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Just Cum. Convincingly. That's all it takes -eom
sdstud 18 Reviews 3290 reads


wet lady5011 reads

i have had about three guys ask the same questions so i don't want to hurt them so i went under aliases. they ask= baby, was i good=how would you rate me= baby, am i the best you have had=damn good for a old man= crazy things like that. i don't want to lie and hurt them but i do want to keep them. my mama always said if you have to ask for someone to tell you that you are  good at things it isn't worth getting the answer, and if you are not told you are good it doesn't mean you  not.
so ladies how would you answer something like that and man how do you want something like that answered??? thanks

While in the throes, heck ya - they're the best! Because it's all part of the fantasy and fun - and don't we all say things 'during'?? I mean sometimes they shout out "Let me get you pregnant!" LOL..Ok, you had a vasectomy 15 years ago, you have a condom on and I'm on the Pill...yeah..LOL

Now, relaxed, dressed and over a glass of wine if they ask, you can always let them know it's definitely worth repeating..

The male ego is a very fragile thing.

Anything you say in the heat of passion is always appreciated.  Very few people hold you to your statements when they are made in the middle of a good session.

After a session, if the question comes up, the guy is apparently in need of an ego boost.  Telling him that the session was great is always a help.  

If he is looking for comparisons, tell him it would be unfair to compare him to other men because everyone is different.  On the other hand, if the two of you meet time and again, there is no harm in telling him if his performance with you is continually improving.

Self-comparison is the only true measure of performance.

First and foremost, as a courtesan, you're there to create an illusion for your gentleman, and that means you have to make an ally of their imagination...I'd never ask my favorite lady that because I'm pretty sure I know the answer, but if I did, the best possible honest answer she could give would be to simply purr and press her gorgeous body against me.  No words are necessary in response to a question like that while the two of you are in bed.  Actions speak volumes!

That said, if you can't resort to a wordless answer, then explain to your gentleman that it takes much, much more to rock a woman's world than just performance in bed...point out the qualities you find attractive in him and tell him that you honestly look forward to your time with him.

Trust me, he'll feel like the king of the world after that!


I don't ask in those terms. At the start, when we're discussing likes and dislikes, I mention that I want her to have a good time. I tell her that the best way for me to enjoy myself is if she enjoys herself. I don't want her to fake anything, but to let me know what I can do differently to make her experience more pleasurable. I take direction well and strive to be accomodating. If she tells me "it's not going to happen" then that's fine. I don't take it personally.

At the conclusion of festivities I always ask if there's anything I could have done differently or better. I'm secure with who I am and it's not going to shatter my ego to be told that I need remedial instruction. If there's time for a second round I incorporate what she told me into the gymnastics program and see if I can improve my marks.

I'd like any question I ask answered truthfully.

SirPrize3591 reads

Those of us who KNOW, don't bother to ask.


wet lady3415 reads

i thank you all. and yes it does depend on how you ask and if it is asked if there is anything i can do for you, for both of use to have fun then i will answer but when they say it like, hey baby aren't i the best you ever had. i do answer honey you were great and i enjoyed myself. but i hate to lie.  but you are right i am there for a reason and i have to live up to it. i have not found to many guys that will say it that way. but when i do i want to say honey be a man and talk to me like i am your woman. it is great to ask what we both like and don't like but when the dumbies talk like that i want to burst their bubble but don't... thanks  cute come backs i will remember that...

Mrs. Robinsin2187 reads

and I'll tell you No Lies! ;)

-- Modified on 2/19/2004 7:25:51 PM

But if you could let me know what to do better, I'd love to know ;)

some guys want their egos stroked. take an acting lesson or two :-) cum loud and hard. tell them they were the best you ever had. no, really, i mean it baby, you were the best.

some guys just want to believe that it was not entirely a job for you - that you unexpectedly got a little pleasure out of the deal. act comfortable. give an extra hug, kiss, or squeeze before you leave. act like you don't really want to leave.

personally - if you start moaning in the middle of it and tell me "oooh, you're so (((sexy, strong, big, good, whatever)))i'll probably just start laughing and have to start all over again :-)

"How does this feel? And there? Ooo, right there. Uh-huh, I know. Ok, now don't move. Stop flexing your toes!! Gotcha!"

There is a difference between the question "wasn't I good??" and it's variants and the question "did you cum?" or "what can I do so you can enjoy it better?"  The first question isn't really a question -- it is a reques for a compliment.  The second two questions are requests for information.  

I'm sure you can answer any of these questions in a kind and reasonable way.


What difficult questions.  I would never ask the question like the origionals you posed, but I may ask if you enjoyed your time with me and if so, why.  Expecially if I planned on seeing you again.

I would venture to guess that your underlying question is "Why would someone ask these questions?".  First response would be ego.  Mabey, but don't you have to analysize the person asking to determine if it is more?  If he's young, probably, but if he is older, shouldn't you look a little deeper?   Remember, some of the gentlemen you're seeing have been with only their SO for a number of years and they have no idea how well they are doing.  Sure, during the heat of the moment it appears that the lady reaches estasy, but the gentlemen can never truely know.  As gentleman we realizes that this is fantasyland and you ladies are trying to fulfill fantasies.

I for one actually receive the most enjoyment by pleasuring my companion.  When we first get together, I will ask what you like.  Most ladies are more worried about pleasing me so they avoid answering the question.  If the lady asks me, I'll be honest and reply with something like "I enjoy playing with a beautiful woman's body and pleasing her orally".  If the ladies were only honest and said something like "I have a foot fetish and love to have my toes sucked" or "My nipples are very sensitive and I like light pressure applied" or "I love having a man's head between my legs" or "I love felating a man!" or all of the above, it would make both our times more enjoyable.

Not knowing what pleases the partner, the gentleman is groaping in the dark looking for the Start button.  And, lets be honest ladies, some of the moans and groans are not necessarily real, just as the orgasms aren't.  Remember, this is fantasyland and you're fufilling a fantasy.  The gentlemen can't tell if you're enjoying the attention or acting.  And if it is acting and you've done an Oscar winning performance, if the gentleman temporarly forgets this is fantasyland, he may ask "Did I rock your world or what?", or "Am I the best you have ever had?".

So, the question actually was caused because the lady did such an exceptional job of fulfilling the gentalman's fantasy.  Isn't it really complementing the lady on the exceptional job she has done, she has pleased her client both physically and mentally.  Don't be insulted, accept the complement and further the fantasy with "Yes, lover, you're the best I've ever had!" or "Baby, my world we be rocking for weeks!".

Completely fulfill the fantasy.

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