TER General Board

More than any other business, this one attracts a large number of sick-os.
inicky46 61 Reviews 19 reads

Sex is the most primal instinct and one around which numerous neuroses develop. So we have our fair share of sick personalities and you just have to be prepared to deal with it. There's really no avoiding it. It's an occupational hazard.
There are lots of ways to deal with it and lots of information on this site if you do a search.

OjackieO766 reads

I'll never understand why someone would try to tear someone apart just b/c they would not see them?? I have had a man (not on here that I am aware of) literally outright LIE about me, disgrace me publically, anywhere & everywhere he can for years. It's harassment! Down to false reviews, posting my personal biz, etc, legit try to ruin my business/income. Here is the kicker. I've never met him. He is lying b/c I wouldn't see him & banned him. It was probably a "No show" or he booked & sent a poor excuse to cancel & I wouldn't book him again. Not sure b/c I don't keep any "records". The things he has said, i know for a fact are a lie, that's why I know for sure he never actually met me. (IF it's a hobbyist)   It's terrible to do that to someone. Especially someone  that goes out of their way to accomodate & be nice to  others. Anyone that knows me could vouch for this. i am seriously ready to permanently throw in the towel. Please don't ever be this type of CRUST. I also have a feeling it could be the piece of shit I once worked for.  Treated all women horribly,  & I was determined I didn't need that. Possibly an ex, but whoever it is, he has blatantly lied so men don't want to see me. I am very thankful to the guys I have that don't let BS like that deter them & find out for themselves. This isn't anything but my 100% truth. I only recently was told he was still at it. I knew he did this a few years ago. I find it  disturbing that whoever it is,  I have consumed their life, from what I understand. Thank goodness I have kind hearted clients that look out for me. I just wish more spoke up.

Steve_Trevor24 reads

Unfortunately, such people exist, and I’ve seen similar behavior from people who post, or posted, on TER.

Do you have enough kind-hearted, trusted clients that you might be able to make a go of it under the radar? That would ease if not eliminate the abuse from this poor excuse for a human being.

OjackieO27 reads

It is sick. I have regulars, but i also have them call & say they haven't seen my posts lately, so they are wondering if I am still here. I post all the time!  So for many it's like if they don't see your posts, they aren't going to call. I even try to make a point to stay up on my FB pg  at least a few times a week. It's horrible for someone that is "Supposed" to be a man, to do this to a woman, b/c they themselves did something wrong. I do block/ban no shows. They usually try to get back in & I don't mind telling them No. I worked for a jerk & I had a jerk ex that would love to ruin my life, or at least see me not be able to pay my bills. That's what we are dealing with. I may not be everyone's cup of tea, Miss Universe, I don't have dark hair, I'm not short, so no, not everyone is going to love me to pieces. But just move on. I guarantee you I have never made anyone that knows me mad enough to want to do me like that. With the exceptions of those I mentioned. That need to grow up & get a real life. Should be ashamed. People never know what others are going thru & who else they are helping out. I was actually taking care of a family member one time, because they were young & needed me. Disgusting people don't think about that side of these women.

Sex is the most primal instinct and one around which numerous neuroses develop. So we have our fair share of sick personalities and you just have to be prepared to deal with it. There's really no avoiding it. It's an occupational hazard.
There are lots of ways to deal with it and lots of information on this site if you do a search.

OjackieO26 reads

Oh, I'm prepared.  I'm just tired of it. It's the same man, for years! If he is so honest, why don't he show up? He can't b/c he is a walking lie, probably a miserable man, stuck for years with a miserable wife. He hates women, & has picked me. I dont understand how this can even be allowed. (Again, it wasnt here on TER) At a certain point it becomes dangerous. But for who? He doesn't know me. Another thought is...What if it's a "She" and I moved in near her territory? Still sad tho. We would all be so much better off if people were just a little nicer.

This guy is classic narcissist where everything is about him. Probably misogynist too. How dare you refuse to see him when he has the money to command you?

OjackieO27 reads

I could throw some more adjectives in there too. For little ol me, to take up rent in his head for so long, is total insanity. It's the equivalent of me pulling out in front of somebody on the highway, they get mad, so I get madder. Then I spend the next 8 or 9 years stalking them on highways trying to make them wreck. Ok, worse. But how crazy does that sound. I barely have time to get to places I need to go, I sure don't have time to chase somebody around, lol.  This person may be on this site, but it wasn't here that I saw what they wrote. What they wrote was so outlandish. I literally think he was talking about another lady that went by Starr. YET, he WAS saying Wilmington & I was in Wilmington. He said I got kicked out, ran off by neighbors ( a tactic to scare clients) that's a lie, I BOUGHT a place & moved out of my rental EARLY, was an excellent tenant, no problems. Said I was in Greensboro before that & got ran out, I've never been there. Made other claims that either prove he is insane, or has the wrong person. Everytime someone asks for intel, he has slammed me for years & these guys do not know any better, so they believe him! Like they literally think I'm going to scam them. ANYONE that knows me, knows this is the opposite of the person I am. Karma will get them, sooner the better. Anything he can possibly lie about to put negative things about me in these guy's heads, he has. Top that with little boys that get their Mommy's phones when they aren't looking to try to make an appt & I am so overwhelmed, I am seriously considering  just leaving the biz. Yes, I know it's part of the territory. But this is harassment. Years of it, from the same person.

OjackieO21 reads

I replied to all of you last night, I don't see me replies? yet.

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