TER General Board

I think he just wrote about it on this board.
inicky46 61 Reviews 27 reads

I'm not sure if it ever was put in one of his reviews.

I've got to go with swingsbothways. A very hot bisexual gal who was also a monger with her boyfriend. They used to see escorts together. I was lucky enough to meet her "up close and personal" and know of at least one other monger (a former mod) who did, too.
Who were your favorite posters back in the good 'ol days?

CurlyW - Nats Fan was my most favorite poster -  maybe a little biased as I vaguely remember it being my old handle..  I loved that cocksucker until he was outed by the powers that be..  

Some other mentions..

RodTidwell  -   For all the wrong reasons. I always wanted to meet him to see if he was that slow and clueless in person.  

GaG - yes that bastard. Hope he is doing well..  

London Rayne -  Foul mouthed hooker who termed the phrase hooktard.

MP67 - That drunk fuck.. I hope he is doing well as well and hope same for his liver.  

CubbieFan32 - Always love another baseball fan. He was a good guy with a good heart..  

Tobi Telford  - This one made Bernie look like Rush Limbaugh. But she was always nice to me and liked me. So i liked her back.  

Some other DC cocksuckers whom I don't remember...

-- Modified on 8/17/2024 6:16:24 PM

Nice to see you. I agree with all your picks. And just so you'll know, I am in regular touch with GaG and MP67. Both are doing well but don't expect to see either of them on the boards again.
Did you know that London Rayne has a voice that sounds like Minnie Mouse on helium?

Thank you... Thank you !! Nice to see you as well.  

Well I do expect GaG to make an unannounced cameo once in a while and the same for MP67... They are known to pull that kinda shit.. LoL.  

I just can't picture Minnie Me on Helium and New Orleans accent together.. But oh well.. As long as it's not like female version of James Carville, we are good LOL

Oh how can I forget some more..  

Lungman - a.k.a Dungy. - I think Turdwell was Dungy's long lost lovechild.  Has to be.  LOL

Court -  Another collateral damage of Turdy's "Turdiness" ... She was cute though..

By Minnie Me, I meant Minnie Mouse.. LOL..  I did have a few beers last night so was a bit buzzed when wrote that crap.

GaG… we had somewhat of a contentious board relationship over the years.,, but at the end of it all we kinda broke peace, I think. 🤔  
I can say he was a “Goodfella”.
Hope he’s doing well.

-- Modified on 8/25/2024 7:57:21 AM

You sneaky devil!  Nice to “see” you!  Fond memories - hope you are well.

Fond memories indeed in Las Vegas..  

Hope you are doing well yourself.. !! I see you are back after a bit of hiatus.. Welcome back..

Why are people addressing SinCitySinner as Curly? What am I missing?

SinCitySinner was an urbane, polite, refined gentleman with manners who was always courteous and considerate..

Curly was a braggadocios, arrogant, egotistical, haughty, overbearing, narcissistic, pompous piece of shit of a human being. A waste of sperm.  

Now they have morphed into one person.

That leaves me more confused than before.

Curly is SinCity! He changed his handle. People that have been around a while know this. For those who didn’t know, he mentions it in his first line in his first post in this thread!

He referred to himself in the third person so, no, he didn't say it was him.

Kind of defeats the whole purpose of the name change if everyone knows.

I did it to be funny - else it would have been a too simplistic a post.

I guess those who got it, got it..  It's no biggie.

Nice to see you again. I have a lot of fond memories of some of the trainwrecks "the group" participated in! RT taking Court out to eat at a fancy restaurant and one of the two of them took a pic of "escargot aka SNAILS. RT got so much shit for ordering it.  

Fun days for sure.

Steph XO

-- Modified on 8/22/2024 10:19:17 AM

Hey Steph - Good to see ya as well.  Fond memories indeed..

Yes the snails a.k.a escargot story is legendary - not only did he order it for himself but for her as well. As if ordering that slimy shit for himself was not bad enough.

I think Courtney posted a pic saying something about not liking snails. He thought ordering for his date was romantic-LMAO!

I loved putting up the Moses gif below of Tidwell and the Ten Commandments.
I have never seen anyone disintegrate on the boards like he did.

I remember he used to have a fit whenever someone said he was probably sobbing softly into his pillow at night!  

Perfectstorm was my favorite! What ever happened to that guy? 😜  
Of course there was that inicky dude and his 200 plus aliases. DrunkenAsian was fun. He was another one that also had over 200 aliases at one point. Curly, and all the posters on Curly’s list; ( MP67, GaGambler, cubbiefan, London, Tobi,)

ChicagoCPA/DrWho, USGrant, Little Phil, DC (his posts where he combined every thread on the first page into one post were always great), Back in Black, Jack Dunphy, Ridgetucky,  some of the providers who used to post regularly besides London and Tobi, like Rasha, Reagan Moore (who MP67 famously wanted to eat the corn out of her shit), the old provider moderators FoxyFuckPants and GirlNextDoor. I’m forgetting a bunch. Maybe I’ll add to this if I think of more names.  

One of my all time favorites was McDonald000. That guy had some classic posts!  

Some others remembered for the wrong reasons besides Tidwell: Udo, ROGM, Serpius.

-- Modified on 8/18/2024 10:55:46 AM

I remember some of DA's (as we used to call him) creative monikers.. DrunkenElvis, DrunkenAsian, Blowing Chunks, and not to mention  NewEnglandGangsta.  

McDonald0000 always had a central theme to his story.. That  bastard would get horny at night and would decide to find some cheap ho off craigslist. Never anyone classy. The man wasted too much money on cheap sex than finding someone decent and classy - but I guess it is his money.. What can I say... lol

-- Modified on 8/18/2024 9:07:27 PM

He had a spicy Mexican meal before going to her incall and was immediately needed to take a giant dump. It made him so foul that he had to shower. He was stunned when she reasonably claimed he was on the clock as soon as he stepped through the door.

Yep. That's precisely how it happened..  

Good thing about McDonald0000 was he was a likable goofball who didn't take himself too seriously.

Making it one of the funniest yet gross reviews ever?

Steph XO

I'm not sure if it ever was put in one of his reviews.

RespectfulRobert26 reads

I cant imagine the girl would have been too keen on reading that!

The kind of girls he saw were not likely to read the reviews anyway. It wouldn't have mattered..   This is back in heyday of craigslist. You could get a girl for $150-200..  Of course, you get what you pay for.

and all the great pics he used to post?

Another great handle. I loved that guy.

Posted By: perfectstorm
... Rasha, ...
My favorite Rasha post and one of my all-time favorite posts:
(in reply to, "Have any of you gone to Confession and admitted it? What happened? What pennance? by skarphedin")
No need – I have redemption insurance.
I’m just responsible for a small co-pray.
Rasha: smart, funny, witty, and beautiful.

saw her twice for solo sessions before double-teaming her with a wingman. This was her request, as she'd never been with two guys before. Then we took her to dinner at an exclusive club. Epic.
One of the smartest and funniest posters ever.

I don't know whether he posted on the GD board or was an LA board-only regular, but his posts were a heady admixture of Mickey Spillane, Raymond Chandler, and Hemingway. Every post was an instant classic.


No so much his posts -  but his early reviews are legendary.  At one point I believe he was voted best reviewer.  They're still there under his new handle.

And someone who had an unique name “Fuckyoupayme”.  Long ago his LA post were funny.

who spoke in very hyperbolic and highly melodramatic language... Who would say things like "bespoke" and 4 REAL4 REAL. The guy would incessantly brag about seeing one girl 79 times...  

Drawing a blank on his name.  

I thought he was entertaining too - albeit in a limited sense.

Know who you are talking about but also drawing a blank on the handle. In addition to the above he was a fan of cap lock posts.

His posts were something of a spectical to read with his certainty that he could fix all the flaws if only everyone would pay attention to him.

But I do think my favorite sets of posts were those on his way out when he repeatedly posted that he was leaving over the course of a few days or a week only to have the admins chime in to let him know announcing a departure was not required and not to let to door hit him in the ass on the way out.

this is a somewhat transient community.  I had several exchanges with him but can't remember his name either.  

I actually think he was banned.
And speaking of the banned, does anyone remember the infamous guy whose handle started with "fuzzy?"

Uhhh I wanna say gdaddy or maybe gdaddy[somenumber]
Something like that maybe.  
That sound right?

Anyways somebody mentioned the good Senator Blutarsky. Loved his name because I love Animal House and I miss his posts. He ended every post with a photo and they were all knockouts.  

I remember when 35 posts was a slow day on the photo board. There were a bevy of beauties who could be counted on to be there every day. I appreciate the ladies who post there now! Just saying I miss when there was more participation. One that comes to mind from back then is Cherry Price but there were many others.

You got it..  gdaddy indeed..

Although all his posts have been scrubbed from TER the mentions to him have not been removed. So I was able to search "gdaddy" and was able to get plenty of hits on his name.

Although a bunch of the names mentioned in this thread ring a bell, the only ones I ever interacted with were GaGambler, DrunkenAsian, Inicky and a few others.  Even then, it was in passing here and there.  Been a member here for about 12 years but stoped paying for a membership when Covid hit and my extracurricular activities were aeberely impacted by the wife starting to work from home rather than going to the office 9a-5p M-F.  (I work nights and weekends)

Only inicky cares that much about typos.  He calls himself pedantic putz. I had to look that word up when I first came across it.

Conan The Grammarian. I think Conan was also one of my many aliases.
But so was GaGamblersRetardedBrother. Because GaG was quite open that HIS only alias was GaGamblersSmarterBrother.

inicky reminded me of NDtBF in a post on another board.
I always liked NDtBF's self-deprecating humor.  And he'd be right up there at the top of the list of favorite handles too.

So many memories of the past right here!  
I guess I need to give  GaGambler a call and say "what's up MFer?" Last we spoke, he was doing fantastic and enjoying life. I'm happy for him ☺️  
I remember just about every name mentioned on this post. Ahhhh.... I miss the good ole days and even the occasional train wreck 😂🙌  

TL...Tell the MFer I said hello too!!
Umm scuuse me. You in town love??

Lol ok, I will. I'll be back soon! You already know how to reach me 😘

I’m thinking her name might have been Fancy, or something like that.  Her posts were scattershot, rarely more than five words and pretty much incomprehensible, but they were fun to read.  She was the butt of a lot of jokes but she seemed like a good sport and kept plugging away and seemed immune to all the fun made at her expense.  I felt sorry for her but at the same time I couldn’t NOT read her posts.  This was about ten years ago - a great time to be on TER.  

But now we have Kitty from AC who is also kind of goofy.

But that reminds me of Pavliena:
She changed her name / handle a couple of times and I don't remember all of them.

Posted By: IHeartLV
Re: Who was the provider???
I’m thinking her name might have been Fancy, or something like that.  Her posts were scattershot, rarely more than five words and pretty much incomprehensible, but they were fun to read.  She was the butt of a lot of jokes but she seemed like a good sport and kept plugging away and seemed immune to all the fun made at her expense.  I felt sorry for her but at the same time I couldn’t NOT read her posts.  This was about ten years ago - a great time to be on TER.  

Nothing fake about her.   She told it like it was.  I loved pushing her to post more.  She always made me smile.  She completely suppressed my grammarian instincts, mainly because it would have been too much work.  Lol

We used to call her "Babushka," Russian for Grandma. She lived in Section 8 housing. I used to call her Natasha, as in "Boris and Natasha" from "The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show," but she complained that was her real name. There were lots of references to "mooz and skvirrel." She wrote a kind of fractured English that sounded like the way she must have spoken. It was fun making her nuts.

OMFG !!! I remember that nut job..  LOL

I had too much fun at her expense.. I  would respond to her train wreck posts with no more than one or two sentences and I would get a long rambling PM of pure, unadulterated gibberish. I would be laughing my ass off..She had a lot to say but unfortunately didn't have to the language skills to express herself..

The loveliest girl in Vienna
Was Alma, the smartest as well
Once you picked her up on your antenna
You'd never be free of her spell
Her lovers were many and varied
From the day she began her beguine
There were three famous ones whom she married
And God knows how many between
Alma, tell us
All modern women are jealous
Which of your magical wands
Got you Gustav and Walter and Franz?

Posted By: impposter

But that reminds me of Pavliena:  
She changed her name / handle a couple of times and I don't remember all of them.
Alma Schindler Mahler Werfel Gropius

(I can't figure out to which post this a reply. Anyway, ...)
Jack Dunphy was the founder of Jack Dunphy University. I was supposed to get a faculty position there but he never sent the contracts. I wanted to see if it said, "Faculty fraternizing with the students is strongly encouraged. Awarding higher grades in exchange for "favors" is allowed as long the grade does not exceed "10 One in a lifetime." "

Posted By: cspatz
Re: You and Jack Dunphy

for saying he aggressively (and successfully)  negotiated rates. In return, I claimed he was a cheapskate who actually lived in the basement of his father's beach cottage on Long Island.

nunya_buisness31 reads

he's still here, just using an alias.
now he seems to spend more time reporting posts over writing them

Funny thing, I researched him not too long ago before your post and I came to the same conclusion.

What bothers me the most is that apparently he was a good "FRIEND" of people here and ran with Gag, inicky, usa/sg and a couple of others. And he just stopped posting cold turkey. To the point I think some were worried something must've  
happened to him.  

I even talked to GaG about it over email. He said Jack just dipped during c0vid and never heard from again.

I mean the fight club shit with aliases is bizarre but whatever, but to not let fellow brethren who considered you "boys" know that you're good... that is cowardly imo.

-- Modified on 8/31/2024 2:43:59 PM

completed the course work at JDU on negotiating a lower price with providers.  It always seemed counterintuitive to me because I could not imagine getting the best effort from a provider after you have talked her into taking a cut on her rate.   It seemed like she would just go through the motions, so I never tried it.  

I didn't take that course or even look at the syllabus but it sounds like the PURPOSE of the course was to TEACH YOU how to negotiate successfully ... and overcome your prejudices, as stipulated in your post, and achieve a POSITIVE outcome.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: When he left, I had not yet  . . . .
completed the course work at JDU on negotiating a lower price with providers.  It always seemed counterintuitive to me because I could not imagine getting the best effort from a provider after you have talked her into taking a cut on her rate.   It seemed like she would just go through the motions, so I never tried it.  
What's next? "I had not yet completed the course on complex algebra. It always seemed counterintuitive to me because I could not imagine that you could take the square root of a negative number. How can you get a correct answer after you have tried and failed to take the square root of negative 1 because it's impossible to do so?  It seemed like a pointless waste of time, so I never tried it." If you had actually taken the class (and done the work), you might know how to do complex algebra ... AND how to negotiate successfully.

That sounds irrational to me.

Posted By: mrfisher
Re: I have an imaginary friend who taught me how to compute imaginary numbers.
If you were meditating at the time, it could even be transcendental.

“How can you get a correct answer after you have tried and failed to take the square root of negative 1 because it's impossible to do so?”

This is where you gotta be very careful because this is where math becomes violent. I heard that you CAN take the square root of a negative number, but if you do then your eye pops out.  

Be safe. Use protection.

like trying to negotiate with a barber.  Even if I get the price down, am I still going to get his best work?  I would rather get a provider's absolute best service than save $50-100.  It's just the way I'm wired.

You reject the whole idea before even taking the class. I haven't seen the syllabus and I don't know who was supposed to teach the class or other details, but consider:
- MAYBE someone has a full-time Mexican housekeeper.
- MAYBE he doesn't need her services for a few days (due to travel or other reason).
- MAYBE he can say to his barber, "How about giving me a break on this haircut. I can send my Mexican housekeeper to tidy up your place for a couple of days [she's full time and I'm paying her no matter what but I don't have to tell that to my "barber"].
-  MAYBE it's a Win-Win-Win:
"Barber": Fantastic! I can use the help! I'll even give you TWO extra special great "haircuts" for FREE! Win, win!
Mexican housekeeper: Fantastic! Anything to get away from this stinking hell hole, even just for a day or two! Win, win!
Negotiator: Free "haircuts!" Grumpy maid getting paid to do some actual work instead of lounging at my house doing nothing and eating my food! Win, win!  
Negotiations need not be a zero-sum game. ALL participants can WIN if they keep an open mind and listen to the concerns of all the parties.
BTW, taking the square root of negative one is not impossible. It is designated as "i." It's a very useful concept. If you weren't open to new ideas you would never know that and not be able to solve a whole new class of real world problems. Likewise for being open about other concepts that are anathema to you. For example, people CAN be re-wired.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: To me, it seemed too much . . . .
like trying to negotiate with a barber.  Even if I get the price down, am I still going to get his best work?  I would rather get a provider's absolute best service than save $50-100.  It's just the way I'm wired.
Was this the supplementary textbook for the JDU class?  

Can't say because they are no longer on TER.

Loved her.
Straight taking, smart, funny as all hell.
We had shared clients and they loved her ❤️

Boogie Boy21 reads

For you "Old Dogs"  you probably remember "Fast Eddie!"  (RIP)  Fast Eddie was our contact and inside scoop with porn stars of the day.  He legitimately counted several porn actors as true friends.  He was particularly friendly with Sara Jay as showcased in this video  https://br.spankbang.com/2zzpq/video/sara+jay+sucks+my+dick+in+vegas

The Man.  
The Legend.
The OG of OGs.

Register Now!