TER General Board

All I can think of is the Chris Rock line...for men...feed me....
hueyfan 40 Reviews 1774 reads

fuck me, shut the fuck up.  

Not really true but pretty funny.

How often does it happen ladies that hobbyists try to cross that line from pay for play into something else? I can imagine that almost all of us (on both sides) have teetered with the notion of being/doing something more with our favorites, right? How often, how pervasive is this in hobbyland?

-- Modified on 9/9/2005 10:53:30 PM

stubs2378 reads

It happened 23.5 times Friday. (23.5 attempts: 13 missed completely, 3 incomplete/bobbled passes, 2 fumbles, 1 touch-down (under review), 1 field goal (lost in over-time), 3 arrests, and one half-hearted attempt that resulted in cardiac arrest = .5)

I have had a number of providers want to take thing to another level. Often their feelings come out of the blue and cause me some discomfort as I try to figure out how to deflect their interest without hurting their feelings. Tits wrote it right, she does not want a man in her life at this point. What she need to do is be gentle, but drive that message into the concience of the hobbyist that is infatuated with her.

I have had hobbyist try this with me, as well... I don't get uncomfortable, actually i feel flattered, I feel like tits though, I can't have a man in my life right now, i enjoy too many hobbyist

Nice web site Destiny.  Over and above your photos and other info, I particularly like the "Emergency Exit" feature.

Suzanne in San Diego2431 reads

Over the past couple of years, I have had several hobbyists tell me they want to 'date' me, meaning they wanted to cross the line! Various approaches have been tried!   One guy asked me to give him a call if I ever had any free time and wanted to get together for dinner/drinks sometime, and hoped that might become a regular thing.  I answered that I don't call clients, unless they asked me to in the process of scheduling ann. appointment (soliciting is a bad move!)... he didn't hang around too much longer after that! Another guy who wouldn't take no for an answer, started sending me emails talking about how uncomfortable he was with his 'little girlfriend' continuing to be an escort and that now that we had this 'relationship' going (he had seen me twice!) I needed to find another line of work.  This sweetheart has continued this nonsense by getting in touch three to four times a month for the past six months.  

Without exception, the guys who have tried to 'cross the line' have all been on a limited income, or have indicated some type of financial difficulty.  That being the case, I take these approaches as attempts to save money, and most likely they try this with most of the escorts they see.

I'm not interested in a relationship at this time anyway... I've been in relationships before, some are ok and some have been a pain in the butt.  I'm an escort now, and I have no intention of letting some cheapskate stop  me from doing something  I consider to be the best 'job' I could ever imagine!

Suzanne in San Diego

Alanna721861 reads

Here here.  The "dinner and drinks" thing comes to me aaaaaaaalllll the time.  When I first started, there were a couple of guys I liked a lot on a personal basis; but now, na.  Just too many complications, and I jes' don' do drama.


Let me tell ya'll...it's NEVER the generous big spenders who want something more outside the bedroom. It's always the guys who are single, going through a divorce or ending a relationship, perhaps slightly passive agressive, employed BUT mostly broke!

I just had a client email me a few days ago asking me if I wanted to go to dinner after our next session. This is a client whom I've only visited with a single time prior. His appointment lasted an hour. He didn't tip. (I don't expect tips, ever. I'm grateful to receive my hourly rate, but if a man is going to ask for something extra like dinner, he should set a precedent of being super generous from the very beginning.) I wasn't flattered at all. I was annoyed at this man who is clearly trying to receive something for nothing. Like Ciara says, "No money, no honey." He eventually responded to my email saying maybe we could work something out financially. Well, yea. My dinner date rates are listed on my site. That's about as much working out rates as I'm going to do.

I told him that I never mix business with pleasure. For the most part, that's true. I am in this profession to make money - not find a boyfriend or husband. Now if a client is someone I've been seeing on a regular basis (once a week, two-three times a month) for a significant period of time, I would consider taking them to dinner as kind of a thank you, BUT I would have to be the one to approach that subject.

To top it off, he was 40 minutes late for our second appointment. He acted totally insulted when I told him that he needed to get going after seventy minutes (really, it was an hour after our appointment should have ended). Honestly, I don't need clients like him. They always end up being more frustration than fun.

Suzanne, you are on my very short list the next time I get to the left coast.  You are awesome.

sicnarf1495 reads

I think that I am in love with you!  You are so beautiful and clearly you have a great sense of humor.  When can we get together?  

I would, of course, want you to stay with your current profession, but would you be willing to limit your engagements to the hours of 8 AM to 1 AM.  I realize that this arrangement would somewhat preclude our being together, but that would be ok with me as I am really in this to help you.  

Since you will be very busy with your career, I will assist you with your financial planning.  I have several investment concepts that will of course make you fabulously wealthy.  I will assist your efforts by providing an allowance to you for your "expenses while on the job."  Since you will be mostly at work, if you have a home, we will sell that, and invest those funds in  more "liquid" assets.

I know, you are really overwhelmed by my willingness to help you out and cannot wait for my help.  I'll always be there for you.


Your admirer and future helper.... lol!

Suzanne in San Diego2229 reads

.... I'm wondering why none of them have taken you up on your wonderful offer ...finally I get to be your lucky victim!! :-)

-- Modified on 9/20/2005 2:38:16 AM

BackDoorGirl3423 reads

Right now, I have 3 clients who are crossing the line. All are hot fucks and I really feel like crossing the line myself, lol.

The first one, great dick, we get along, great dick and we click, great dick. Huh did I say great dick? He always says he could be with me every day and I truly believe that. BUT...he's married, two little beautiful girls and I don't think I want to screw his life.I know if I cross the line he will go for it, but I'm not a home wrecker.

The second one, I've been refusing to see him for a while because every time we talk he ask me to be his gf. Nothing wrong with him, au contraire. He's single, 34, very good looking, seven figures salary, AVAILABLE, great fuck with a delicious mouth, tongue and a thick big dick that won't quit for hours. Saw him last night, after weeks of him begging to meet with me. We spent few hours together and this morning he's acting like he's my lifetime partner.I guess was because of my ass, which he banged hard few times. The only problem of him being my bf is, too much stamina and he wants EVERY day...so how I will function as an escort? I will not be able to move, so I cannot cross the line with this guy, lol.

The third one, another very good looking guy with a great dick hanging between his legs. Same thing, wants me to be his gf. But he's sincere and says is because of my perfectly round, firm, TIGHT and milky skinned ASS. Yesterday, he wanted to have an overnight with me, to just worship my ass and talk about our future together. I had to choose between number two and number three, so I opted for number two because of the "all night worshipping" thing. Again, this is a guy with a stamina that doesn't quit and I had to attend Church and some fund raising this morning. How could I explain moi walking funny and unable to sit or kneel? lol

The bottom line is...being an escort and, above all, being TALENTED makes guys fall easily for me because sex is the secret weapon in how to catch a man.

My grandmother used to say that the path to a mans heart is not thru his stomach (like many women believe) BUT thru a happy dick with empty balls. She was a very wise lady :)

-- Modified on 9/11/2005 5:39:42 PM

I would say dear that you are cornering the market on your end of the planet. Keep up the good work, but one day, find you a happy dick you can call your own; it suits you. For now, I just need your digits.

Doctor Oscillator2941 reads

if only for accepting the sound wisdom of her grandmother.

The 3-Step Plan to Get Any Man
1.  Fill his stomach with a good rich home-cooked meal.
2.  Empty his balls.  Make sure you get it all out.
3.  Put him to bed.

ALSO want it more than he does, he will never wander

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