TER General Board

CraigsList didn't have porn stars
420Smoka4Eva 13 reads

The CL girls had lower rates though and the higher end providers stayed away from that site. The amateurs these days want to start billing out at professional rates out the gate.

420Smoka4Eva750 reads

After a lovely experience with an established lady. I've been thinking about something I can't help but notice. There seems to be a difference between providers that were in the business before COVID and providers that entered the business after COVID. I was wondering if anyone else noticed this difference?

We're all aware of how prices and business practices have changed. It is harder and more expensive to book independent girls but this isn't about that. I've just noticed that providers in the business before COVID tend to have better service and standards, regardless of their price point, booking policies, or review policies. They tend to be more professional and prompt with their communications. A lot of these providers have spent a long time developing a reputation. The downside is you can sometimes run into burnout, which can be easy to avoid (check the social media).

With the newer providers, I am more likely to run into fake reviews. They tend to be more demanding of their clients. They also don't seem to want to pay their dues, expecting a lot of money with no website or reviews. There just seems to be more shenanigans.

Am I the only one who has noticed this divide or am I simply getting unlucky?

And, as you know, you are dealing with an incredibly small sample set so it's tough to draw any conclusions. Anecdotally, there seems to be quite a few new women in the last few years that don't play by the old rules. As I have stated before, I am much more likely to see a link to their OF profile on their Tryst ad where it requests a website in that space than ever before.  
I also see only a phone number with no email listed anywhere. I avoid those women. I am old school in that way as I like to write out a full email for my date request. I guess that is just a generational difference.
New girls used to have a forum here, the FAQS for Newbies, where they could go and get valuable info as to what guys want and need to book them. A professionally looking site, joining p411, having access to other providers by pm, where just some of the advice that would get on that board, etc, as well as on other sites. That part of the site is now dead, sadly.  
So what you may be experiencing is women coming into this lifestyle without having all those benefits newbie women had when they entered pre-Covid. That is a distinct possibility. I guess it isnt a problem for me bc I almost immediately rule those women out from jump street.

420Smoka4Eva11 reads

Did you just say I made a sweeping generalization and then proceeded to provide information that backed up my claims? LOL.

Lets not dismiss this as anecdotal. Sure we aren't collecting raw numbers and doing data analysis but I don't think the sample size is small. These girls are simply being filtered out and not considered. Sure, my sample size might be small but that's because most new providers don't even make the cut to book. Would I expect a better experience from the providers I don't book? I don't think so, if they don't work hard on their marketing are they going to work hard during an appointment? You and I both seem to doubt it.

Not to make this about Tryst, but you outlined my main issue with Tryst. There are ads on there but most of them are from providers who are barely trying and investing as little into their business as possible. Most of these women get filtered out by us. Yea there are 1,400 providers in the NYC area but 95%-99% of them don't make the cut. That site isn't flooded with providers it is flooded with pretenders.  

I think the issue is most new providers got their information from Social Media, which provides a rose colored view of sex work. Providers, like most people, emphasize the positive aspects of their life on social media. Some providers also play up the luxurious lifestyle for marketing purposes. What women don't see is that escorting, especially high end escorting, is a lot of work and most of the work has nothing to do with the actual sex. I also think a lot of newbies don't understand that more established providers are able to get away with more because they've developed a reputation. A woman in the business can require deposits, set rates high, go no reviews or have no website because she has a reputation and lots of clients who will still vouch for her.  Either way, all of this info is out there I just think like you said, new girls want to play by their own rules.

I am a "pre covid" provider and these are the providers that I mostly associate with, so I guess you would have to give me more info on what you mean with the providers that started post covid and the issues you are having.  
I am going to agree with the fake reviews. I have seen reviews on this site as well as other sites that are so obviously fake it is funny.  
You will have to elaborate on "pay their dues". Not every provider wants to do this long term, so rather a moot point to think they are going to put in a whole lot of effort building a brand when they plan to move on in a month or two when they get enough money.
 Price points-yeah, I have made many comments on this also. I don't give two shits what a provider thinks they are going to charge, but I will for sure put in my 2 cents if I see on your website you are charging $800+ an hour and then are on twitter begging for money to pay for your rent and cell phone. NOOO.............
What would a provider be demanding from you? I mean if it is beyond anything that is listed on their website as to what they need to book an appointment I am unsure why you are wasting your time.  
As I have also stated before at this point this is a sellers market. Technically it is still illegal but the stings are targeted at clients now, not providers. Sex workers know this and so do the scammers. Honestly this has been helpful for me and my business because the degrading commentary and run around I used to receive for screening info and pre booking is almost zero at this point. I am also going to attribute this to the fact that if guys don't book with me they are going to have to drive 2+ hours to Madison or Milwaukee to see a provider, so I get that I am about it for this area. It is me or Rosy, so yeah. I am also cheap as fuck and not a complete toad stool in the looks department, so that too is a bonus.  
Also aren't you in NYC with like 4.5K options??? At this point I am about ready to help you find a lay, good grief bud!! You are starting to sound like me in the toothpaste aisle. They are all pretty similar, but I do still read almost every damn package and then when I decide on one that ends up not being what I wanted I am pissed. At myself, that is.

She takes very good care of them and they look great.

I can’t say I see anything that is obviously a pre vs post COVID change when it comes to when they entered the business. Robert mentioned OF, so I will say that has definitely impacted the business. Some providers have left to focus on OF. Some might decrease how many clients they see if they are bringing in dough from OF. It made it easier for providers to test the waters with price increases. There’s a big difference between worrying about rent and food vs. buying another Prada bag. If OF is at least covering basic needs, there is less risk teasing out higher rates. They are less fearful of losing some clients.

But behavior I see a mixed bag regardless of how long a provider has been in the business. So for me, it’s not standing out.

I always forget about OF because I do in person only. Everything also you posted I would agree with, thanks Z!

Honestly, I prefer ladies who don't do OF. I feel the same way about Porn. While I know providers are seeing other guys, I can suspend this easier if it's not something that I and the rest of the world can watch. As one who prefers GFE and is not at all interested in PSE, I prefer ladies who keep the show between those involved in the show and not everyone else.

Steve_Trevor12 reads

pre-COVID providers have been in the business for over four to four and a half years at least, post-COVID providers for maybe only a year or two, depending on what date you choose for post-COVID.  

With more experience comes more time to build a reputation, more honing of skills and business practices, and more review history (hence less need for fake reviews).

All of my fav providers started pre-COVID, but I think that’s because once I find an exceptional provider at a reasonable price point, I prefer to give them repeat business rather than seeing a lot of new-to-me providers.

I don't think this has anything to do with COVID, and more to do with sesta/fosta that took down the old sites (even if it was temporary like TER, there was lasting effect) + social media rise + onlyfans/seeking. Simply put, there are more options now to get sex work income without needing to do the older way of having a service menu check boxes + reviews. Think about it from provider side, you can get your desired income without having a bunch of clients writing gross reviews or asking about sexual acronyms (yes some providers think it's gross, while some providers like to read them). People who use TER will probably never see those girls and that's ok.

Covid certainly played a roll, for virtually the entire p4p system shut down all at once for about a year or so. This caused a rapid and sudden loss of income for providers and they took to other means to make money such as OF, camming, etc

I was an active hobbyist for many years, and things are more difficult now.  Deposits were uncommon  and screening was less intrusive.  I’ve tend to stick with sugar babies as a result.  

First, I agree with Nude.  I think SESTA/FOSTA disrupted the market.  So, many of the older "rules" no longer applied.

But, my perception is, that its not so much "Pre-Covid vs Post-Covid", as "Professional" vs "Amateur".  There are a lot of girls, testing the waters, learning the ropes.  Over time, many of them will fail and/or give up (attrition).  What is left, will be "professional' sex workers.  So as time goes on, you'll always see "Fly By Night" providers and "Established" providers (some of whom are, at the moment, the "Post-Covid" providers.

420Smoka4Eva11 reads

I think you hit the nail on the head with the "professional vs. amateur" distinction. These days it is easier and cheaper than ever to set up social media, create an only fans account and post a free ad on tryst. They only incur a cost if/when they get a booking. It doesn't mean the girl is getting a lot of bookings or available for bookings all the time. It is pretty easy to be "fly by night" and part time these days it seems.

Remember CraigsList? Lots of low-enders and amateurs used it years ago.

420Smoka4Eva14 reads

The CL girls had lower rates though and the higher end providers stayed away from that site. The amateurs these days want to start billing out at professional rates out the gate.

For those that are newer, TER actually went dark in the US from April 2018 to December 2019, 20 months in all.  We could access TER from other countries using VPN, but all US logins were blocked.  That did more to disrupt the continuum here than anything else.  Covid came later, and while TER was still recovering from the US shutdown, Covid was not the reason things are not yet back to where they were pre-FOSTA/SESTA where we had 60,000+ members logged in at any given time.  Many people gave up on the idea that TER would ever be back.  

The encouraging news is that not a month goes by that I don't recognize usernames that have been absent for years that are slowly coming back now that they realize TER is alive and well again.  

That is true. But my observation is that most of them don't stick around long because this place IMHO is still a desert where old topics just get rehashed by less savvy people than in the past.

on the Kgirl board a few days ago.   A thread was started on a topic that has been discussed 9 times in the past six months.  This place is becoming a wasteland of humorless yutes with questionable experience.  I give thanks that we are getting some experienced guys recenty, Like Drebin and now Gus, that add some humor and entertainment value to this board.  I think you are being generous referring to some of these newbies as "less savvy."  

Virtual GFE became a real money maker when Covid hit. Offering webcams dates, sexting, and paying for content became high demand. When I got Covid & suffered from long haul Covid that’s when I created my onlyfans. The fact that you can supplement your income without putting yourself at risk changed the game.

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