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D.W. Winnicott by way of Fairbairn and Klein w/ a nod to C.G.J.
pedal2the_metal 1 Reviews 290 reads

"At the heart of Fairbairn's theory was a notion of endopsychic structure based directly on the vicissitudes of human object relatedness --in a way so radically different from other theories of his time that it is only now, a half-century later, that his ideas are finally having their appropriately profound influence on the general spectrum of psychoanalytic thinking"

I'd expand on this with the suggestion that the Lilith Archetype, the first wife of Adam, which constellates in the psychic structure of the coutesan (we also note the linguistic root "coeur", of the heart) is experienced as an ambivalence of self (as projected onto the idealized other) and object, that which is split off as "not-self"... it is this self/not-self tension which makes the courtesanal relation both nurturant, in that is a vital affirmation of the deep endopsychic plane in the male, and at the same time, a reflection of self versus object absence of completion. One could further posit when the male psyche, that which is "greater than ego consciousness" attains an interal, endopsychic attainment or rapprochment with the object, that the mythic plane of the courtesan becomes unfolded to him, and he cam become folded into it, or "com-plicated", among the folds...

you will hear such life stories, sometimes such amazing things as you could not imagine, endless things like ancient myths...

Women that we encounter in the hobby are actual human beings, with depth and breadth and stories to tell? Next you'll tell me that I can apply that to everyone I meet? My bosses, my employees, my customers - the kid behind the counter at the convenience store and the old man volunteering at the information booth?

Are you trying to tell me that these are all real people, and not just objects placed there for my convenience?


I wasn't certain if you were alluding to Depth (Jungian) Psychology, with the mythological statement or Object-Relations Psychology. British-Independent or Kleinian???

"At the heart of Fairbairn's theory was a notion of endopsychic structure based directly on the vicissitudes of human object relatedness --in a way so radically different from other theories of his time that it is only now, a half-century later, that his ideas are finally having their appropriately profound influence on the general spectrum of psychoanalytic thinking"

I'd expand on this with the suggestion that the Lilith Archetype, the first wife of Adam, which constellates in the psychic structure of the coutesan (we also note the linguistic root "coeur", of the heart) is experienced as an ambivalence of self (as projected onto the idealized other) and object, that which is split off as "not-self"... it is this self/not-self tension which makes the courtesanal relation both nurturant, in that is a vital affirmation of the deep endopsychic plane in the male, and at the same time, a reflection of self versus object absence of completion. One could further posit when the male psyche, that which is "greater than ego consciousness" attains an interal, endopsychic attainment or rapprochment with the object, that the mythic plane of the courtesan becomes unfolded to him, and he cam become folded into it, or "com-plicated", among the folds...

Can bring about exceptional times during repeat visits with a lady, even my ATF, though often difficult to attain.

meettheman192 reads

My wife is the object of my affections while my ATF is the woman of my dreams.

mmm... You ever watch an NBA game where the guy bricks it, or a game in which Tom Brady takes more sacks, then he actually get's in the sack .. that's what this post is like..

good times.

I've been seeing my ATF for quite some time now and her personal life sounds like a combination soap opera/Jerry Springer episode! She seems to walk around with a dark cloud above her.

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