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Lawyer time!
Crazy Diamond 12 Reviews 196 reads

The only words you should say if you meet with Uncle Leo in a bust situation...

hello can anyone help, last night i was busted by law enforcement, i didnt ask take or touch any money he touched me and also got naked. does anyone know how protect yourself from such things, as i do not understand on what grounds the nabbed me if i did not say or do anything to solicit sex, also didnt think cops could get naked or touch.....
can anyone help

I am having a difficult time er' um "swallowing"
this happend.What City ?What's your provider link.

pm me.

Theres nothing you can do -

Unless you video taped his naked ass
(which is illeagal too)
and he omitts it in his report.

However if it really did happen-
Id have to say-
You were paid a visit by ADMIN VICE which handles larger vice crimes-they do what ever the fuck they want...
(once again tho-it must be in the arrest report)

You probably have some "degenerate" they want info on, Is my guess...

But what-do-i-know-

That our tax dollars are at work paying vice cops to look at naked ladies on the net and then lure them into a room solly for entrapment purposes. Son of a Bee ach.  

Oh sweetie, my heart aches for you. Honestly it does.  Here is what you must ask yourself.

Can I afford a lawyer?
Can I at least afford the time to call one and ask some basic questions free?
Can I surf the net and find the statutes for the offenses I was charged with.
Can I find out the policies, practices and procedures of this vice dept.
Is it OK and it is for most to get naked.
Hell I heard in SFO the cop shot a load in a fag streetwalkers mouth and then arrested him.
It depends on the state and the procedures.
How much energy do I have to fight this on  my own.
What do I have to lose if it stays on my record.
Do you have another job that you may lose?
Can it be exspunged after a certain amount of time.
Is there a tape?
I hear that most cops don't even have to have a tape or any recorded information.  
These monkeys get to go on memort.
UH no I don't recall gettin naked.

Remember most lawyers want you to pay them to talk you into rolling over on yourself.
If you plead guilty.
You don't need a lawyer.
Gosh so much to think about here.
You write maddy an email and we can talk further about the answers to these questions.
Good LUck Baby Girl

The only words you should say if you meet with Uncle Leo in a bust situation...

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