TER General Board

I could use that and it's not crazy!
dickus 228 reads

Let me know how I can help set it up.

How about we put together a TER 3day cruise!!!!!!

jdriggs776 reads

It might take a lot of organization, but it could work.  The ladies could offer discounted rates and the guys could buy "coupons" that would have to be used during the trip.

dickus229 reads

Let me know how I can help set it up.

That could handle that many simultaneous appointments???   How would this work...each Hobbyist pays extra to cover provider costs, the providers get to go for free, and the appointments are all free but limited to one hour each?  


There's a cruise lines that has a fleet of smaller (kind ghetto but not THAT bad) boats. Im guessing 200 pax max. I think everyone pays for teir own, prividers and hobbysists and what happens on the boat is up to every cple/group/whatever.
They are very inexpensive, $300-$500 per person (in a small room ofcourse) so the high rollers can get the bigger suites and the poor little on es like me (LOL) cant get the smaller rooms (dont want to see any reviews later on about the room not being nice, LOL) reviews on the ocean dont count!!!
My mind just wanders too fast, I should put it to good use

Windjammer advertised a series of cruises with Marilynn Chambers.... ahhh - sailing of a real sailboat... with the hot ms. Chambers... now you are talking a real fantasy... alas... t'was not to be for me... she quit doing that shortly before I had saved up enough pennies to take a cruise with her.

-- Modified on 2/21/2008 1:29:33 PM

could share a room with you, I wouldn't care how small it was.  So if you can get this cruise off the dock, count me in.  Even if I don't get to share your stateroom, I'll go.  And I don't need dramamine (don't know how to spell it), but I don't get seasick.


79r231 reads

everybody pays and if you schedule time with her its as if you do off the ship.

... it becomes a matter of scheduling... and location.... West Coast? East Coast>?

Or do we just charter a small yacht? (that's also an idea i've been investigating recently)

I'm in, in any event. But you already knew that didn't you Ashley:)

My car only holds 5 people and my block has "no cruising" signs to cut down on the streetwalkers, damn community watch.

So we need a bigger vehicle and a neighborhood outside of Humboldt Park.

Daddy-Oh-God189 reads

I've got to know what you look like.

PokerGent805 reads

This would be the way I would remember you if I went of the Cruise!

no one absolutely NO ONE is gonna want to see me in a speedo on deck.

Im starting a pool

Who throws who overboard first ?

round up all the horrible hoes and johns and put them in one spot so the cops can come take pics and monitor said activities.

That's way too close for my comfort.

I like to cruise, but damned if that doesn't set my paranoia off.

(Btw, don't take this as me being mean to you. I'm just commenting sarcastically against this idea.)


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