TER General Board

Hey moron, did you miss the part where she initiated it and even said "you don't have to pay me".teeth_smile
Blowing Chunks 1290 reads

How much more clarity do you need?  So in this case, I would just test the waters to see if she meant it or not. She wants to be friends or a start dating, that's cool with me if I was him. lol

You never had a provider turn a friend? or went on a OTC date with a provider?  

Remember, the world looks different when looking through a different set of eyes. Did eye balls exist before sockets?  

What if the OP has a successful date and he screams like a geico pig, wee wee wee, all the way home?   Would eating pork be fair

Here in New New Hampshire quality providers are hard to find, so I Frequent the AMPS in RI. Been going to a spa in Providence and seeing a lovely Korean girl. Typically, it seems they work 10 hrs a day, 7 days a week, then take 2 weeks off.

I've seen her about 6 times. I always tip well and enjoy myself thoroughly. I like her a lot... as a provider (I have no emotional attachment.) She's really sweet and I have a really fun time with her.

Today, the girl asked me if I would like to take her away to the beach in Maine for a weekend. Personally, I think that would be a blast and I want to go. I asked her how much money she wanted and she said I did not have to pay her... although I had already decided I'd be glad to pay for a weekend. She gave me her phone number.  Is it possible that she just wants a weekend off with a nice guy -- and I'm the 'lucky' one?

Has anyone had this happen before? Is this some common scam that I'm ignorant of? I want to be a tad suspicious because this really seems too good to be true and I tend to be really gullible.



But what if the OP finds out her real name and files a restraining order on her?  What would the relationship become then? Is he being fair thinking it's a scam?  

What if her AMP services don't sell? What if she's taking him there to rob him out of his money that she said she doesn't need and leave him in a beach to die? Would that be fair?  

What if beach chairs don't sell, would it affect their relationship if they can't relax at a beach together? I mean no chairs and all

You are really coming un glued now.

Did he mention AMPs in his post?

Posted By: Drunken Asian
 But what if the OP finds out her real name and files a restraining order on her?  What would the relationship become then? Is he being fair thinking it's a scam?    
 What if her AMP services don't sell? What if she's taking him there to rob him out of his money that she said she doesn't need and leave him in a beach to die? Would that be fair?    
 What if beach chairs don't sell, would it affect their relationship if they can't relax at a beach together? I mean no chairs and all.  

How much more clarity do you need?  So in this case, I would just test the waters to see if she meant it or not. She wants to be friends or a start dating, that's cool with me if I was him. lol

You never had a provider turn a friend? or went on a OTC date with a provider?  

Remember, the world looks different when looking through a different set of eyes. Did eye balls exist before sockets?  

What if the OP has a successful date and he screams like a geico pig, wee wee wee, all the way home?   Would eating pork be fair

I skipped over the first paragraph. I didn't think any of that was relevant to his inquiry.

Posted By: Drunken Asian
How much more clarity do you need?  So in this case, I would just test the waters to see if she meant it or not. She wants to be friends or a start dating, that's cool with me if I was him. lol  
 You never had a provider turn a friend? or went on a OTC date with a provider?    
 Remember, the world looks different when looking through a different set of eyes. Did eye balls exist before sockets?  
 What if the OP has a successful date and he screams like a geico pig, wee wee wee, all the way home?   Would eating pork be fair?  

What if it really had significant relevance to his inquiry?  

Would you eat a geico pig pork then?  

What if the pig turned out to be porky pig instead of the geico pig?  

Would that be considered false advertisement?  

What if the pig was christian?  

Would the pig fuck another pig even with bp's dick?  

But if the pig screamed wee wee wee, would you agree that the OP's encounter is of pleasure not business?  

In fact, why should his issue be our issue?  

Why should we give a shit?  

Do you think that answering his post is fair?  

Did answering people's post exist before their post existed?

Don't forget, geico pig existed before porky pig.  

That's all folks!  :D

it is business, whether someone comes here for an education, or employment.

... if the goal is profit it's business.

I'm comfortable. She's Korean and doesn't speak much English. Seems to me she just wants to get away for a weekend and she knows I'm a 'nice guy' type. She doesn't drive. In my imagination, she figures I'll take her someplace nice for the weekend, spend a lot of money on her, and treat her really well for a few days.... All of which I'll do. But us 'nice guys' are really gullible and some us are pretty innocent, too. Just wondering if this is a common thing for a provider to do.
Maybe there are some providers out there who can answer this, or some guys who have done this before

IMO, I think it's common among girls to expect the guy to take care of some things, if it even smells like a date or if it could lead to a real date.  It could be that she likes you and wants it to be a date but it could also be that she just wants a friend to chill with.  Another thing is that if you are much older than her, it's assumed that you're more resourceful and able to take care of such things. Especially true in far east asian culture.  

Her expecting you to pay for the trip doesn't translate to being an AMP girl running a scam, civvy girls do this too. Also realize that the term 'friend' and 'date' have some subtle differences even though your date can refer to the relationship as friendship during her "denial stage".  A girl who isn't at least somewhat fond of being around you will not suggest something like that.  

I've had many "friends" and "dates" I met at a strip club, from the hobby, and from civvy world.  Truth is, if we are paying for pretty much the whole damn trip (minus her time) is that really truly "just pure friendship"??? LMAO   She's either stringing a guy along OR assessing the guy as a potential date OR she thinks of you as an older brother.  It's one of those 3 usually.

My REAL female friends pay for their own shit or we fight for the check to take care of each other. That's REAL friendship.  If that's not the case for you then it could be more of a beginning of a dating relationship that can turn into BF/GF. Or a temporary local BF. Or  friends with benefit. lol

If you are compensating for her time as well, it's definitely a business relationship but I have a feeling it may be leading to be some kind of SD relationship... although many SD relationships can in fact be genuine BF/GF.  

This is precisely why I like the hobby. Clean business transaction. No obligation, no chasing, no waste of money on overhead, or too much guesswork. Guaranteed to bust a nut or two.  

Yet I still do the same thing with civvy girls when I chase em. DA has a soft heart~   :

DA's words:

This is precisely why like the hobby. Clean business transaction. No obligation, no chasing, no waste of money on overhead,or too much guesswork. Guaranteed to bust a nut or two.

While I can appreciate the OP and his wanting to spend some time hanging out with a lady he likes, it's just so much easier for both us and provider to treat it like what it is, a clean business transaction, everybody remains happy, no bullshit, no drama.

-- Modified on 7/12/2014 11:00:11 AM

She already said you don't have to pay her.   You'd officially sort of turn it into a scam if you DO pay her for this unsolicited weekend trip.  She suggested it not you.  

It sounds to me like this girl likes you and wants to go on a real date together and you seem like you want to turn it back into a business relationship.  People hang out together, go on dates, spend weekends, only way to tell if it ISN'T a scam is if you DON'T pay her.  Period.  

Now, if you don't like her back and aren't interested in going that route, by all means keep it a business relationship.  
Hope it works out. Have fun

cuppajoe1174 reads

Be open, be cautious. She likes you and is taking the chance that you might like her, too

GaGambler1436 reads

Sometimes she is looking for "something more" other times a weekend at the beach is just that, a weekend at the beach.

I seriously doubt it is any kind of scam, and it doesn't have to be any more than you want to make out of it.

My advice is go for it, have a great time, but remember, when you get back she will still be working almost every day and every night, so be realistic in your expectations. AMP girls do work long hours and are by definition "high volume" but they are human and a weekend at the beach is a lot more fun with someone you like than it is alone. Who knows, this could become a regular thing if the two of you want it to be.

Not even with BP's dick, right?

Allow me to retort with an equally dumb post.

Q: Why didn't JCA cross the road?  

A: Because JCA filed a restraining order on the road after finding out its real name. The road got creeped out, literally ripped itself off the ground, and went somewhere else hundreds of miles away. roflmao

This is a moderated thread and it's late at night. The responses are probably on a screen in front of a moderator who has fallen asleep and won't wake up until s/he has had a couple hours of a nap.

...to have a boyfriend for the time they're here in the States.  They work a lot so they're lonely and in need of companionship.  They are not looking for a relationship - they just want to have some fun with a nice safe guy.

Even though she doesn't want to get paid, I'm sure she expects you to pay the expenses for the weekend (as you should).

Thanks for your comments. Those I understood suggested that it could be what it seems like - just a girl looking for a few days off at the beach, at the expense of a seemingly nice old guy with some money to burn. I'm not looking for a girlfriend, just a good time...  
I suppose the worst thing that could happen is that she tells me her world is falling apart and she needs me to marry her so she can get citizenship... Or that her mom needs an operation and she needs money. If she's read me right, she knows what a sucker I am for a story like that.
The best thing that can happen is that I spend a weekend with a girl who makes me feel like I've died and gone to Penthouse Forum. No... I suppose the best thing that could happen is that I meet her at the train station and she tells me she's brought a girlfriend..

GaGambler1349 reads

Just remember that if this is not a "paid" date, it by necessity needs to be a "sex optional" date. Keep in mind that these girls are very high volume and sometimes their poor little bodies need a break.

I don't believe this whole crap about paying for "time and companionship" I pay to have NSA sex. OTOH, when you are on a "non paid" date with a provider, the same rules apply as with any civvie girl, no means no. Depending on her sex drive, she may or may not want to have sex with you during your time together, and of course as a "nice guy" she will expect you to respect her wishes. Of course she could be one of those women with a very high sex drive and she could end up rocking your world for the entire weekend.

"non paid" date that is paid should infact be treated like a real civvy date. Do you think mushroom cap or pimples would "get" a concept that is this complicated?   I'm willing to bet mushroom will just blow up and shout a few expletives in ALL CAPS while pimples will complain about not being fair and file a restraining order against that concept. This is assuming he finds out the real name first.  ROF

She likes you, you enjoy time with her, maybe she wants a vacation free of charge and spend time with a friend too?  Do it man.  Just use common sense and keep your wallet secured the entire time, stay sober to keep your wits about you and have fun.

Not Korean lady but have done on few occasions. Had a blast.  

Keep an open mind and just do what you would with a GF. All will be well.

There are  good deals and bad deals in life, but the worst deals are always wrapped up with a bow that says "free".

I knew a wonderful K gal whom I met at an AMP, and I spent several weekends with her, mostly in NYC where she seemed to know every restaurateur in K-town there.  (31st between 5th and 6th)

They were all terrific weekends too.

I had known her already for about 2-3 years, however and we got together about once a month, so we were pretty compatible.

I think I paid about $2,500 for the two night weekends and $1,800 for the one nighters.  This was about 10 years ago.

What's the longest period of time you have spent with her?  I strongly suggest an all day outing some place before getting to the overnight situation.  You have to be sure the dynamics are just right, and it is even more the case when their is a culture gap between the people.

In any case, I hope you two have fun, and let us know how it went if you do indeed go ahead with this.

GaGambler1126 reads

I have done this type of thing many times, and it's just like what BP said. These girls are here to work, they have few if any friends most of the time, and when they are the occasional vacation that they MUST take from time to time, many of them don't want to spend it alone.

The first time I ever did this, I took a Korean AMP girl to one of the Mississippi casinos, it was only our second "date" outside of the Spa and I assumed it was some kind of a "paid" date and gave her a couple of grand to gamble with. Well to make a long story short, she won a few bucks with the money I had given her and she gave me back the entire two grand just as we got in the car for the drive back. This led to a several year friendship/LTR until she finally went back to Korea 7-8 years later.

If you were out with a civilian woman and she offered to pay for your meal you might get away with paying and not pissing her off  if she's White.  
  Most Asian women and American Natives will feel extremely insulted if she offers gratuities that are refused.  
  I learned that lesson the  hard way more than one time.

Why complicate things?? lol  Keep the fucking thing simple. It's not that hard!

If I'm right, then you give me an overnight freebie.  
If I'm wrong, then I'll buy you a drink.  



The gals don't have cars or much money because they're sending it home.  Having a friend here is a convenience to them.  So a free weekend that does not come out of her earnings, has value.  

I'd expect to pick up all the expenses...  so not really free.  No guarantee of sex but will probably happen to a greater or lesser degree.  If you've got the time & money.  

If I was available, I'd go for it.

Be open, be alert, follow your heart, have fun and follow GaGamblers lead.

Will not work any other way if you met 'here', nor should it. Trust me on that. You will fuck up a good thing, always will in the end.

-- Modified on 7/12/2014 11:37:44 AM

A woman's mind is programmed very differently here, no matter how nice you are, or how she is, or how great the chemistry is...........it has to always, I mean always stay business for reasons that shouldn't need to be explained. This is business. Strictly business. You may not like it, she may not even like it, but that's just the way it is I'm afraid. There would be no point to any of us being here if we thought otherwise (the ladies that is).  

You boys can keep trying to convince yourselves that it 'will work' til you're blue in the face. End result, you will have turned every shade of the rainbow until you see that it 'won't work'.

-- Modified on 7/12/2014 11:50:06 AM

The OP was asking about a weekend gig with a gal.  NOT to live happily (or not so happily) ever after!

As for paying the gal...nope!  SHE offered the deal...maybe she should pay the dude?  Or at least pay for some of the expenses.  I can tell you that many of the gals I know like to have their own money...and not be dependent on any dude(s).

And what are the "boys" trying to be convinced of?  Oh yeah....that NO gals do OTC.  Sorry...seems that some of the "boys" do indeed play that way.  And so do the gals.

You may not...but your reality is not all the players reality.  Not by a long shot!

Posted By: LuvTheBoardBoys
A woman's mind is programmed very differently here, no matter how nice you are, or how she is, or how great the chemistry is...........it has to always, I mean always stay business for reasons that shouldn't need to be explained. This is business. Strictly business. You may not like it, she may not even like it, but that's just the way it is I'm afraid. There would be no point to any of us being here if we thought otherwise (the ladies that is).  
 You boys can keep trying to convince yourselves that it 'will work' til you're blue in the face. End result, you will have turned every shade of the rainbow until you see that it 'won't work'.  

-- Modified on 7/12/2014 11:50:06 AM

Posted By: ChgoCPA
The OP was asking about a weekend gig with a gal.  NOT to live happily (or not so happily) ever after!  
 As for paying the gal...nope!  SHE offered the deal...maybe she should pay the dude?  Or at least pay for some of the expenses.  I can tell you that many of the gals I know like to have their own money...and not be dependent on any dude(s).  
 And what are the "boys" trying to be convinced of?  Oh yeah....that NO gals do OTC.  Sorry...seems that some of the "boys" do indeed play that way.  And so do the gals.  
 You may not...but your reality is not all the players reality.  Not by a long shot!  
Posted By: LuvTheBoardBoys
A woman's mind is programmed very differently here, no matter how nice you are, or how she is, or how great the chemistry is...........it has to always, I mean always stay business for reasons that shouldn't need to be explained. This is business. Strictly business. You may not like it, she may not even like it, but that's just the way it is I'm afraid. There would be no point to any of us being here if we thought otherwise (the ladies that is).    
  You boys can keep trying to convince yourselves that it 'will work' til you're blue in the face. End result, you will have turned every shade of the rainbow until you see that it 'won't work'.  
 -- Modified on 7/12/2014 11:50:06 AM

Not sure how you are defining 'will work'.
I have heard lots of tough stories about us falling in love with our providers, and being sorely disappointed. I have not heard of any stories where that 'worked'. But that's a different story.
What I am fantasizing about is a fun, moderately expensive perhaps, weekend with a cute girl who, if she wants to, knows how to have great sex. I'll be a little disappointed if she just wants a break from sex, as someone suggested, and I don't get laid - but I'll still have a good time. I'll be a little upset if we get there and she disappears for most of the time. I'll be pissed if she asks me to please leave the room so she can turn some tricks. But that's the extent of my expectations and the two negatives, well, I guess I'm willing to bet that's not going on.  


Posted By: LuvTheBoardBoys
A woman's mind is programmed very differently here, no matter how nice you are, or how she is, or how great the chemistry is...........it has to always, I mean always stay business for reasons that shouldn't need to be explained. This is business. Strictly business. You may not like it, she may not even like it, but that's just the way it is I'm afraid. There would be no point to any of us being here if we thought otherwise (the ladies that is).  
 You boys can keep trying to convince yourselves that it 'will work' til you're blue in the face. End result, you will have turned every shade of the rainbow until you see that it 'won't work'.  

-- Modified on 7/12/2014 11:50:06 AM

macai5231105 reads

should you tell the lady you like her  should you tell the lady that you want to show her a good time is that business or taboo

Posted By: LuvTheBoardBoys
Will not work any other way if you met 'here', nor should it. Trust me on that. You will fuck up a good thing, always will in the end.  

-- Modified on 7/12/2014 11:37:44 AM

It could very well be that she just wants to decompress for a couple of days on the beach and would like some company. And you being a good client with whom she feels comfortable may seem like a good candidate for company. I would just be conscious of the fact that going on this trip OTC opens you up to having to deal with the bullshit. If you are ok with that, why not go? Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Personally, I probably wouldn't go, part of the allure of the hobby for me is knowing exactly what the lady's motivation is. But perhaps that is keeping and will continue to keep me from enjoying the company of a friend. Ultimately, I think if you follow your instincts you'll make the correct decision for you. It's really peculiar, but when we go with our gut instincts we seem to be right the vast majority of the time.

Happy hobbying

Nobody has told me that this is a common scam where K-girls take advantage on guys like me to get their green cards, or somehow take advantage of unsuspecting gullibles. So I'm going.
I will post here and let everyone who helped me out know what happens.

Thanks again.

Just enjoy your trip. Don't think too much about it man. Take it one step at a time.  

Even if you really think there's a possibility that she is chasing after you to get a green card, you should never ever ever ever mention it. It will hurt the girl's pride and you just might see things flip the other way and it will not be in your favor.  

Keep in mind that I mainly see non-asian providers and know for a fact that a good number of non-asian providers are looking for some type of competent man, maybe an SD, but definitely some kind of "prince charming" to sweep them off their feet as well.  

Women in this business are seeking the same exact fucking thing regardless of their race. lol  
Also, I know for a fact that where she's from they got better technology and better education infrastructure, about a whole entire friggin decade ahead of America.  

Education becomes important when relationships become more serious (ie: future planning.   FYI, majority of Koreans spend some 55% of their income toward their children's education. It's considered a pretty serious thing and women know this when looking ahead. )  

It's not exactly a bad place to live by any means. This means she doesn't have all that much motive to scam you for some stupid green card. :)  

It could very well be that she just simply likes the American lifestyle, like myself?  

Just sayin...

-- Modified on 7/13/2014 4:52:28 AM

Someone suggested I post in the k-girl forum. I did.
One of the replies was this link. A great Rea

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