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trustno203593 reads

A provider friend of mine was trying to decide which cities she should tour and asked my opinion. I put my marketing hat on and thought about it and realized that those decision factors should be based on market size and competition. So I put together this quick analysis and realized that others might be interested in the data. This is obviously just for fun but I thought I'd share. If   the response is good I might do this periodically.

The formatting won't work with the default TER font but it is designed to work in a monospaced font. Simply cut and paste the info into Notepad and you will see the info as it was intended.

Data as of 2/1/06
Rank City                      Ads #cat #Vis Vis_%  US_%
---  ------------------------  --- ---- ---- ------ ------
1   New York                  571  27   141  24.7% 13.13%
2   Miami                     329  14    72  21.9%  7.57%
3   Los Angeles               301  15    39  13.0%  6.92%
4 * San Francisco/Sacremento  278  19    57  20.5%  6.39%
5   DC                        277  13    93  33.6%  6.37%
6   Las Vegas                 247  13    41  16.6%  5.68%
7   Chicago                   226  11   n/a         5.20%
8   Atlanta                   210  11    27  12.9%  4.83%
9   Dallas                    204   9    19   9.3%  4.69%
10   Boston                    183   8    52  28.4%  4.21%
11   Tampa/Orlando             180   9    52  28.9%  4.14%
12   Houston                   167   5   n/a         3.84%
13   Philadelphia              136   6    44  32.4%  3.13%
14   Michigan                  135   5    40  29.6%  3.10%
15   Arizona                   132   7    27  20.5%  3.04%
16   Minnesota                 100   4   n/a         2.30%
17   Ohio                       98   3    40  40.8%  2.25%
18   Carolinas                  92   7    37  40.2%  2.12%
19   San Diego                  89   0   n/a         2.05%
20   Seattle                    79   4   n/a         1.82%
21   Austin/San Antonio         65   0   n/a         1.49%
22   Colorado                   58   2   n/a         1.33%
23   Portland                   48   0   n/a         1.10%
24   Wisconsin                  35   0   n/a         0.80%
25   Reno/Tahoe                 34   0   n/a         0.78%
26   Kansas City                31   0   n/a         0.71%
27   New Orleans                23   0   n/a         0.53%
28   St. Louis                  20   0   n/a         0.46%
    Total                    4348    

* San Francisco and Sacremento does not support a universal
 lookup. One must specift outcall or incall. Higher number
 was chosen for all.    

Ads   - Number of ads on that Eros Page As of 2/1/06
#Cat  - Number of categories for that City.
#Vis  - Number of Ads under visiting category.
Vis_% - Percentage of ads that are visiting.
       (shows migratory info)
Vis_% - Percentage of ads that are visiting.
US_%  - Market share of providers for that city.

-- Modified on 2/4/2006 10:55:51 AM

hornyjohn1389 reads

since you have so much time in hand, can you also do a rate analysis?  Though not providing perfect matches,  I found that by stipulating 200,  250, 300 or 350 in the EROS search, all ads within the same rate category will pop up and you can count from there..

atl_mgr1234 reads

Nice compilation job, and some interesting data. However, all is not as clear-cut as it might seem on the surface.

Due to the Eros ad pricing structure, many traveling providers maintain only a single visiting ad, and have their visiting ads posted even when in their home base city.  This skews the visitor numbers in the above chart, as it does not accurately reflect the percentage of ~providers~ that are visiting a specific city.

In addition, some visiting providers place 'local' ads rather than 'visiting' ads, sometimes even going so far as to temporarily obtain a local telephone number.  These will also skew the visiting numbers in the chart, although in the other direction.

However, I suspect that all of the visiting numbers in your chart are higher than actuals, but may vary depending upon location.

ReticentMale1493 reads

Compete with Eros. over 4,000 ads, and what do they get per ad on average? Seems to me this is huge money...

Here's another project for you.  Do a study of which major city has the highest ratings for escorts, i.e. combining looks and performance, total the numbers and divide by number or escorts.  I'd bet that Chicago would win.

trustno201768 reads

Call it a by-product of my occupation, but this data is something I whipped up in less than 20 minutes. But I thank you for the compliment.

Upon your suggestion I sent TER a message recommending this. I also offered to do the analysis. We'll see if there is interest.

In all sincerety, it's stuff like this that makes this country great.
To quote the inestimable Newman:  "I want to know."

It would be of interest to have an index of providers for the population base.  One could divide the metropolitan population base by the number of providers.  Now eros will have varying penetration and determining the metropolitan population may be difficult.  But it will give something of an index.  Which city will then have the fewest citizens per provider?

EVERYONE who posted on this thread just needs to get laid more...including me.

They should be translated into Latin and used as TER's motto.  They could be a banner across the logo.
Any graphic artists out there want to take a stab at it?

Suzanne in San Diego2121 reads

My only comment is that several of my out-town clients have mention that San Jose is a highly underserved city.  No backup data, just word of mouth. Any comments?
Suzanne in San Diego

...It's larger than Detroit, Seattle or Boston, and roughly twice the size of Cleveland or Kansas City.  Most people are somewhat surprised that San Jose is as big as it is, and I wouldn't be at all surprised if it were underserved.

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