hobby or life interest, while mom and dad are footing the bill.  

If the financial support is from our partner/husband? as long as you're both comfortable with the arrangement, who is anyone else to say?

!_!1185 reads

Why the heck would anyone want to "work" in 2014? Pursue those other interests til your boobs fall off and have fun. Hopefully have some savings left over for the rainy days though.

as long as she's doing something productive. e.g. raisng kids, volunteering etc.

Shopping isn't on the list.

Ok. I see what you are saying. But I certainly hope you don't think that providers don't work.  
There is allot of work involved in what we do. wither were an Escort or an FBSM provider or anything else.  
If you talking about employment by other company  such as agency, retail, sales, accounting, etc. Honestly that's non-of your concern but to satisfy your curiously here are my thoughts.

Maybe we do or did have a civi Job or were looking for one, then discovered the hobby.  
What would you choose civi or hobby? Think about all aspects before you answer.

Here is an example: I have college an education in advertisement design, photography, Microsoft works certified and quick-book certified... Every place I went to a job interview told me I was "Over qualified". I even went to a chicken plant and tried to lie by not writing in my experience and skills. Instead I wrote "entry level" during the interview I was told I'm more educated than I stated and was "Over qualified". I told the individual that was interviewing me "I would pick fly shit out of pepper if needed". Simply because I needed Because I need a job.  
Then a friend introduced me to the Hobby as an FBSM provider and I discovered how rewarding it was to make someone else feel really good, simply by the touch of my hands and being kind and honest. No words could ever describe that feeling, So I decided to continue because making others feel good makes me feel go too. You really cant ask for a better job than that and I see nothing wrong with perusing something you truly enjoy

If a woman who has all the skills to be, say, a bill collector, but she doesn't like that sort of employment--finds it boring and stressful--decides instead to sit at home and write a novel, that, IMO, is quite admirable. Women go for years bouncing around in various modern dance schools and various companies--instead of just taking a straight job--and they know that the chances of ever making any great amount of money at this are slim.

Single or married, I view them the same. Sure, some wives might prefer to stay home and iron her husband's shirts, but a lot of married women have causes and activities that they spend a great deal of time and energy on instead of working for someone else and adding to the family income. Single women do this too, but they usually have to have, as you pointed out, some stream of revenue coming in.

Then there are some who are just tired of working for someone else and just want to be free to do their own thing. So ready or not they quit, only to discover that they don't really have a thing of their own, so they just spend stretches of time wandering around hoping to find something they like.

If a person has a passion, they need not be encouraged to follow it. They'll go after their passion like alkies go after booze. If they are pursuing a passion, male, female, married, single, skilled, unskilled, they seldom seek approval or reinforcement from others. They just head off for Africa or someplace and spend their lives logging the activities of mountain gorillas or something. Often having a passion results in a lonely life. But if you feel that way about something, you accept that you aren't going to have a cheering section on your side, and you do. No one can assign you a passion. No one can instill it within in you. It's like when young people fall in love with each other. Their life can't be anything else.

They certainly don't worry about what others think of them. If you are wondering whether or not you have a passion you can follow, you probably don't. And that is okay. Not everybody does. Maybe then working for somebody else is what you ought to do.

Posted By: WickedBrut

  If you are wondering whether or not you have a passion you can follow, you probably don't. And that is okay. Not everybody does. Maybe then working for somebody else is what you ought to do.
Maybe she "ought" too do any old thing she wants as long as murder, rape, arson and the destruction of the environment are not involved.  

Is "work" the be-all, end-all of human existence? Does the great ape, or gazelle, or a giraffe, or a bear, or a manatee, or even the highly intelligent dolphin question their purpose and worth in the cycle of life? Homo sapiens were gifted with 'reason' and we've made our lives a hell on earth with this "gift" trying to find a "reason".

Perhaps the basis of the popular opinion that one should always be engaged in productive, meaningful work is similar to that of couples with kids proselytizing the joys of parenthood to their DINK friends.  
Misery simply loves company

We set up trade and building so as to meet our needs, then share the goods unequally as coin. Most people are serfs to the corporate system. If there's something you want to do, you take on the work of doing it. Want to bike across the country? Great adventure, hard work. Some people have been serfs for so long they aren't able to take on the work of an adventure. A lot of us spending time energy and money on P4P just aren't up to going out and slaying another dragon these days.

To work or not is one of them and it is no ones business to to judge them. We have enough judgmental people in this country who, are more interested in what others do than themselves.  

Sickening behavior frankly.

Cultured and civilized behaviors is not to have opinions or judge others actions.

Really, do you live your life based on polls or make decisions after polling guys. If you do, you are fucked

I would spend my life traveling and pursuing hobbies, such as painting and sculpting.  I would also give back because I believe in such, choosing charities and causes that resonate with me.

I don't care about "socially-acceptable" otherwise I wouldn't be a prostitute

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