TER General Board

I think you misread that
zisk 86 Reviews 618 reads

when she said "It's a thread targeted towards those in the know" that means certain others can relate to it, having experienced this directly...not that no else is allowed to know about this

At least when I come to town (regulars and newbies alike), is that all of a sudden various and assorted relatives tend to have accidents or end up in the hospital.

Yes, I'm being a smart ass ... -e

AWomanLikeNoOther631 reads

It's also the surest way to get called into a meeting.

So you are saying that guys schedule with you and then always have excuses as to why they don't want to see you in the end?  Or are you saying that these are the excuses they use to get away from other commitments TO see you?

I wouldn't brag too much about the former happening all the time, but if it's the later, rock on!

Yes, the former. Just having some fun. It's a thread targeted towards those in the know - been there, done that so to speak. And me brag? Don't think so, don't want to, don't need to. -e

Ok, I wouldn't have guessed that since I thought "look at me threads" like this weren't allowed so I thought you were serious about something. :)
"Not In The Know Sinja"

Just because you don't get her sense of humor  doesn't mean that this is a "look at me" thread.  Some of us love when the wet goddess goes "dry"...

that's cool. I was just making conversation because I was curious and was told that it was only for "those in the know".  I asked her to explain her sense of humor so we can all laugh.  This is a national (and more) forum.   If it's not for all to know and laugh about why post it?

when she said "It's a thread targeted towards those in the know" that means certain others can relate to it, having experienced this directly...not that no else is allowed to know about this

I think we can all relate to having been cancelled on in life and in biz so that's why I probably didn't understand the post back that it was to those in the know.
My very first post to her was meant to be sarcastic since I figured that's what she was doing, hence the obviously out of place use of the word "brag".  Looks like dry sense of humor does not get dry sense of humor in either direction! lol

I guess I recognized Squirt's attempt at humor but missed yours. There's dry...and then there's drought. :-)

Never heard of a "look at me" thread before. Sola, gotta luv ya, doll. -e

Look at Me!!!  : )
But yes, booking with me tends to give certain guys the flu... and somehow it comes on about 30 mns before the scheduled appointment.  
So, yes, be careful out there.  And go get your flu shots..  ; )

BetsyWetsy590 reads

well ,that's just what some try to say when I post but I'm an alias so that wouldn't be the case now would it?

YouMissedTheJoke431 reads

-- Modified on 2/19/2008 8:36:16 PM

its more of a humorous rant
I don't think she's proud of people cancelling on her, just frustrated. So rather than piss and moan and bitch and yell, she found a cutesy well to give a dig at them.

I can't imagine that there are too many guys that have those "last minute emergencies" when they are anticipating a date with you.

But then again, I could be wrong.  Lot's of earthquakes in L.A. area.

I make sure all the relatives are out of town, have all my flu shots in advance, am meeting in an earthquake-free zone, have a full tank of gas, check the spare, etc, etc. ... wouldn't miss it for the world !

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