TER General Board

I guess my handle will give you my answer
GaGambler 455 reads

I often see unreviewed providers, but I always check to see if she has been reviewed, and I will not see a woman with a poor review history.

I don't mind occasionly seeing a provider with no reviewsbut my schedule and resources permit me to hobby everyday if I choose to. If I run into a B&S I can just walk and see another provider on the same day, so it's no big loss for me. Others are not so fortunate, if seeing an unreviewed provider meant risking my hobbying budget for the week or month, I wouldn't risk it either.

continue.  We've all TOFTT, written the review... but when I go online and search the TER database - I find that agencies that I have previously outed... are still online with pics of hot models advertising, for the most part, a model perfect lady who is willing to provide a GFE - with no B&S and no upselling....  

sad part is, when you get there, the girl looks as if she too would rather not be there!  so what gives, why do these jokers not go out of business?  Why?!  Are we on TER so rare that for the vast majority of hobbiests they just do not know about online review systems.... it is pretty sad....  I am constantly running into these poor representations of what is actually on offer.

Bella Bi590 reads

I've found many men have no clue about TER.  Think about it.  If you're a new guy stumbling onto the online escort industry for the first time, you're likely somewhat surprised and thrilled that this stuff actually exists.  You probably wouldn't look at it as buying a car, where you can get other consumers opinions.  Instead, you'd take your chances and see what you can get away with.  That is, until you get tired of getting ripped off, or you're fortunate enough to stumble onto a legitimate girl who introduces you to TER.

You're ablolutely right! For the first several months of hobbying, I stumbled around blindly, hoping for the best. I had no idea that this whole little world even existed. I'm sure the same is true for most guys, and for the ladies too. There will always be new providers and new hobbyists, and unfortunately, there will always be ripoff artists there to take advantage in both directions. We're the lucky ones. We found our way here.

The vast majority of men who want an escort go online and Google "escorts". I just went 20 pages deep into the hits and still haven't seen a link for TER. Does this help answer your question?

steakandbj358 reads

...just look at the whole RE/credit crunch going on. people simply don't "do their homework", as one poster is fond of saying.

'escort review' and TER came up first. So, if they start thinking a little deeper the info is easily there. I think once the guys allow the 'big head' to over-rule the 'little head' in finding a lady for a date, they soon come here.

I remember listening to a local radio host back in the 90's decrying the hypocrisy of the local politicians as they went about enforcing vice laws. On a 50,000 watt radio station he announced that anyone looking for 'activity' could just go down to the local porn shops and pick up a magazine called "NY Action Guide" and find ads, reviews, etc. He said if they were serious about clean-up they should go after the advertisers/ladies. (Being a researcher, I had to check out if what he was saying about the mag was true. ;-)    He was. )

...I would tend agree with you.

At the outset of hobbying I don't think most guys even realize that review sites exist.

I get into pissing contests with guys on strip club boards all the time about this.  They are convinced that spending money on a stripper to try and get her to fuck you is smarter than hiring an escort because with the stripper they "know what they are getting"!
Cracks me up when I even think about it....

shudaknownbetter84 reads

I found TER by seeing refrences to TER reviews in ads.

by speaking with a UTR gal I've known for years.  She said that she heard there was some site that reviews escorts called something like Dog Eat Dog.  So I started Googling this and finding everything from Snoop Dog to hot dogs, but not even the rival bow-wow site.

In time (many months actually) I finaly came across TER and entered the promised land, but it sure took a lot of determination and time that a lot of people don't have.

TER ought to take out an ad on the next Superbowl maybe.

to be their poster girl. She has experience.

I only found out about from logo from a providers site.

It probably doesn't dawn on most guys who are dabbling to think a review site actually exists.
I didn't stumble on TER myself until I did a search on "massage parlor reviews" one day. Bingo, TER was at the top of the list.

I didn't start hobbying until after discovering TER.  And I am so glad I found it.  I have been very fortunate that I have not had a bad experience since I started hobbing.  Thanks TER and to the lovely ladies I have visited. I also have to thank my local forum too.

However, it never ceases to amaze me the guys who TOFTT without looking at reviews.  WHY?????  Are you guys just masochists or gamblers?  But thanks for your sacrifices.


however, although TER research does help even out the odds.... it is still no guarantee that you will have an enjoyable encounter.

GaGambler456 reads

I often see unreviewed providers, but I always check to see if she has been reviewed, and I will not see a woman with a poor review history.

I don't mind occasionly seeing a provider with no reviewsbut my schedule and resources permit me to hobby everyday if I choose to. If I run into a B&S I can just walk and see another provider on the same day, so it's no big loss for me. Others are not so fortunate, if seeing an unreviewed provider meant risking my hobbying budget for the week or month, I wouldn't risk it either.

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