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I heard Denzel's new flick was pretty good (EOM)
VonRyan 15 Reviews 2599 reads

I'm going to try and see it this week.


... thumbs down (way down).

Troy --- Thumbs Down.  Brad Pitt's Role was miscast.  It was the role Arnold was
born to play.  Everything Sucked.  It is the kind of picture where you want to shout sarcastic comments at the screen.  I could knock everything but the knees of the dancing girls and nature anticipates me there..

The Saddest Music in the World ---  Thumbs Up.  A story that is easy to follow and
much too strange to describe.   Think Winnipeg in the depression.  A
contest by a beer company to pick the saddest music in the world (so people will listen and drink more beer)  One of the characters has glass artificial legs filled with beer.  A look like a silent film.  The final climatic scene is a musical contest between Serbia and the US.  (But I don't want to give it away).  A movie where it would be fun to attend intoxicated.

Terrific.  Very funny political satire.  And just plain funny.  Low budget.  The premise being: what would happen if all the Mexicans in California disappeared for a day?

I'm going to try and see it this week.


Saw it,  been going to films a lot lately.  DW is one of americas best actors.  He saves whkat appears to be a remake of an old Japaneese Flick.  The film uses lots of MTV cuts which sometime take away from the story and other times hide the weakness of the thing.  It is a guy movie -- If you are taking generic woman you won't get laid for your choice of the flick.

a bad Stallone/Schwarzenegger redux with lots of pretentious camerawork

MIKEJ2224 reads

Brad Pitt looked more like a surfer dude from Zuma beach CA, rather than a fearless warrior!

-- Modified on 5/17/2004 11:19:15 PM

I heard Troy starts out slow and then picks up and gets better and that the battle scenes are good and One scene between Pitt and a lady is so great that women were melting in their seats. LOL

...at $200m to make, they need every dollar they can get.

I'm not a big fan of Brad Pitt...Although Seven and Fight Club were great movies

The Iliad started out slowly but picked up steam up to it's climactic conclusion.

Aphra3029 reads

On a related topic, saw this report from Cannes in today's Guardian:


Apparently Michael Winterbottom has made the most sexually explicit mainstream film in British film history.

shamrocker1980 reads

Brad Pitt,,,Although he has been blessed with good looks ect.......he has yet to give hollywood a "hollywood profit blockbuster"    
A case to argue,,,,,look's arent everything :)

I liked the Kill Bill sequels (2 especially).  

If you want a good war movie, RAN by Akira Kurosawa is fantastic - a Samurai version of Shakespeare's King Lear.

Anger Management,  Adam Sandler and Jack Nickolson.    Almost as funny as "Something's got to give"

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