TER General Board

AllbSure 16 Reviews 26 reads

I typically partake when I travel so time is of the essence  I will see 3 or 4 providers over 5 days.  
The most 'extreme' if ever done is 3 in 24 hrs..  
1 am 1PM and 3rd am the next day.

Have the opportunity to either see two different girls in the same week or see two different girls on the same day (a few hours apart). Which option should I try?   1 day of lust or spread out.  Both options have pros and cons!!

And no, a duo is not in the cards for these ladies.  Already thought of that!

was still relatively new and out of control spending money like a drunken sailor on this new "hobby" I had discovered, I would often see a girl in the morning, then have lunch and a nap, then see another one in the afternoon. I was trying to minimize my time away from the office by loading up one day.  I soon found that it was much more enjoyable to see only one girl a day (unless it's a duo) and shortly thereafter, settled into a hobby schedule of Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays that I still follow all these years later.  My schedule sometimes requires a little flexibility, but it's basically three days a week.

Three times a week every week?  Sir… you have way too much money.  

someday my dick will still be working but I'm out of money . . . . but I also worry that my dick will stop working and I will still have money left.  It takes skill and aforethought to time it just right, and I'm working on it.  Lol

I'm more impressed with having sex three times a week.  Perhaps I'm older.  But, I'm about two a week at the max...maybe three for certain ladies I see regularly.  My average is once a week or 2-3 times a month based on who's available.

Okay, Okay!!!  Mid-60's.   Lol

My doctor tells me my fitness level if more like a 35-year-old.   I attribute this to having a close friend with a PHD in Kinesiology that has been educating me since my 40's on how to keep my body working at peak efficiency in all respects.  It requires a lot of gym time and discipline, but I'm very happy with the way I feel, and it's a nice surprise to most of the ladies I see who are inclined to TREAT me like a 50-60-year-old when we first meet.   I rarely have pain or injuries unless I'm showing off, but I heal very quickly.  Lol

Are you a high energy person? Do you workout? Stamina? Taking a nap could help if it’s on the same day.  I prefer 1 a day myself. It’s all up to you.

I don't think I'd attempt two in one day, but then again I'm old lol.

The best I've done is three in one week, including back-to-back days. But that doesn't happen very often.

You really don't have to keep reminding everyone that you're out there and available.

Kitty apparently thinks by posting her availability on non-ad boards gets her business. Only she knows if it does. Only TER knows why they keep letting her do it.

Rafl31 reads

It’s better after a few days off at my “age” . You feel it more your more turned on. Now if I was 21 again bring them fucking on one right after another.

A few days off works best for me.

6 or 7 years ago.  I had already been on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays for many years, but you know how it is. . . . .  You already have your bookings made for the week, and a new girl pops into town that you haven't seen, and you have to squeeze her into the mix somehow, which usually means sessions two or three days in a row.  I always have pharmacological assistance at hand in case of emergencies, so I still have the confidence to book consecutive days when it's unavoidable.   The alternative is to book only one hour instead of two (repeats for me are always two hours, and 2 hours = 2 pops), so I'm not tempted to go for a second cup on consecutive days.

I typically partake when I travel so time is of the essence  I will see 3 or 4 providers over 5 days.  
The most 'extreme' if ever done is 3 in 24 hrs..  
1 am 1PM and 3rd am the next day.

Would you rather eat two great meals in the same day or spread them out over a week?

If i were in texas and it was BBQ... and I was leaving the next day...  2 in a day.

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