TER General Board

Stick It Slappy 1803 reads

You're right! There is plenty of poon out there, and that is why she should try to make it up to him. I think a discount or extra time would be appropriate in this case, especially if he traveled just to see her. Sorry for biting your head off.

Angry Hobbyist3188 reads

Keep up with your appointments?

I had asked a provider if I would be able to see her in two weeks and had gotten a positive "Of course"so booked her. I emailed her a couple of days before the day for confirmation and her answer was "Sorry, I had forgoten about it and can't see you that day".

I know she got many good reviews lately and she must be busy seeing guys but.. is it that difficult to handle your appointments?? Would you not pick up a pen and write down your appoitments somewhere??

pussyliker1494 reads

It may very well be possible that her "time of the month" came into play,which would probably sideline her for at least 3 days or maybe more.Another reason is that a lot of ladies get calls to book them several weeks in advance only to have the potential client never call that day or the day before to confirm their appointment,so they wind up holding valuable time slots for the "new" client when they have several regulars that they have to juggle around. Also,you have to realize that with some ladies,an established client will get first dibs on her dance card.Those are her bread & butter clients and she will try to accomodate them first.My ATF,whom I've seen at least 40 times in the past year,usually shuts her phone off when we're together and even though I pay her for 1 hr.,we'll spend about 6 or 7 hrs. together.Last weekend a "new" client wanted to see her in my usual time slot.Even though it would've been a 4hr.-$1000.00 gig,she never even replied to him but said if he was to try to contact her again to schedule a different day,she'd try her best to accomodate him.Think that didn't make my day or what?

Stick It Slappy2104 reads

There is never a good excuse to forget an appointment. You are speculating about her period coming into play, you really have no idea if thats true. If it were true, than the provider should notify all clients that were preparing to see her during that time, its called common courtesy and good business practices. As far as your provider seeing you over another client, good for you. That is immaterial and has no similarity to a provider ignoring a scheduled appointment just to satisfy a regular by reissuing the appointed time to them. The provider should have offered Angry Hobbyist something for his trouble. It sure sounded like he was confirming his appointment don't you think? No excuse

pussyliker2294 reads

Geez,don't bite my head off! I was only speculating as to why this happened to him.Maybe she didn't have her period and was just ignoring him or forgot about him,who knows? I can only vouch for how my ATF does things and thought there may be others that do the same! He also said that he called to confirm a few days in advance.Usually a lady will want to confirm an appointment no earlier than a day before unless it's an unusual situation.You also said that she should offer him something for his trouble!? And what do you suggest? A buy-one,get one free session? A gift card for one free session? A rain-check? A discount? Get real! Bottom line,there's plenty of poon out there....You get stood up,you move on elsewhere and it winds up being her loss.

Stick It Slappy1804 reads

You're right! There is plenty of poon out there, and that is why she should try to make it up to him. I think a discount or extra time would be appropriate in this case, especially if he traveled just to see her. Sorry for biting your head off.

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