TER General Board

I love you girl! And thanks, Hungry. That was very thoughtful. Wasn't expecting that. (eom)teeth_smile
CiaraPhx See my TER Reviews 187 reads

-- Modified on 3/6/2008 7:45:29 PM

This concerns Ciara's post of a couple of days ago. Wow, this lady really took a beating. We went from correcting her grammar, to calling her unprofessional, to questioning her intergrity and class, to demanding that she apologize. Well, folks, that's exactly what she did, TWICE. On top of apologizing, she said that she was in contact with the gentleman who wrote the review, who, to anyone's knowledge, was not one of the people ripping her a new asshole. Every time someone added a new thread bitching about calling more attention to the review, guess what that did. It called more attention to the review. Kind of counter productive, don't you think.

Although Ciara could have chosen a different avenue, she didn't. She made a mistake, recognized the mistake, and apologized for it. Some of the things that were written, I believe were uncalled for, and I think that some apologies should be giong in Ciara's direction now, not to mention the gentleman who wrote the review.

I don't even know this lady, so call me a White Knight, correct my grammar, say whatever you like. I don't give a fuck.

Have a sparkling day!!!!!

All I know is, from the pics I have seen of Ciara, real or not they are magnificent. I was going to make that comment on her thread, but by the time I read the thread it was already 6 miles long. So I will say it here. Also, if Ciara needs anyone to verify the veracity of her assertion that they were built by God alone, I would be delighted to be of assistance.

Yes, her breasts are real.  I have examined them close up.  She is also a great GFE who knows how to make a guy feel like a king.    

I think Ciara understands that some guys are just stupid.  I am glad she doesn't paint us all with the same brush.

But IMHO - having Actually READ the review in question... it would have been difficult to ignore had an analagous statement been made about my "male" parts...

Seriously, sometimes we do go too far...  My feelings about Ciara are well known... so many will say I am a "white knight" or whatever... but EVERYONE who has seen her - pretty much has very strong feelings about her - all positive.  yea, she is that pretty, intelligent and self confident....   but the wording of that review - would have challenged Job...  guys, she is capable of doing other things... and those are the exact types of ladies I WANT to see in the hobby.... don't drive them away.

Ciara, my apologies for anything I have said to offend you.

I haven't always been myself this past year, but it usually takes a lot to get me stirred up. Actually, the meds a few days ago did that to me and I didn't even realize it. Usually, I'm a happy-go-lucky person. However, I do stand up for myself (just not always that harshly). Normally, my sense of humor comes out before anything else. Thanks for understanding, and putting up with my quarky personality.


-- Modified on 3/7/2008 9:18:28 AM

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