TER General Board

He must have edited that already
Bompensiero 21 Reviews 2693 reads

It doesn't say all that about old fat and black teeth. I think he said aged a little and could stand to go the gym. Yet he was complimentary about other things too so I can't quite figure out why his numbers are so low. Anyway...
As a guy who travels and has to rely on the reviews of others to decide who to strike up conversation with I noticed 4 pages of 7s and 8s in appearance. Frankly I would disregard one low grade. Now if the next 3 guys all said something similar I might start a dialogue with someone else. But IMHO your pictures are great, until someone tells me they're fake I'd make up my own mind and ignore the 7s as well!!! Some gents are looking for Barbie and won't ever be happy.  As for me I'll be looking for you next time I'm up there.

I am on confused girl today, I just came across this review in TER that said I am old, fat and have black teeth and my physical services leaves much to be desired.

A few days after I saw another review from a later date that described me like this:
Posted: 27 June 2005 at [edited by moderator].com

I finally got a chance to meet Jordan last week. she has a place near English bay in downtown and I had a great time from the time she opened the door.
She is a very classy and beautiful woman and the pictures on her web site are accurate. She is not the Pamela Anderson type and more looks like some one that you would like to have as a girlfriend. She is an intelligent girl and easy to talk to which made the whole session more pleasurable.
The sex was great and felt more like a date than with an escort. I had only booked for 1 hour, so I felt that it was not enough time and this lady deserves more time, so most likely I will book her dinner/desert option next time since she told me, she is a good cook too.  

For those who like numbers, I rate her 9/9/9 ( I don't believe in 10, nobody is perfect)  

Your Jordan

Link: [Edited out by moderator.  Sorry, no links to other review sites.}  

Now I am confused. I know people have different tastes but this is too much of a difference.!!!
Help me to get out of my confusion, look at my site, be the judge and tell me what you think.

Thank you so much and happy Canada day and 4th of July.




-- Modified on 7/1/2005 4:24:47 PM

They have no taste. Your a beautiful Lady.

Ari Gold Super Agent3642 reads

"old, fat and have black teeth"?????

Not you babe!!!  Sounds more like a jealous woman than a disatisfied customer.

OK...let's hug it out!

It doesn't say all that about old fat and black teeth. I think he said aged a little and could stand to go the gym. Yet he was complimentary about other things too so I can't quite figure out why his numbers are so low. Anyway...
As a guy who travels and has to rely on the reviews of others to decide who to strike up conversation with I noticed 4 pages of 7s and 8s in appearance. Frankly I would disregard one low grade. Now if the next 3 guys all said something similar I might start a dialogue with someone else. But IMHO your pictures are great, until someone tells me they're fake I'd make up my own mind and ignore the 7s as well!!! Some gents are looking for Barbie and won't ever be happy.  As for me I'll be looking for you next time I'm up there.

If you want the god's honest truth, horny24, I don't think it was a rant, I'm all for ranting, I thought the purpose of the post was for me to go to her link and check out her teeth.
(I was interested in the possibility of having a black-toothed woman.)
I find Jordan very pretty and sexy (and in Canada) and her reviews are nice, but I do not see any evidence of teeth at all.
I think she's drawing attention to a discussion of her teeth so we don't notice she has a wooden leg or something.  (Which I am also attracted to.)

Let me introduce myself: Lex, Lex Luethor: supervillain, cad, lousy lover, dweeb, geek, and (most importantly) amateur arbitrator.

Jordon, come see me and I'll settle this.

DC office hours: Mon-Fri Noon - 6.

ellobo691864 reads

Holy shit!!! You're HOT!!!

What's the jerk talking about?

I can't say if your pictures are a true representation of the in-person you, but they are pictures portraying a VERY attractive woman.  So, if they are you, you are hot.

This world would be a beautiful place.  You are stunning.  Planning any trips to Boston?

Obviously he was mad that you didn't help him pull the stick out of his ass.

but then, I wish more providers would smile in their galleries. It's jest me. I like smiling ladies. A lot of guys are looking for Barbie, I'm looking for Barbie's mother (MILF).

Anyway, if you smiled I could also check out your black teeth, LOL WTF!

I'm headed to Canada baby!

InLA1625 reads

but I can't see your teeth in the pictures, so I cannot judge.

When I posted this thread, I just meant it as more light hearted simple comment on how people view things. I know that I am not falling to pieces, it was just a joke and I also had a great long weekend and hope that everybody else here on both sides of the boarder had a great Canada day or Independence day.



erbslydcw2286 reads

Jordon...it's Heather, from Eros (you went on a 5 day trip w/that gentleman I spent a day on the river fishing with).
I have my retail business you know-one other store owner emailed his disgust in this adventure of mine! Gee, wonder how he found out about it!! Another one came in yesterday and told me how much he respects me.
Then there was a first date that met me with a gold/diamond necklace, we had a lovely dinner, talked business.....he looked at me, and said, "What if ONE person who can afford this, is one you see at one of your council or business association meetings, and your real business's go bye bye". We had the nicest desert privately.
Then there was someone who for months I had avoided, and when I finally went out...it was th e most disgusting mess, and he tried to hand me a check. I wouldn't have stayed for even 1k in cash!!
All I could do was get the heck out of there, and call as many other women I know to stay away!
You go girl, as the saying goes. The great, late, Katherine Hepburn put it best, "Don't complain, and never explain".
I suspect you have as many lovely memories to fall back on as I do....or just go stand in nature, and BREATHE (not in a motor home though, right-ha, ha!!!!)
Come down to Portland sometime. I'll send you an invite when I have the open house for my newest business. Get on the visiting site for pdx, and I'll probably only get to see you for a minute. I have the worlds coolest wrap around porch, and even a plug in for either laptop movies or music!!!
I'd come to see you, but the last time I've travled to sun valley, and chicago, my store didn't get opened, and that is not a compromise i'm willing to try unless it's a sure thing with my employees here.
Bottom line...you know what you're about-me too!!!
While we offer so much more than intimacy, we're not therapists, just lovely women!!
I say we start a web site, by providers, to rate the men!!!!!!!!!!!
Smiles, Heather

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