TER General Board

Hello Gus : Handicapped... Long winded post.....?.
IMhornbody2 41 Reviews 2 reads

after a long discussion with Gus, he coached me to write and stated that most hobbyists on this general discussion board are doped up or brain dead and would not understand if they even read the whole thing,  and he also said that commenting with more than one point, would simply confuse most but I took it on either way and with his blessings..........sorry if it was too deep to understand ALL the points and as you read you had to come up for a breath of air just to get thru it !! Maybe next time take notes.  I truly understand the confusion in reading the response from someone with no reviews that is probably sitting in clouds of smoke but I am surprised by comments of someone with 109 reviews not chiming in with some kind of agreement regardless the quality of writing.

Many people choose not to share, so they never write a review. Some people love writing reviews. Do you always write reviews, or sometimes decline? I am curious because sharing is caring.  Reviews help.

It helps her to get business and therefore encourages her to remain an escort.

I think it is great that I can find escorts and have a high degree of reliable information that our session will turn out well, which has not failed me in the scores of times I have relied on the reviews.

It's only right that I should assist others by writing reviews.

Ditto!   I rarely see a non-reviewed woman.  I like to know what to expect when I see the woman and don't want to be disappointed if she is a non-GFE Provider.  So I write them to help the women as well and the gentlemen to make informed decisions.

Posted By: mrfisher
Re: I write them because it is good for the hobby as well as the gal...
It helps her to get business and therefore encourages her to remain an escort.  
 I think it is great that I can find escorts and have a high degree of reliable information that our session will turn out well, which has not failed me in the scores of times I have relied on the reviews.  
 It's only right that I should assist others by writing reviews.

I must agree as well with you both,,,,,,,,, reviews are a road map hopefully to follow or choose to NOT, based on the info we write.  
 Mostly to me, If you  grade and post a review it should comment about comparison to photos that are posted, not on your opinion as to appearence since we all judge your statements differently,  your 9-gorgeous may be my 6- nice so i want to judge based on the photo .......when I buy a new sport coat for the big bucks I don't care what you think as much as my eyes deciding if I want to try it on.....and beyond that can the personality add to that and increase that grade just because of the importance of the connection and still compared to all of your other reviews.
Second to that, I want to know if GFE exists or is even real and I shall always go to the other reviews that the reviewer may have to compare against their subjective opinions since every lady can have one bad day, but the reviewer with 5-6 averages, or even just one,  may not be who I want to use for my decision.
 Lastly, a discussion for me anyways, on the place that you are sending me to,  is important not just for safety but also for ease of a handicapped hobbier. If I have to constantly ask the provider about parking, elevator presence and acceptance of a walker then sometimes that gets me ghosted for just trying to learn that info :( so if I can find it in a review that helps me anyway :)

 As a hobbier of over 20 years I love to write reviews and read them but I like writing dreamy and steamy but truthful as hopefully my reviews will demonstrate. I love when the lady comments about the review so they know that I sincerely enjoyed the time and if I write with pointers that they might take that as constructive !! i.e lots of old guys love to kiss and it might be a deal breaker so that is a service I personally like to see or commenting about smoker or not.
Be honest but if your words destroy them then maybe it is better not said unless truly a scam or trying to protect the rest of us reviewers with the info you provide,,,,,,things we need like photos are a scam or under delivered based on time or posted expectations on their ad. Sometimes I just like to read a review to get reved up myself as to a hot (true) photo that I look at before I read, and for sure reach out to message for an appointment and if I am bored and horny I can always go back to read any of my reviews that I have posted in the past on the ladies that i have seen, just like going to that chapter in a book that is read over and over and since I have been writing tham for so long I can go back over several handles which i have used to find the real steamy ones I wrote in my YOUTH haha.

As you can tell I do like to write so if you read this far then thanks for participating a in an enjoyable hobby.

someone should start a thread on how guys can get more white listing on us.......which would be our reviews....most ladies that I ask about who ask me to post a review do not even know that white-listing exists let alone how to do it.

Please help me understand.

There are three questions here -

Why and how does a review have the power to "destroy" someone?  

And what is the point of reviews for the consumer?  

If you write a truthful and accurate negative review, then people who read your negative review, and decide that they don't want to experience something like that and would rather go elsewhere.

This is also the point of reviews for the consumer. I don't know many mongers who said they'd rather have less info than more info. I haven't met a stock market investor who'd say this. People who read reviews don't say it.  

If you say nothing if this means less people will then use the product/service, then what does this really mean?  

This means you're deliberately withholding information from others - other review readers who actively want this info - all for? What exactly? Helping biz whose offering you didn't like in the first place, make more money? Huh?  

For no fucking reason. Is this what reviews are about to you?  

Like how does this fucking make sense at all.  

Tell me, would you want to see an escort someone withheld information from? Would you want to pay a considerable sum to see an escort you know someone with a truthul review rated so low they didn't write a review about according to the "maybe better not said" principle?  

If no then what are you doing?  

Protecting the sellers on review sites from honest and accurate  truthful negative reviews will never fucking make any sense to me. What the hell is the point of a review site if criticism is silenced? What is the worth of reviews then?

  Not true !!!  What a Hobbyist has to do is be clear on the whole session. Start out by talking about the first time you (The Hobbyist) saw her AD that she place on the site, then explain the chat you had with her (On the Phone or Through Email) and go from there. Hobbyists & Providers need to make sure to be nice during the conversation. Hobbyists........Regardless how the session went........Don't call the Provider names like "Bitch", "Whore" & Etc. Hobbyists need to remember that if it wasn't for men throughout our (The Provider's Life) making sexual advances, then it wouldn't put thoughts of Escort/Prostitution in our heads. And Providers remember one thing........It's not the Hobbyist's fault that they would rather have a sexual relationship with a Provider (And no more then that) and pay for it. It's something to a convenience.  The Provider makes money and The Hobbyist gets his/her pleasure. Both Provider & Hobbyist does not have to worry about to much of a commitement.  

I had the same first impression. But in fairness, Gus was a much better writer than this guy, and Gus lived in NY/NJ while this guy has been posting reviews in Minnesota for a few years. So, I don’t think it’s Gus sneaking back in under a different handle.

after a long discussion with Gus, he coached me to write and stated that most hobbyists on this general discussion board are doped up or brain dead and would not understand if they even read the whole thing,  and he also said that commenting with more than one point, would simply confuse most but I took it on either way and with his blessings..........sorry if it was too deep to understand ALL the points and as you read you had to come up for a breath of air just to get thru it !! Maybe next time take notes.  I truly understand the confusion in reading the response from someone with no reviews that is probably sitting in clouds of smoke but I am surprised by comments of someone with 109 reviews not chiming in with some kind of agreement regardless the quality of writing.

Would have been nice if he had learned, and then taugh you, how to put white space between paragraphs to make the posts more readable.

Since he failed on that point I'll let you know. You can just put two blank lines between your paragraphs as you write, then TER will remove one when they publish it (who know why the code works like that but it does). Alternatively, you can just put a period on the line that separates your paragraphs.  

In general it's a bad writer who blame the readers for not understanding, particularly when it's a large majority of the readers that say they cannot get through the post to understand whatever point was intended.

"... (who know why the code works like that but it does). ..."
Part of the answer is historical. It goes back to Ye Goode Olde Days of manual typewriters.  
Let's assume the top left of the page is Line 1, Position 1. The end of that line (now on the top right) is Line 1, Position 80. On manual typewriters, the character stroke was always in the middle of the typewriter and the CARRIAGE moved from right to left for consecutive keystroke. At the end of the line (Position 80), manually pushing the carriage from left to right reset the stroke position (in the middle of the typewriter) to Line1, Position 1. An additional little push on the CR handle, advanced a ratchet to turn (advance) the carriage CYLINDER by one line. The combination of CR and LF now put the system for the next keystroke at Line 2, Position 1. And so on ...
Line 1, P1 ............ L1, P80 then CR + LF moves to:
Line 2, P1 ............. L2, P80 then CR + LF moves to:
L3, P1 ............ L3, P80 etc.
(L1, P1 .......... L1, P80 CR ONLY resets to )
(L1, P1 .... and you start typing over Line 1.)
When there is no typing and you are still at Ln P1, I think that the CR or Enter keystroke is interpreted as a LF. So,  
L1 P1 .......... L1 P80 CR (goes back to)
L1 P1 , then another CR adds an LF.
L2 P1  
When electric typewriters with fixed carriages and moveable typeballs came along, a combined CR/LF key moved the typeball back to Position 1 and advanced the line by one.  
When computers came along, not all systems were the same. Some treated CR as a plain CR w/o a LF and others treated the CR key as a combo CR/LF.  
Here's where I get a little uncertain about CR LF in computer editors (i.e., the forum post editor).  In the PREVIOUS versions of TER Boards, the "CR" or "Enter" key on your KB produced a combo CR/LF/LF which produced a normal blank line break and paragraph break. In THIS version of TER Boards, the "CR" or "Enter" key does a CR/LF ... I think. Then, a second CR (while at Position 1) does NOT seem to enter a LF. Entering two CRs in a row enters the LF.
As you can see from my typing, when I get to the end of a paragraph, I just hit "CR . CR" which produces  
L1 P1 ............ L1 P80 CR .
L2 P1 .  (a period at the beginning of L2) And another CR advances the line again. CR
L3 P1 a period at the beginning of L2 acts like a paragraph separator.

Posted By: 36363jensen
You can just put two blank lines between your paragraphs as you write, then TER will remove one when they publish it (who know why the code works like that but it does). Alternatively, you can just put a period on the line that separates your paragraphs.
The forum EDITOR and forum DISPLAY seem to work differently. The editor needs TWO CRs to create a paragraph break (a blank line), but the displayer seems to know not to display TWO blank lines.

is like having a guy with no dick teach you how to fuck.  Now that many here have made the connection, perhaps you should change your username and start over?  

talks so much about his and others' sex lives. And why his posts are so useless.

Posted By: IMhornbody2

 someone should start a thread on how guys can get more white listing on us.......which would be our reviews....most ladies that I ask about who ask me to post a review do not even know that white-listing exists let alone how to do it.
Yeah I used to run into that a lot too. It’s not hard. Just send her a link to the FAQ. You may find that some of them simply don’t want to mess with it.

I feel that if I'm going to read reviews of others in order to help me select the kinds of ladies I might have a good time with, I'm obligated to reciprocate by writing reviews of the ladies I see.  Otherwise, I'm just a leech on the review community here.  However, I would not do it if I could not maintain my anonymity, because there is no point in writing a review that is a dishonest assessment of the provider.  It helps no one and in fact, can mislead others about what to expect, which is worse than NOT writing a review, IMO.  As I learned many years ago, with this level of honesty, there is often blowback from providers if they can match the real you to your TER handle and don't like how honest you were in your review.

We have had many threads started here by reviewers who said a provider was retaliating or blacklisting them with other providers, and in worst cases, doxing them because of an unfavorable review, while simultaneously, providers are claiming that certain reviews that were negative are unfair or fake.  If providers can't match your real persona to your TER username, the drama that can come from disagreements over reviews is completely eliminated.   When asked for a review, I simply tell a provider something like, I don't have time to write reviews, I checked with YELP and they don't allow reviews of sex workers, or the easiest . . . . TER-who?  Lol

Personally I feel that someone who is reluctant to share their review history is hiding something, and I in turn am equally reluctant to see them.  You should not have to be dishonest in your reviews, but you should not be an asshole either.  If I look at a gentleman's review history and he has shared his opinions respectfully, good or bad, I am not going to hold this against him.  Now if he has many negative reviews - the issue may just be with him, not the ladies, or at least that he is not doing his job in selecting providers that meet his expectations.  Perhaps he is expecting supermodels on a budget or just taking his chances on any old girl from an ad or an agency without doing his research when he has specific requirements.  
Clearly not all anonymous reviewers would fall into these categories, and some may be nice guys who are reluctant to hurt a girl's feelings when they describe a less that perfect session.  However I have no way of knowing that is the case, as opposed to the alternative, which could be that he is such an asshole that no girl would agree to see him after reading what he writes in reviews.      

references who will vouch for what a respectful and generous client I am.  This is usually sufficient to get me an appointment 90% of the time, and every one of the 1000+ providers I have seen have invited me to come back. The other ten percent who want something more for screening will never see a dime of my money.  It's not complicated.  There are more providers than I will ever have time to see in my remaining lifetime, so there is no specific provider that I absolutely HAVE to see that would prompt me to give up my personal information.  

Your explanation about all of the assumptions you make from reading a potential customer's reviews just confirms my point.  If I say I don't review, but can provide two recent references, then you don't have to worry about any of that stuff and can enjoy the session stress-free.  Too many ladies use the code-word "respectfully" in an attempt to kowtow reviewers into not discussing any disappointing aspects of the session.   I am disappointed less than 2% of the time, so I'm excellent at finding providers that are a good fit for my preferences in looks and service.  

I actually happily accept provider references as long as they are from an established independent provider who has an online presence that can be validated accordingly and who I can contact using the published contact information.  

I also use a number of methods to screen potential clients based on each individual scenario. I do not demand a particular one size fits all formula.  

I fail to see how you have come up with “all the assumptions” I am making based on reviews.  How could you even know what I am looking for in reviews that would make me think twice?  You couldn’t possibly know what my preference is as far as clients are and what I am looking to see when deciding whether to see someone.

TWO assumptions. . . . . . That a guy who remains anonymous could either be shy about hurting a girl's feelings, or a complete asshole.  Then you admit you don't know which, so deciding either way would be an assumption on your part.   There might be several more explanations for someone remaining anonymous, but those, too, would be assumptions since you don't know.  By remaining anonymous, I take all of the stress out of you having to assume things.  if the word of two reputable TER providers is not enough to get me into the door, then I'm content to pass, draw a line through your name, and go on to the next lady on my TDL.  

Sorry I was taking your words literally when you said assumptions based on READING reviews.  You do not know how I interpret reviews in my screening process.  

You are absolutely correct when you speak of certain assumptions made when a fellow states that he does write reviews but purposely hides them from providers.  

As stated above, I am open to references, and given the criteria you have suggested, you would likely pass my screening, as I would have no way of knowing you were a stealth reviewer.

Rafl14 reads

I’ve done this for so long. YMMV is the number one rule. I want other participants to know it was a legit experience that was safe. I always want to convey she is worth the going rate. I ask ladies if they want one now. Most say yes or they don’t care. If they say yes I do one. They don’t care? Then I won’t. Once you get a regular you don’t bother. If she’s that good then she doesn’t need the reviews and doesn’t advertise.

Help the lady out.
Help a fellow player out.
Regale everyone with tales of my brobdingnagian sexual appetites and Olympian prowess.
Relive the moment.
Relive reliving the moment.

I agree with Mr Fisher, but in the same aspect........When a hobbyist writes a review for a Provider on any site like this. He/She can't come off nasty towards the Provider and not expect the Provider to be offended. when it comes down to what the Hobbyist wants and what the Provider give.......can turn out wrong because a Provider & a Hobbyist chat about what goes on during the session.........Providers have a different idea of what the Hobbyist wants. And the Hobbyist may give a bad review.

I don't post reviews for every encounter. I've come to my own code:
* If she has a no review policy, it's a no then.
* If it's a fantastic experience, I'll ask if she's ok with a review. Whatever she decides is what I'll do.
* If it's not a good experience, then I ask myself if it was a chemistry thing. If it was, then I'll assume it was my fault so I won't hurt her business. But if I feel she was in the wrong about something, I'll feel compelled to warn my fellow TERrarians.

Rafl2 reads

Most of my reviews are from my experience doing three ways. So if I can give back to other couples letting them know a provider is great then I do. Most providers who enjoy couples have stated they appreciate tasteful reviews. Obviously, if they have a no review policy then I wouldn’t. I typically don’t see ladies who do so never been an issue.

I remember back in time when I relied on the few reviews and how it help me navigate through all of this. There was a tight group of us who would share information through PM's. Where have they gone...
I see alot of non reviewed girls, as you can see so I take pleasure, also its a bit of an adrenaline rush for me to meet new ladies. So this creates my motivation, I like to share my experiences be it good or bad. Rarely do I take into consideration if it'll help or hurt the young lady. I'm as honest and real as I can be. I then hope it serves the community and maybe the young lady.

Well I have been occasionally lurking here on TER, and lo & behold I see my name dropped in this thread, along with the assumption I must be posting under a different name, or somehow coaching a fellow, long-winded disabled provider seeker.    

I have not been involved in TER since that last post I made way back when....although I do say "hello" via direct messages to various people I miss interacting with her on TER.   I have been observing the provider shenanigans over on Twitter/X......quite a different world than TER let me tell ya!  I don't want to start talking about it and not be able to expand or relate, so I suggest, if anyone is curious, go to twitter and check out some of the tweets of various providers.    

As for reviews.....I still feel and believe the same as I did when I first joined.....but nonetheless, I think I will be dropping my first one or two reviews sometime in the near future because of the exceptional ladies I have seen or am about to see:  One provider, who i very recently spent a LOT of time, was quite simply one of the best women I have EVER known anywhere, civilian or provider, in my 57 years.   She deserves the absolute best review possible so I am setting about writing it....

The other review I am anticipating writing is for a different, yet still exceptional provider who I will be seeing soon.  My alias will hopefully keep you guessing long enough for everyone to simply read the reviews objectively, without knowing yours truly wrote it!

I hope everyone here is doing well....yeah, I do mean everyone......

Glad you decided to stay around rather than leave if you wanted to be here.

Nice spacing on the post. Thanks.

hey GUS, fellow, long-winded disabled provider seeker here.........thanks again for your continued support.......I am still learning :) AND great spacing, made my day !!

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