TER General Board

If masturbation doesn't count..then it was 3 yrs. (eom)
GILF 2860 reads


completely lost5365 reads

For me it was about 8yrs. I was celibate (religous reasons) throughout my 6yrs of college and undergrad. What a complete blunder on my part. I blew alot of opportunities in college and really regret it.

I cant believe it2528 reads

The first 21 years of my life.  I had no opportunities in college that I could have taken advantage of.

Oh well!

when the wife decided to cut off the supply, it was almost 10 years. talk about back up!!! i finally got the nerve to go to an AMP and when she went for the happy ending i thought she was gonna die in the explosion. the next time was a FS experience and i've been hooked ever since. love those ladies that put it out there for us.

You guys who didn't get any in Basic Training must not have wanted it very bad.  I got laid twice during Basic Training - and a lot of my buddies got laid at least once.  It wasn't all that difficult.

...but MY basic training was Vietnam-era.  There were no women in my branch (Air Force) as trainees.  We were restricted to our SAC base five days a week and half of Saturday -- usually longer, because we always had punishment tours to walk off.  Nobody had a car, and the nearest town was fifteen miles away.  We had to be back on base by 9:00 p.m. weekends.  So you must've just been a real studly guy, because, let me tell you, when I was in basic, gettin' laid was pretty fuckin' difficult.

-- Modified on 7/7/2005 5:40:17 PM

It's been 2 years since I've had sex with my wife. And before that, it was not that often, and not that good. I have not tried out the services of an escort yet, but am going to try soon. I can't live like this anymore...

I did AF Basic 20 years ago, so it was a lot more recent than you.  We were restricted to base, but we didn't let that stop anything.  I met a lady  in our Sister Flight after hours (about midnight) and we did our business under a PT stand, of all places.

Pumping Irony2050 reads

with a partner? I've always been curious about this since I dont think its possible to be really celebant. How can you not take the little guy out for play and wouldnt you have wet dreams? How can you have that much discipline?

When I was young, I was in a very unhappy, emotionally abusive relationship. I was celibate for almost three years, and emerged from it convinced I was pretty much completely unlovable and totally undesirable.

It took almost another full year, and the attention of some rather enthusiastic lovers, to turn me back into the raving nymphomaniac I am now, and was before the relationship started.

I like to think that I'm making up for lost time.


I got married young, so I guess having regular sex has been the benefit of that.  Has it always been good sex??  Well, that's another story.

I think I went about 20 minutes once.

... 2 years.

During the 9th and 10th years of my marriage I tried an experiment to see how long it would take for Mrs. Luethor to initiate sex if I did not.

She never did.

And that's not a joke.

I'm constantly amazed at how many men have been snared by that evil ex-wife of mine.

"I'm sorrys" are in order to you, Lex, and others like you.  I should have given you notice that she was on the loose.  Please find it in your super-villain heart to forgive.

I think I went about 20 minutes once.  It was terrible.

shamrocker2526 reads

Since i moved to az its been 5 months...i dont know how others went years without  it.

in my nursing job all I did was work and sleep for 6 months ...longest 6months of my life

I didn't lose my virginity until I was 24.  By fluke chance, I had a nympho cross my path.  I'm 40 now, and haven't had any "free sex" since then.  In that regard, I've gone over 16 years without getting sex the way most people are able to do in everyday life.  Unlike yourself, I did not have multiple opportunities for sex prior to the fluke encounter with a nympho.  Prior to her, I had only 1 girl say that she would have sex with me, but that was in response to me slamming myself about my ineptitude with women.  I didn't know how serious she was, and was too chicken to find out, so it didn't happen.  Since my encounter with the nympho in 1989, I haven't had one single opportunity for any "free sex"; not even close.  Hell, it's been over 9 years since I've even had a date.  That's the way life is when women find you repulsive on all levels, like they do me.

Since my first paid companionship experience in 1992, the longest I've gone without sex is about 3 years.  I'm currently in a 7+ month drought, because I have no extra money to see anyone.  All periods of prolonged sexual inactivity for me since 1992 have been strictly financial (the lack thereof).

-- Modified on 7/10/2005 3:06:09 PM

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