TER General Board

Mind your own business and do the damned dishes (EOM)
Mrs. Lex Luethor 2892 reads


Each person may use one handle per thread.  This is to help avoid misleading readers.  However, multiple handles are usually allowed when they are being used for humor.  Some of you come up with the funniest aliases for topics!  :-D

Using more than one handle per thread is one reason why a post might not show up.  Here are some more.

If it was an ISO (In Search Of) message, I probably moved it to the ISO board, http://www.theeroticreview.com/discussion_boards/messageList.asp?boardID=14 .  

If you posted an ad on this board, the reason it isn't up here is because ads are not allowed on this board.  Ladies may attach their links to their posts here, though.  Please read the guidelines below regarding links and ads.

If I thought it was inappropriate or too repetitive.  Some posts keep popping up.  Some variation of the "I got a BBJ, and now I'm afraid my dick is going to turn black and fall off" is submitted about twice a week.  :-)  Do a search.  There are some excellent discussions about STIs on this board.

Otherwise, if your post didn't show up, it might be because I forwarded it to Staff, so they could answer you.

If you're new here, check out our Newbie board, http://www.theeroticreview.com/discussion_boards/messageList.asp?boardID=33 .  You can search for topics there by clicking on the "Search Messages" button.  Chances are that someone has asked your question before.

I hope that helps.  You can read more TER Discussion Board posting guidelines below.

Girl Next Door

-- Modified on 7/10/2005 3:18:29 PM

Oh my God, my dick's black.  Will it fall off?  Wait the rest of me is black too! Oh no, I'm an African American.

Good reminder.  We need more use of the search button.  We keep covering the same territory.  Particularly on the regional boards.

Sorry.  I guess I should ask this on the
"Men With Discolored Penises Board"!!

I didn't think of that.  I hope you're not offended.  It's just a line someone wrote about that kind of post, and I thought it was funny.  

It's also been referred to as "The Jealous CBJ Provider Post," because some of us think that many of those posts are actually submitted by providers who do not do BBJ and feel they are losing business because of it.

No offense taken.  I got a good laugh out of that.

Posting ads:

Use Regional boards, not the National Board.
One ad allowed per 7 days.
Ladies must post their own ads - No guys doing it for them.
If you don’t allow reviews on TER, then you can’t advertise on TER.
Provide a link to your website or reviews or mall ad, not to other review sites.
If you link to your website, it needs the TER Site Reviews logo on its first or second page, or a TER banner on its first page.
The logo or banner must link to TER (that’s called a reciprocal link).
Site Listings: http://theeroticreview.com/site_listing .  
Banner Farm:  http://theeroticreview.com/link/TERadBanners.asp .
No ads for escort malls.  Ads for Independents and Agencies are ok.


No links to other review sites on the discussion boards.
No posting detailed reviews.  Ok to link to a review and comment.
Problems in reviews - use "Report a Problem" button on review.
Before posting, try the Newbies Board, and use "search."
Post under the related thread, until it falls off the 1st page (or gets close to falling off).

Here are more detailed guidelines for posting your ads, which might help you out.

Who May Post Ads?
Post your own ads.
Ads posted by other parties will be deleted (except when a lady employs someone to do her advertising and booking).
Ladies, do not ask guys to post ads for you--it only gets them moderated.
Ads and promos for providers who have been de-listed from TER will be removed.

Providers may post 1 ad per week (any 7-day period).
When touring, you may also post 1 ad per week on the board for the city you will be visiting to announce your visit. Include the dates of your visit in the subject line of your ad.
Escort agencies may post 1 ad per week per region they serve.
Posts regarding contact info, availability, announcing a new website or new pics all count as ads.
Help us keep it fair by reporting violations of the limit to the local moderator of the board on which it appears or to Girl Next Door.

Post your ad on the regional board that is closest to the area you are servicing.
Porn Stars may advertise on the Porn Star board, and transexuals are encouraged to advertise on the Transexual board.
Ads are not allowed on other TER discussion boards; however, providers may reply to ISOs (In Search Of) on any board with their links (see below for link guidelines).

Please do not write ads in ALL CAPS.
Your ad must include a link that goes to your website, to your TER review profile, or directly to your ad on an escort mall.
Agencies need to link to their own websites.
Your contact information must be on the site you link to.
You may not link to a provider ad that is hosted on another escort review site.
If you link to your website, it needs the TER Site Reviews logo on its first or second page, or a TER banner on its first page.
The logo or banner needs to link to TER.
The logo or banner needs to be full size and unaltered.

If you list your site with in the TER Site Reviews, you will be sent the html code that will put the logo on your site and link it automatically.  The more people who click through from your website to TER's, the higher on the Site Reviews your listing will appear.
To get the TER logo, list your site in the TER Site Reviews: http://theeroticreview.com/site_listing/index.asp .
Site Listing Tips: http://theeroticreview.com/site_listing/tips.asp .
Add your website:  http://theeroticreview.com/site_listing/submit_site.asp?category_id=27&city_id=1 .
Or, grab a TER banner here: http://theeroticreview.com/link/TERadBanners.asp .

TER Moderators may, at their discretion and judgment, delete any ads that, in their opinion, do not follow these guidelines.

By participating in the discussions on TER discussion boards, you can greatly increase your visibility and give potential clients the opportunity to get to know you better.  You may include your link in messages you contribute to any TER discussion board, and that does not count toward your ad limit.  In fact, you are encouraged to include your link, because it helps everyone get to know you better.  Just please make those linked messages meaningful, entertaining or helpful contributions.

Thank you,
Girl Next Door
TER Personal Mail:  Girl Next Door

But I hired this lady to come over and tinker with it and she had one of those cans of compressed air and blew it and everything came out nicely.

Thank you, Girl Next Door.  

P.S.  Is your last name "Door" or is it a hyphenate?  (i.e.: Is it Ms. Door? or Ms Next-Door? or just Mistress?)

De-listed providers may not post on TER discussion boards, and ads and promos for providers who have been de-listed from TER will be removed.

Only Staff can de-list or ban members.  Moderators cannot (we can spank you, though).  :-)  So, if you have questions about your status, you can contact Staff through TER Mail or email them at [email protected] .  

If you have questions about posting on the discussion boards, please read my posts above this one, which give guidelines for posting on the discussion boards.  After reading them, if you still have questions, you can write to your local regional board moderator or to me by TER Personal Mail, and someone can help you out.

Girl Next Door
National Moderator

imsomebuddytoo2384 reads

What's a de-listed provider?

Mr. Info2774 reads

TER will remove their review profile so their
reviews are no longer accessable from the main search form.

GlammasBitch2497 reads

There is no differentiation in the wording; but providers who voluntarily choose to have their reviews removed are unfortunately placed under the same heading as banned providers. There are MANY reputable providers who no longer wish or need reviews to further their business but by having their reviews pulled they are thus wrongfully associated with those of lesser character.


GlammasBitch2056 reads

if you were ARRESTED rather than CONVICTED of a felony(they're both "essentially' the same....Right?). I know your omnipresent male ego is now on the line here Mr Info but your advisement was wrong and unfair to many ladies in the community.
Show some real balls by showing some contrition


sweetnsoft2724 reads

For example...What if someone said

"Men who make broad statements are, essentially, uncouthe."


"Men who make broad statements are, sometimes, uncouthe."

The second one is more appropriate, don't you think?


-- Modified on 7/10/2005 9:01:15 PM

Mrs. Info2803 reads


-- Modified on 7/11/2005 2:22:38 AM

Mr. Info3422 reads

I used 'esentially' because the results to the
TER user are the same whether you have delisted
yourself or you have been banned.  I chose to
focus on the result and not the cause in an
attempt to shorten the explanation for what I
thought was a newbie.

That's usually true.  If a provider is de-listed from TER, she is not allowed to promote herself here, so she usually isn't allowed to post on the boards much, if at all.

However, there are a couple of now-delisted, retired providers who come to mind, who still contribute to these forums, and we're fortunate to have them.  :-)  They are helpful and entertaining, and they have no need to promote themselves.

GlammasBitch1998 reads

Just as an employer has to be mindful of the wording on a job application form; Mr. Info should have shown more care in his choice of vocabulary in tutoring a possible newbie.
"Sometimes" leaves alternative scenarios in ones mind
"Essentially" leaves no alternatives

(1)Constituting or being part of the essence of something; inherent.
(2)Basic or indispensable; necessary: essential ingredients



I'm right, and both of you are wrong.  In fact, everyone is wrong, except me, unless I say they're right.  Any questions?  {evil laugh}  ;-)

"Banned" refers to former members (hobbyists or providers) who no longer are allowed on this site usually because of bad behavior.  "De-listed" means that a provider no longer has a review profile on TER.  She might have been removed for bad behavior, such as submitting reviews of herself, in which case she would be banned.  Or, she might have asked to have her review profile removed, or she might have told TER that she does not want a profile on TER before she received any reviews.

Some providers just haven't yet received any reviews on TER.  They are not considered de-listed.  One would expect a provider to receive reviews before too long though, if she has a presence here.

I know that Staff has been understanding about temporarily pulling profiles for ladies under certain circumstances involving the ladies' safety or well-being, so that doesn't need to be a reason to demand one's profile be pulled.

A provider who no longer needs reviews to further her business does not neccessarily need to have her review profile removed from TER.  She can continue to have her profile on TER, even if she is just seeing regulars or for some other reason is not receiving new reviews.  

By pulling her TER reviews, she is taking something away from this site and its members, especially if she built her business by having them.  Essentially saying, "I don't need your site anymore, and I'm leaving and taking my marbles with me," is burning a bridge in this business, and I know that many ladies have regretted that decision.

I have heard many stories behind the scenes (generally, as they were unfolding) about ladies whose reviews were removed, and I know the reasons.  Of course, some of them tell a different story, in order to save face.

-- Modified on 7/10/2005 10:48:43 PM

Which is how the second most evil of all hooker board creatures, the White Knight, was spawned. Some guy who is paying like the rest of us, but whose dick is too pure, whose wand is too magic to be above all this...

I know Staff a little bit, and know his taste a little bit. It is MFROFLMAO hilarious some of the women who claimed Staffiepoo asked them for a freebie. As they are so fond of saying in the 818, as if....

GlammasBitch2643 reads

Perhaps making the "face saving lie" gender specific entitles one to the puerile misogynist sub-categorization also.

 GND your response/rebuttal was thoughtful,
incisive, and so charmingly protective of Mr Info. You perform this job of moderator quite skillfully. There ARE more personal scenarios to consider prompting a provider than merely mercenary intent in establishing some success via the reviews and profiles then running off with the "marbles"  As I stated however your response was thoughtful and incisive and your efforts here are most appreciated.

Mr Info; Number 6; C'mon boys, stop hiding behind GND. Glamma's got her "Bitch" on and it's time to play !


Mr. Info1852 reads

but for now I grow weary of this thread.  I can
only take so much fun :).  Don't you agree?

Plus I feel guilty that my posts have contributed
to hijacking GND's informational thread.

How.... Richie-Cunningham-esque! And hilarious.

She Is So Full Of It3571 reads


-- Modified on 7/11/2005 1:48:34 AM

If this is supposed to be funny, please explain it to me.

...in short, he just slapped you with the proverbial glove! A public insult! If you were a gentleman, your honor would have been insulted in the most serious way.

Now, as much as I, a pacifist by nature, abhore the idea, you must fight back. You can't take this lying down. Your honor is at stake.

Cry havoc, Girl, and unleash the dogs of war...

I always wanted to say that.

-- Modified on 7/11/2005 5:24:35 PM

and is trying to provoke me into giving it to him for free.  :-)

I'm sleepy and have to go to bed, now.  zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Ah ha!  Just testing, I will have my trusty sidekick post a reply.

IF you see this song, my dear,
And last year's toast,
I'm confoundedly in fear
You'll be serious and severe
About the boast.

Blame not that I sought such aid
To cure regret.
I was then so lowly laid
I used all the Gasconnade
That I could get.

Being snubbed is somewhat smart,
Believe, my sweet;
And I needed all my art
To restore my broken heart
To its conceit.

Come and smile, dear, and forget
I boasted so,
I apologise - regret -
It was all a jest; - and - yet -
I do not know


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