TER General Board

My worries....
Bizzaro Superdude 2275 reads

Catching another case of "honeydew" disorder - my ongoing case of Dunlaps disease (muh belley dunlaped over muh belt), kid induced psychosis and athlete's foot....

oh, and if someone could come up with a treatment to get rid of skin coloration (the green kind) I would appreciate it....  and grow hair other than the palms of my hands...

Sheese, people who worry this much - surprise me - especially since there are absolute nut cases out there who want BBFS - The absolute BEST way to get an STD!  gimme a break.

usstronghold4128 reads

Has anyone out there ever picked up an STD from a provider?  I have seen many providers over the last several years and engage in BBJ as well as DATY.  I am worried about catching something but just cannot seem to stop this hobby.  What are my chances of getting HIV?

Than you are likely to get HIV. The bottom line, however, is that if you are honestly that worried about any disease (HPV and HSV are transmissable with condom use), you need to stop fucking women, in or out of the hobby. So either make your peace with the risks we take as sexally active humans, or find some good wigs to put on your thumb.

you are going to worry now after seeing many girls already ?

MainlineGuy3033 reads

Sexual activity between two people has NEVER been totally risk free.My advice would be...Do the Math!!!Check out the research available regarding
risk factors and incidences of infection...male to female/female to male and I think your concerns will gain some perspective.As I said...risk FREE?Certainly not!LESS risky than most uninformed people think....probably so.

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi2196 reads

and the primary risks are (1) marriage, (2) pissed off GFs running off to their lawyers and support groups trying to hit you with some sort of judgment, psychiatric diagnosis, or etc.

(back in the roaring 70's), I had come down with three STD's: Crabs, NSU and the clap.

After starting hobbying in the late 80's, cases of of STD: 0.  Do the math.  Providers are the way to go.

Dumbya1683 reads

You need an SO who wears your chains and would never ever do anybody else, because she loves to suck your cock only.

Also, she is a hell of a cook, and never nags about picking up after your miserable ass, and thinks belching contests are hilarious.  She does fart, but only Chanel No. 5, and on request.

The most important part is that she's a physical shape-shifter - she can, at will, assume whatever body, appearance and fashion that she has divined would appeal to you.

And she never ever nags.  Always BBFS, all the time.

It's higher, of course, if you have sores of any kind, but even then the chance is microscopic compared to other transmissions.  I have heard of a woman who caught HIV after a guy came in her eyes, but that's an accident.

Of any of the orifice/genital activities, HIV from oral sex is almost unknown.  I think there is one unconfirmed case they talked about 15 years ago.  

You won't catch HIV from it.  However, uncovered oral sex is still risky for catching other STD's.  I do suggest that if you are going to do DATY, you should have your hepatitis shots.  Good old syphillus, gonorrhea, clamidia are all possibilities.  However, those are all quite treatible and have their various symptoms.  You'll know if you get them and you could get rid of them easily.  But then there's herpes and HPV (genital warts.)  These are more problematic-- but so many people have been exposed to these in every part of the population that you have as much chance catching it from a civvie as a provider.  

If you do uncovered oral sex, I suggest that you rinse your mouth out thoroughly afterward with some antibacterial mouthwash, cepacol and chlorsys, or both.  That should take care of just about anything that could ail you.

Bizzaro Superdude2276 reads

Catching another case of "honeydew" disorder - my ongoing case of Dunlaps disease (muh belley dunlaped over muh belt), kid induced psychosis and athlete's foot....

oh, and if someone could come up with a treatment to get rid of skin coloration (the green kind) I would appreciate it....  and grow hair other than the palms of my hands...

Sheese, people who worry this much - surprise me - especially since there are absolute nut cases out there who want BBFS - The absolute BEST way to get an STD!  gimme a break.

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