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Face it, our Gov't knows the PR value of persecuting a bitch everyone hates!
sdstud 18 Reviews 4520 reads

The fact is, if Martha Stewart actually committed any wrongdoing in her stock trades (which is actually debateable), it was a technicality or a misdemeanor that warrants an administrative fine, not hard time in prison.  The prosecution knows that she is strongly disliked, and they are using that to cover themselves for over-zealously prosecuting her.  It's actually quite scary in these days of the Ashcroft Justice Department, where the degree to which a crime is a "CRIME" worthy of serious punishment is dictated by which way public opinion is blowing, rather than by the rule of law.  To me, that is the REAL issue, and it is being obscured by the mass media sound-byte frenzy.

about Jane Juska (damnit, I'm gonna lose my hard drive!)
and her book (now I want to get a copy)?

Ok, gotta make this quick. What do you think about that? Do you think it will make any difference about our community?

I'd like to write her! Any of you, too?
It's all in the timing, and I'd like to write her soon!

I wish I caught the whole program - I only saw the last ten minutes! I guess you could go online and get more info.

Anyway, wanted to hear your comments.

One more thing. Why do people hate Martha Stewart so much? Do you think what she did was that big of a deal?

Did not see 48 hours...Martha is getting screwed because of who she is...insider trading happens every day...let it go..

The stories coming out suggest she (provably) lied to federal investigators.  That is against the law and can get you a year or so in jail.  The accusations of stock manipulations against her are a lot more problematic.

All she had to do was admit it, and she would have recieved a slap on the wrist and a fine. But she has to be stubborn and continue to lie. Hell, she did what we all would have done. I wouldn't take a big loss if I knew it was coming, but when you get caught by Feds, fess up and get it over with. Now she pi$$ed them off. They are going to make an example out of her, and it's going to cost taxpayers money to do it.

because the gov oveerreached itself in the stock manipulation part of the case.

I think the government needed to "catch" someone famous and recognizable so the public would believe they were fully into these investigations, that they had done a complete job.  

I think they are going out on a limb in prosecuting her, essentially saying that she denied wrong doing to benefit her and her company.  They aren't trying to say she did anything wrong just that she denied it.  It is like making pleading innocent a crime if it benefits you.  I think she will be found innocent.  No judge wants to go there.

Great program.  I also caught part of the show, but Jane has a great attitude.  It looks like her book is quite explicit in the descriptions of her affairs.  I hope I continue to have her energy at 67.  I love the way a big grin shows up on her face when talking about her escapades. Sedona, I could see you write a book about yours!!  :)

It's not what she did, hell, look at those enron guys. they should burn for all the destruction hey caused.
She was just a plain bitch and at a time when things were really hot, whoelse then America's favorite homemaer, Martha "Theee Bitch" Stewart.
She's just pretty f'in ugly inside and out!
Still, they are cooking her too much for something everyone else does.

She comes across as someone who seems to think rules are for little people (ala Leona Helmsly) Remember her? The public pays attention when those among the rank and privleged that do things seemingly because they just can. They dont play by the rules, and ordinary people know they couldnt get away with those kinds of actions. Martha appears to have done these things because she just thought she could. As a former stock broker and NASD Registered Representative,(and a very successful one) Martha Stewart knows better. These infractions are basic in the industry and very well understood by those in it. She certainly didnt need the money. She comes across as someone who did it just because she thought she could.

-- Modified on 1/23/2004 6:20:09 AM

The fact is, if Martha Stewart actually committed any wrongdoing in her stock trades (which is actually debateable), it was a technicality or a misdemeanor that warrants an administrative fine, not hard time in prison.  The prosecution knows that she is strongly disliked, and they are using that to cover themselves for over-zealously prosecuting her.  It's actually quite scary in these days of the Ashcroft Justice Department, where the degree to which a crime is a "CRIME" worthy of serious punishment is dictated by which way public opinion is blowing, rather than by the rule of law.  To me, that is the REAL issue, and it is being obscured by the mass media sound-byte frenzy.

Some Nerd2979 reads

Sedona ask if anybody watched a 48 hours segment about Jane Juska and she gets nothing but responses about Martha Stewart...

Sometime the reading comprehension skills of TER posters scares me.

Here's a link to her book... Jane Juska's, not Martha Stewart's, in case anybody wants to know who Sedona was speaking about.


Tootsie3569 reads

keep me reading TER.  Thanks!  
Didn't see the show, and would have missed this if not for you.  Thanks!!!!

but I did also wonder why do people hate Martha so much!? And, people chose to go that route in their comments.

It seems people have always disliked Martha long before she was charged with this 'crime'. Why does it seem to be human nature to 'love to hate' somebody? Envy?

I like sdstud's response to Martha's situation. I mean, you'd think she committed mass murder or something!

Oh well..I only caught the last ten minutes of this Jane thing and got so excited and was so sad to have not seen the whole episode. I think this could really open some doors of communication about sex and sexuality and how hungup we are in this country - and really help our community.
I for one, plan to write her a letter - no, a short story - about it, and see where it goes.

Thank you so much for the link.

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