TER General Board

Bird Watcher Society?regular_smile
thor18 10 Reviews 1736 reads

You know, we are all looking for...

The double breasted mattress scratcher, aren't we?

A pin with "TER Bird watcher" or "Bird Watcher Hobbiest"....

-- Modified on 11/28/2005 8:48:48 PM

Bizzaro Superdude4257 reads

Below in the post "How do you ask a girl if she is a provider?" it was suggested that we wear some sort of ID!  I like that - especially if it were very innocent looking...  like a pin or ring with some sort of identifying mark...  

Would the money makers within TER be willing to support selling something like this to those who qualify?  and would we hobbiests and providers wish to bear "the Mark!"  hee hee....  I know it sounds pretty silly to me too - but I do like the idea as I too have sat in a hotel lobby and wondered.... hummmm.... is that CiaraPhx over there - or Avalon Rose?  hummm.....  can't be Ciara from Buffalo - as she looks like she is having too much fun and Ciara from buffalo is all serious and everthing... lol....  and would that be webterrorist over there?! with her laptop... secretively typing out stuff?  hummmm........ what a fantasy and the code would help....

To the code.

...and he had a sign with my handle on it.  Thankfully, mine is less attention grabbing than some, and we relied more on cell phone technology, but it does bring up an interesting point.  So much depends on what the symbol is...I'd be less likely, if it were, say... a scarlett letter...LOL.  But if it were too common, say a US flag, we might have ladies assuming that Dubya was interested in a provider, and that would probably not go well...

Bizzaro Superdude1265 reads

Else it might become a beacon to LE!  But I too have wondered when exiting a hotel - who is the next guy?!   or when going - was that the other guy....?  Yea, I know they are supposed to keep us separated but I do wonder.  and would not mind meeting some (not all) of my fellow hobbiests in person....  or some of the providers - in a totally social setting and not for a session, but simply because I think that they have interesting views... some of the ladies I find terribly interesting?

Emma Bond (but I think that the world knew that)
Avalon Rose
Ciara from Buffalo

Please note that I did not list Ciara from Phonix.....   I really don't wish to talk to her....   until after....  Wink - big wink.

I think that for a symbol we could use some sort of ancient symbol for sex....   egyptian or mayan?  how would that be - ???

symbol would be great!  Unfortunately, LE knows about TER (I'm sure) -- and other sites -- so they could easily buy the lapel pin (or whatever the code is) and wear it too. There must be a good way we could have a secret society, like the Prioy of Sion in the "DaVinci Code."  How fun would that be?


lv2daty2872 reads

will you be on the side of the road with a "GO LV2DATY!" sign at the Las Vegas Marathon?

Great idea!  All the providers would wear pins announcing to everyone that they are hookers.  I'm sure LE would never catch on...

How about the guys wear pins signifying that they are johns so they can be approached at any time in any environment or any social situation by any hooker looking for business...

Even now I'm looking for a provider or two (or three) to pose with me for my annual Christmas card.

I am what I am, and I revel in it.

OK, ladies, who looks good in a red bustier, stockings, and a Santa hat?

It sounds to me like you're having way more fun imagining whether the chicks you see might be...than you would have if they really were and you knew it for sure for sure.

More dangerous perhaps, but you enjoy living life on the edge!

Bizzaro Superdude3176 reads

Have dated providers, strippers and physcians.  Married a physician.  Bad move.

I think it would be great for those times I meet clients in a hotel lobby because of key cards issues. That way all staff and police in the area could quickly determine that a service provider needed rescuing in case of an emergency, and wives would have a better chance of finding their husband in the chaos given they're looking for two people, rather than just him.

Seriously? I don't tend to go around wishing everyone knew I was a provider, and assuming anyone I'm with is a client. Inexplicable, I know.

Lone Haranguer1377 reads

Thor18 had the right idea.  Because ANY woman will provide (ie, do it) under the right circumstances - ie., if you're JC, you could get Ma Teresa to put out.

The fun is in the foreplay.  If you don't want the foreplay, or she doesn't want the way you're abbreviating things today, then you have the wrong woman.

You know, we are all looking for...

The double breasted mattress scratcher, aren't we?

A pin with "TER Bird watcher" or "Bird Watcher Hobbiest"....

-- Modified on 11/28/2005 8:48:48 PM

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