TER General Board

Donation problem....Am I being a chump?regular_smile
VonRyan 15 Reviews 2406 reads

Well...Champ, it reads like she must be really delivering the "goods" for you...and with that being said...

The answer is NO, if you feel the amount of $ your spending is  "chump" change to you... and only you know the answer to that.
Conversely, this provider, should at least by now be rewarding your allegience to her services in some fashion?

Its your call to make but I'm sure she would appreciate"negotiation" rather than abruptly walking away from her services.
The educated hobbyist is the providers best customer.


jack bauer4671 reads

I'm confused about something. It's clear from reading this board that trying to negotiate the donation is a bad idea -- most providers seem to take great offense.  But it's also clear that many providers give discounts to regulars.  

So how does that come about? If a guy isn't supposed to negotiate, is he just suppose to wait for the provider to offer a discount for a regular. And how long, before you're considered a regular. I've been seeing one provider 2-3 times a month, usually for two hours, for four months but I'm still paying the full fare. Am I being a chump?

No, you're not a chump for paying list price... no matter what the goods or services.  You have the choice of shopping around at any time.

Some ladies do not give discounts for their good friends, some do.  Usually a lady will tell you if she does... but after this much time, it would be reasonable to make a discreet inquiry.  

Well...Champ, it reads like she must be really delivering the "goods" for you...and with that being said...

The answer is NO, if you feel the amount of $ your spending is  "chump" change to you... and only you know the answer to that.
Conversely, this provider, should at least by now be rewarding your allegience to her services in some fashion?

Its your call to make but I'm sure she would appreciate"negotiation" rather than abruptly walking away from her services.
The educated hobbyist is the providers best customer.


wormhole2470 reads

Considering the amount of time (and $) you are spending with this provider, you should be considered a regular and have been offered some form of discount or other. I'd raise the question with her in an appropriate fashion. If nothing is forthcoming - I'd be moving on.

sexxygirrl2273 reads

I have some really wealthy regular clients who spend a large amount of money on porn stars and also the very expensive ladies in LA like Morgan Ashley and Naughty Ali. I feel my less expensive fee is quite a bargain to them and I wouldn't offer a discount.

Now if a regular were to hint that a discount would be greatly  appreciated, I would certainly offer that after a few sessions.

Even though you may not be getting a financial discount,  you may not realize it but due to the comfort level, regulars get higher priority with bookings, and more liberal services.

So, I'd say go ahead and ask; if she declines, decide if you want to give up the little extras and move on. It's totally your choice and believe me, she knows it.

When I say on my website that my rates are non-negotiable, I basically mean that new clients have absolutely no right to try and dicker me down. I have a very reasonable and market appropriate rate and if the potential client feels it's too much, then he should really go somewhere else.
It's obnoxious when folks you've never even seen before try and get bargain basement rates....just plain rude.
I do offer a discounted rate for regulars, as well as tiered pricing to encourage multiple hour appointments. I would think that a regular would be happy with that.
If the lady that you are seeing offers a discount she either would have mentioned it by now, or listed her policy on her website.
Of course, if you've been seeing her as often as you say, I don't think it would be rude to test the waters on a discount. You've already proven you are no cheap skate and that you value her services.
I say chat with her about it and if she says no, well make your decision about what to do from that point. I seriously doubt that a provider with a good and loyal client would be willing to squander that over a few bucks.
Good luck!

I've personally found that most ladies who know me well would be more likely to give me longer sessions for the same fee, as opposed to cutting the fees.  This makes sense.  Their rent and living expenses aren't going down any.

In a related topic, I have often found that ladies who I see on a regular basis might (depending on their personal circumstances, such as kids, day job or S.O. of course) be willing to travel with me for several days at a cost that is far below their published daily or travel rates, but more in line with what they might charge for a few hours of time a day.  This, of course, is also dependent on whether you are going somewhere that they'd like to travel to, and it gives you a chance to better understand what they REALLY think of your company outside the bedroom  - If she considers you a bore and it's real work to be with you, she's not likely to cut you a sweet deal on a several day adventure.  If, OTOH, she actually considers you pleasant company, and really wants to go to the place you're asking to take her, you'd be amazed at how much below the published rate the deal might be.

Ci Ci4870 reads

For those whom I spend more than two hours with anyway and only charge for two hours, they should already feel they're getting a good deal. Otherwise, I would be offended if they asked for less $$ as a donation. However, for those whom I see on a regular basis, I've been known to do freebies or give an extra hour for their birthdays. Ladies will post on their websites if they are offering specials, or I will send emails (in advance) to my regular clients when I'm running a special so they can be the first to jump on the offer (pardon the pun).


You may be a chump, sorry to say but I have been where you are.

Saw a lady 10 times over the last year and she got real indignant with me about a discount OR extra time for being so regular.

-- Modified on 5/4/2004 11:34:51 AM

Well one thing is trying to talk to the girl about it and see if she is willing to give a bit. I dont mind people negotiating with me if I have seen them a cpl of times but not the first time. If I have seen a guy over 4 months and as many times as that I would consider giving a break. Besides its not like you are being a tight wad..  Then again I am soft hearted at times and well it has bit me in the azz a time or two.. That is another story however..LOL.. good luck sweetie
Renee (tampa)

but can't afford to. Or find someone less expensive for alternate visits and let her know you are doing so because of cost. This can also be used to expand what she does with you. There was one woman I used to see regularly. I asked her repeatedly to shower with me, but she always made an excuse. Then one day when I saw her after a long absence, she asked where I'd been, and I told her that I had started seeing someone who was willing to shower with me. After that she always asks if I'd like her to join me in the shower.

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