TER General Board

Chicken coop, eh?....
mrfisher 108 Reviews 16 reads

I guess it makes sense since your job is to raise peckers.


I am baffled at the fact that professional photographers are charging more, than the top rated providers. I personally do not care to pay for over photoshopped images that are not a good representation of the person. I know the photos are used as bait to get you to book a date, but is it worth it?  Let me know your thoughts. Investing thousands on a photo shoot with a professional photographer…


-- Modified on 9/4/2024 12:17:30 AM

RespectfulRobert17 reads

I have always felt a good mix of professional shots, phone pics and selfies were the way to go. Virtually every top provider will get professional pics every few years at least, and many of them will get 2 shots per year, sometimes more. If you are using a photog who over photoshops, ask him or her to tone that down or get a different photog.  
I do agree the photos should be a decent representative of the provider in person.

Personally, I prefer selfies and non-posed pictures. In my experience they give me a much truer representation of the lady I will meet. By contrast, professional photos with their filters and photoshop and digital modification usually look glamorous but rarely depict the true essence of the lady I will meet for an appointment.  
And I especially hate photos where tattoos have been digitized out of the picture. If I'm going to meet a lady with a bunch of body art I'd like to know that because to me it's distracting and not my flavor. I've even walked out of a few appointments where the lady's pictures depicted clear, beautiful skin but when I arrived she was all tatted up.
Early in my hobby career/experience, a much older gent told me something that has almost universally been proven true. He said "An escort's ad photos are the best she'll ever look. Professional make-up, hair, wardrobe, setting, lighting and photographer. They spend hours getting ready for that photoshoot. Don't expect the same appearance when you schedule a date for an hour or two." It was great advice.

RespectfulRobert16 reads

Getting professional shots tells her potential clients she is a professional and takes her craft seriously. Most providers want to appeal to a large spectrum of guys and one way to do that is by having different types of photos and by using different type of cameras.  
I see girls typically, but not exclusively, at or near the upper end of the price chart. Those women, by and large, can look like the professional photos they show online. For those, pro shots greatly enhance their appeal, the number of date requests and thus their profitability. It would make zero sense for the vast majority of women in this line of work to rid themselves of professional photos or to never get them in the first place.

I posted a pic in one of my ads a few years ago of me wearing a pink stocking cap, no makeup, and I was wearing my Carhart bibs as I was just on my way out to clean my chicken coop. It was more of a joke than anything, but I honestly received by far the most responses and bookings from that pic that I have ever received from any sexy professional pics. The pic was kind of cute, but I think more than anything it showed my true personality that at times gets lost in professional shoots. Pro shoot or not if the pics do not really reflect the person that you are I think you are going to just get lost in the whore matrix and are just another pretty face.

I guess it makes sense since your job is to raise peckers.


420Smoka4Eva13 reads

I do appreciate selfies and candid photos because they are slightly harder to fake and manipulate. They can use IG filters on their face but it will still give an accurate representation of their body. There is no guarantee that professional photos are up to date and I've noticed that some aging escorts have stopped updating their portfolio. Best case I would have both. I prefer the ad to mostly be professional photos and I use social media to check for selfies/candids. I also like to take a look at the OF if I'm on the fence and the girl has one. It can be hard to hide on that website. I've saved a lot of money just plucking down $5-$15 and seeing the truth.  

But, the professional photographs aren't about how a provider looks. Trust me I understand they will be touched up. It is about how seriously she takes her craft and profession. The provider hasn't even met me yet and they are already trying hard to seduce me. Compare this to the provider who is sitting in front of a mirror in some panties, bra optional. Ignore that she is looking at her phone and not into the camera. Ignore the mess on the sink and the messy bed reflected in the mirror. It kind of indicates a different approach.

for the Fantasy, not the reality.  I fully understand the miracles that can be performed with professional makeup, but that is how providers usually appear for the session, so it's still in line with the fantasy.  With that said, I want to see their best presentation that is ACCURATE as far as body proportions.  Too much photo shopping by chubby girls will result in a shortened session and an honest review about the deception.    From what I have seen of your photos, I give you kudos for not trying to mislead potential customers on what to expect when reality and fantasy meet.  

420Smoka4Eva15 reads

When I interview for a job I wear expensive shoes and an expensive suit. I bring my resume printed out on cotton resume paper. I have a professional headshot for my LinkedIn. None of these things have anything to do with my ability to do my job but I do it anyway. I make myself look like a professional because I want to get paid like one.  

It is a huge turnoff whenever I see a provider charging premium, high end prices while their ad only has bathroom selfies and iPhone pics. It feels like showing up to a job interview in sweatpants. If a provider can't put effort into their ads how much effort will they put into my appointment? If a provider can't invest in their career why should I invest in them? As prices go up standards go up.

ickylib16 reads

A friend had a son who published a book a while back and a professional photographer was supposedly a "friend" who would give a great deal.  

The finished product was good, but not worth the $2-3k they charged.  A Samsung Galaxy Ultra or latest iPhone would've done the job well with the right person using it.  

As you alluded to; mis-representation is a good way to get bad reviews if the new client is disappointed and thinks that you were trying to hide your true looks.  Why would he repeat?

…take their business seriously and invest in it.  This includes having P411, having TER reviews, a professional and easy to navigate website - with professional photography that is updated at least every two years.  I also like to see selfies on social media that give a more candid view of their day to day.  

A provider that has professional photography is by no means guaranteed to give a great session, but it does tell me a little bit about how she approaches her business.  If it’s a toss up between selfies only vs. professional photography & selfies I’ll go with the second choice every time.  

I can certainly understand the value in investing in a professional online presence and marketing strategies to support one's business. Having a well-designed website with high-quality, tasteful photography can go a long way in establishing credibility and trust with potential clients. Platforms like P411 and TER also provide useful resources and vetting systems that help screen for reliable, reputable service providers. I  host local SP social events like private orgy parties or gatherings can be an effective way to foster a sense of community and cultivate personal connections.  

But when executed thoughtfully, this multifaceted marketing strategy , combining a professional digital footprint, industry-specific advertising channels, and exclusive in-person functions - can be tremendously beneficial in growing and sustaining a thriving, reputable business in this space. The time and resources invested upfront tend to pay dividends in the long run through improved client relationships, higher booking rates, and a more stable revenue stream.

But you are right that photo shopped, heavily airbrushed or otherwise misleading photos do no one any good. Nor do I need 30 pictures of a lady in 10 different outfits, sprawled across a Ferrari or lounging in an expensive hotel room. I should have a very good sense of what you look like in 5-10 well done photos.  

I like a little bit of glam, accurate representation, and sexiness. Hopefully there are some photographers out there who can do that for less than a king's ransom.

Not all pro photos are photoshopped.
I had 2 x sessions with Santillo specifically because his photos were good and he would use lighting and poses to get great pics without having to photoshop.  
I had one session with a female photographer and she was lovely but she edited the shit out of them and I didn’t care for or use them.  She just wasn’t as good at getting the best out of her subjects and relied heavily on editing tools to do the job for her.  
My most liked pic ever was not photoshopped either.  
So again, not all expensive photographers photoshop the shit out of pics…but I willl say my experience with male
Photographers yielded better results than the ones with women  


Posted By: QueenBia

I am baffled at the fact that professional photographers are charging more, than the top rated providers. I personally do not care to pay for over photoshopped images that are not a good representation of the person. I know the photos are used as bait to get you to book a date, but is it worth it?  Let me know your thoughts. Investing thousands on a photo shoot with a professional photographer…  

-- Modified on 9/4/2024 12:17:30 AM

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