TER General Board

A few things...
420Smoka4Eva 45 reads

Just some input based on a few items from your posts and experience.

"Then when I try to go in for some DFK, that every review, [like 20] except for one says she does not do, she turns her head to offer me her cheek. Now, Im no slouch, and pretty damn good looking with  great hygiene. But once that happens to me, and it's happened more than i care to mention."

There are only a few reasonable explanations. The reviews could be lies, providers can change their level of service, or there is something with you that might be turning providers off. Is there anything you might be doing to turn providers off? Attitude and personality go a lot further with providers than looks. Its a professional relationship, not a personal one. It seems like you have had some bad luck with providers in Las Vegas. I already went into that. However I am just going to say it seems like you let the little head win a bit too much in Sin City.  

The easy fix for all of this is to reward providers you have good chemistry with by repeating. Stick to the ones you know you like and you'll avoid issues like this. I get it that some of the fun is variety, but you're not going to have great chemistry with everyone. Seeing fewer providers more often usually means you'll have more fun on average.

I am so f-ing sick and tired of finding girls who after having what I thought were solid GFE's with solid reviews here on TER, and with all the proper  boxes checked off for what I am looking for, they don't do what the reviews say they do. To make matters worse, this provider tonight-[In Vegas to my hotel, The Venetian],  was supposed to be a solid GFE for $700.00 plus an extra $30.00 for Uber. No sooner does she come out of the bathroom in her sexy lingerie, she tells me she started her period yesterday and there won't be any DTAY fun for me. How do you like them apples?  Who F-ing does that? You would think her or the assistant would give you a heads up prior, giving you  a choice before coming and taking your money then dropping this little piece of news on you. You would think....

Then she says, that she can at least do me. Then when I try to go in for some DFK, that every review, [like 20] except for one says she does not do, she turns her head to offer me her cheek. Now, Im no slouch, and pretty damn good looking with  great hygiene. But once that happens to me, and it's happened more than i care to mention, my big head sends these signals to my little head not to work anymore no matter what the provider tries to do. Thats why myself and so many others are looking  for the GFE thing. At least I know, thats how my brain works and thats what I need to get off. I even had to double check with her assistant, not once, but twice, after reading that one TER review where it said she didn't offer any DFK, assured me that she does and will.  I was able to get a bit of a BBBJ, but once I went in for the kill, my Tommy Lee junior worked  for less than 30 seconds and I was done for the night. Yes, I know me, and it's all psychological.  I even prepared myself taking 20 mg of Cialis as a back up 8 hours prior. And I know it helps and works when Im with the right provider.  

Besides wasting my hard earned money, it took me a ton of work to line up girls for my 21 day vacation break in Vegas. And then this $$hit happens. She ruined my day and my night.  

What would you do besides writing a scathing review on her? I think I should send her assistant an email and tell her what bullshit this was and ask for a refund. But that will not keep me from writing a really bad review to warn others. It's  no longer about the money and I don't want to see anyone else getting ripped off.

420Smoka4Eva48 reads

Are you discussing your session with Juelz Ventura or is this a different one? If your discussing your review of Juelz, well IMO that one is on you. She has multiple reports saying she is a ripoff and uses stunt doubles yet you still booked.  

You can only write a bad review and move on. You can ask for your money back but I doubt you will get it. You learned a valuable lesson about the Las Vegas market. Las Vegas has branded itself to be a place where you can temporarily let go of inhibitions and have a wild time. "What happens here stays here." However, Las Vegas is a giant tourist trap and everyone there makes money by separating it from dumb tourists. There's a lot of deception and smoke and mirrors, this extends to escorting. Most clients are tourists, not locals, so repeat business is rare. This means there is less of an incentive on the customer service side. As a result, Vegas isn't the best city for seeing escorts. You have to be very careful.

I don’t think it’s Juelz, but otherwise I agree with everything you said. The one he’s ranting about charges a different rate. I’m guessing he either didn’t write it yet or it’s not approved yet.

Personally, I would write the PO and demand a refund or at least half back since you did get some service. If you receive a meaningful refund then I would write a truthful review but not one that lights her up. And to be fair I would reference in the review that you received a refund. If you don’t get a meaningful refund or if the PO is a jerk then I’d light them both up.

420Smoka4Eva46 reads

Just some input based on a few items from your posts and experience.

"Then when I try to go in for some DFK, that every review, [like 20] except for one says she does not do, she turns her head to offer me her cheek. Now, Im no slouch, and pretty damn good looking with  great hygiene. But once that happens to me, and it's happened more than i care to mention."

There are only a few reasonable explanations. The reviews could be lies, providers can change their level of service, or there is something with you that might be turning providers off. Is there anything you might be doing to turn providers off? Attitude and personality go a lot further with providers than looks. Its a professional relationship, not a personal one. It seems like you have had some bad luck with providers in Las Vegas. I already went into that. However I am just going to say it seems like you let the little head win a bit too much in Sin City.  

The easy fix for all of this is to reward providers you have good chemistry with by repeating. Stick to the ones you know you like and you'll avoid issues like this. I get it that some of the fun is variety, but you're not going to have great chemistry with everyone. Seeing fewer providers more often usually means you'll have more fun on average.

Posted By: 420Smoka4Eva
You learned a valuable lesson about the Las Vegas market. Las Vegas has branded itself to be a place where you can temporarily let go of inhibitions and have a wild time. "What happens here stays here." However, Las Vegas is a giant tourist trap and everyone there makes money by separating it from dumb tourists. There's a lot of deception and smoke and mirrors, this extends to escorting. Most clients are tourists, not locals, so repeat business is rare. This means there is less of an incentive on the customer service side. As a result, Vegas isn't the best city for seeing escorts. You have to be very careful.
Is this in general in Vegas or for local providers or those who tour as well?

wrps0743 reads

She should have told her management that she was not available due to her period being on.  You should write a review and warn others.

Some providers will have the decency to post in their ad that their period is on.

We do not post this in our ads when we are having our periods anymore than we are going to post what time the day we normally take a shit. Come on guys, that is silliness.  
And here is a fun fact: if you are seeing a provider that is under the age of 55 she is going to be getting her period once a month. It can come every 28 days, every 25 days, or every 31 days. Or it can also come at any random time of the day. I track my very closely and I still get surprises.  
No need to "WARN" others. This is normal female doing normal female things, which is getting her period.  
The only thing I was say the provider should have done was let the client know as soon as she knew that she had her period. Some of my clients do not care, some want to reschedule. They are paying a lot of money to be with me so I respect either decision.  
As to the kissing this I do not personally know Mr. Tylenol but I can tell you I am very open to kissing but it is a case by case basis. Some of you guys are awesome kissers! Some are not. Some of you guys have great teeth and great breath. Others, no. I do not post a separate GFE price because it is really a YMMV on a lot of factors for me.

I think the entire point is that she waited until he arrived to tell him that she started her period YESTERDAY. It's natural, and it happens. What she should have done was to tell him YESTERDAY (or even first thing in the morning the day of the date) that she had started her period and allowed him to decide whether to cancel/reschedule. Instead, she waited until he arrived, money in hand (it's unclear to me whether the envelope had been exchanged) and excited for action, to make the disclosure. That, IMO, was wrong.
Just my $0.02.

indies and outcalls, you hand over the envelope upon her arrival.  THEN she goes into the bathroom and changes.  No matter what happens after that, you're probably not getting ANY of it back without making a scene, and then how much fun would the session be with the lingering tension?    

I agree that the way she handled it was unprofessional at best, and a scam at worst.  Since I wasn't there, I can only guess which it was, but if it happened to me, there would be a full-disclosure review coming within a week of the session.  

The fact that she waited till th last minute when she he couldn't cancel anymore to tell him this, tells me all I need to know and should tell others that it's WRONG and SCUMMY

Yes aunt Flo happens. Yes it can happen suddenly. But not telling all her clients immediately but rather when she entered the outcall the next day.. .tells me she wanted to keep the appointment and get her $ even though the terms of sale changed after the sale.

Afaics, she deliberately did this  

Imagne you have a big conference meeting in your company's office and you need to present something as part of an investor presentation.  

You get sick the day before, fever cvid and all.  

You don't call anyone you don't tell anyone, you stroll in last minute and say oh Hai guy I'm super sick I'm not gonna present today mkay?

This is just disrespecting the client and manipulating him into sunk cost fallacy to still go through with an appointment even though running red lights was ndver in services offered. Changing terms of sale after the sale.

there is no real point for that post except to Vent ..  the very reason TER exists is to alert guys to both the honorable and dishonorable ladies.  ( well ladies in most cases lol)   go ahead and post a truthful and detailed review, just as you would have wished another brother had done the same.    

its that simple.    for me once i see 2 or more negative reviews i avoid someone,  another red flag is when the best reviews are from "someone" whom has posted only 1 or 2 reviews.  

I would be very disappointed as well. I am a 100% independent provider who loves to kiss. Kiss 💋  

My friends tell me I am a great kisser.  

You should report a problem on her profile. She did not offer kissing & her profile + booker lied. 🤥 no bueno. Anyone who wants my notable treatment in LV I am always available upon request.  I absolutely love to kiss!

I agree, but either the PO or the lady should have warned him before the date about her visit from Aunt Flo. Not to do so is dishonest in my opinion.

Sadly, reviews are not enough. Many are fake or exagerated.  Best to PM the reviewers to get a better feel for the provider.  And google their number to finds reviews on other sites to get the whole picture...

To me the red flag is $700/hr. I've never paid above 300-400/hr.

When I tour and fly to the location I request 400/hr. I am fully booked and usually have a waiting list if I have a cancellation. I understand the logic that gals think if they charge more than this they have to see less guys and make more money. True....but the problem is you are going to get less guys contacting you to book as well, the pool of potential clients will be smaller. I do not know if this was the case here, but if she is charging 700 and that was her only appointment that day she is very likely going to do whatever she needs to do to keep the appointment and get the cash. I am in MN right now and had one guy cancel for tomorrow. My waiting list had 4 guys so message to next guy, booked, problem solved.  
 I never want to shame anyone for how much they are charging but gals also need to be realistic.  
I think there are a lot of gals that do not take into perspective how much most guys are making. I just had a convo with a guy that I have been seeing a few years. He just got a new job that he likes and he make $27/hr. (This would be a normal rate here in WI for a job considered decent starting). He has to work over a whole day just to spend one hour with me!!!  
And my rates are considered on the low end. Some of my best clients are not super wealthy and I appreciate all of the time I spend with them. I also would never want a guy to feel like he did not get what he paid for, which thankfully I don't has happened so far.  

I honestly increased my price because I thought people who sought out a higher price would themselves be a higher caliber of gentlemen and that's not the case; in a lot of cases. For me this all been a learning process of course. I have considered lowering them again but was worried that would be admitting I wasn't worth the price I was charging ya know all the psychology of this work. but I agree with you I enjoy so many of my regulars and don't' want to make them broke. I really think my job is privilege at the end of the day.

of your bad experience here in Vegas. My advice would be not to contact the assistant for a refund.
More than likely you will not get any money back.
A quick glance shows multiple reviews going back years that says she does not show up and sends a "friend" in her place.
The bait and switch agencies and women who have "assistants" who are also bait and switch are hoping tha guys like you will still go through with the appt since she is at your door.  

I am not saying that providers who have assts in Vegas are bait and switch as there are reputable ones. I am speaking of ladies who are not reputable.
I am always surprised when I see posts like this here from longtime TER members.
Many of us providers here in Vegas who are reputable do appreciate return business and that is from the visiting guys not from locals.  
Hope your trip gets better.Good luck to you!

So call out this young lady here.
And if I may...Why in the FUCK would you even book that Ventura chick? Her reviews had avoid all over. And now you have another date that took a shit....To be the unluckiest man in Vegas really does suck.
But hey, you met Lorena, so maybe it wasn't a total loss.

Having your expectations set for one thing and getting another is never fun.

First I think you need to look at what is in the ad versus what is in the reviews. On that I would say write a calmly toned review stating what is or is not aligned in the ad and the session.  I would definitely say take that back to the booker/agency in a "professional" tone.  The suggestion here is that starting a conversation with an attack puts the other side in a defensive frame of mind and makes getting to some helpful/justified/fair compromise more difficult.

I think perhaps you could be a bit more "scathing" in your review in any mention how these other reviews infulenced your choice but seem to be misleading. I do have one question on the review point. Did you just read the reviews or did you read the reviews other reviews looking for some overlap in who you both might have seen or other review patterns that might suggest discounting the review's value?

If you had booked a Kgirl at an agency in Vegas (there are several) and she had started her period that morning, you would have gotten an apologetic text from the booker that she will be off for a few days for her period and then he/she will offer you any one of 5 or 6 other girls who are working that day and are available.  You can take a minute to look them up on the website and tell them which one you want.  Since you also say the money is important to you, for $700, you could have found a double, or else see a different girl the next day.  They all provide GFE (at a minimum) and will allow all activities you have come to expect with GFE, i.e., DFK, DATY, BBBJ and CFS.  Las Vegas is one of the few places where tourists can get into a Kgirl agency.  It's also one of the few places you can get Kgirl outcall for an upcharge, but the whole vibe will be better if you go to their incall where they are comfortable.  

Indie providers are all about having local regulars, and many don't try as hard when they assess your visit as one and done, which is usually the case with people traveling.  Locals that can repeat get better service.  It's just human nature.  I often see indies in cities I travel to on business when there are no agencies in the cities I go to.  Ordering an outcall to my hotel room is never quite as enthusiastic as going to an incall where they might suspect you have repeat potential.  Just my own experience, others may have had a different experience when traveling.

Not at all into Asians unless they are a mix and look like Tera Patrick.

Mr. Lion clearly owns stock in Samsung and Hyundai. There is no other logical explanation for his constant need to sing the praises of everything Korean. Or he eats a shit ton of Kimchi.

Funny, but I don't think it's that they are Korean. I think it's the price point and value comparison. I won't speak specifically for him, he can do that. But I will say there are a lot of guys who feel for what they get in the $300 range, they are more worth it than what they would have to pay for an Indy or non-Kgirl industry. The tought being if you find Kgirls attractive and see them at least as equals, why pay more?

was as popular as Kgirl pussy, you bet I would own it, but unfortunately, it's not doing as well as Kgirls.  Not everything Korean is a moneymaker by giving the customer excellent service at a reasonable price, but Kgirl pussy is the best buy in the P4P market.  

I don't sing the praises of everything Korean, but I will say that when it comes to Kgirl providers, customers can all count on getting the full menu of services listed on their TER profile, unlike customers of some of our indie providers, including you, who wait until the customer arrives and hands over the donation before deciding what services listed on your profile he gets.  It works for you, but the customer may not always get his money's worth.  You should have TER change some of your services to YMMV, because according to your reviewers, not everyone gets everything they were expecting.  If you want to deny it, go ahead, but then I would encourage some of them to start posting their experiences with you in this regard under their alias.  

Excuse me...WTF

I rarely (never anymore) post on here but I would like to chime in on this one reply!

I know Coeur-de-Lion sees tons of girls, writes tons of reviews, as well as tons of others on here.

For you to mention anything about WIMissScarlet's reviews and clients not getting what they were expecting is total horseshit!!!
Why would you even say that?  Where on the first page of reviews does it say one thing negative about her performance or anything else negative?  

I have never met this provider but it seems she has excellent reviews and the scores just don't do her justice.
EVERY SINGLE CLIENT WANTS TO SEE HER AGAIN... but oh she doesn't give what she says she does  
I only read the first page but SHE HAS AMAZING REVIEWS...

I am assuming it is because she has lower scores?
Ding Dongs on here tend to rely solely on scores... When They really mean nothing. Mkay

I started out doing massage only, so my scores were always low as 7 was the highest I could get only doing a HJ.  I find that when you don't have actual sex with someone that they give you lower scores on your looks as well.  I know that I am not ugly, so when someone puts something less than an 8 for looks, they either do not know the numbers, think that it is a good score to give, or they are an idiot and give all the ladies lower scores.  

Sometimes the numbers lie.  The reviews themselves speak to what needs to be learned about a provider.

I did massage only for a year and a half before I did GFE, I did GFE for 2.5 years before covid, took a break and then came  back massage only with HJ again for 3 years and then opened my menu again with BJ in Oct 23 and GFE in Jan 2024.  There is no way in hell that I can get my score higher because of all the 7's I had previously received for massage.
I went through hell every time I changed my services, I notified TER each time to have them changed because I did not want anyone to expect something that was no longer or never offered by me.  I had to dispute so many reviews during the period of March 2020-Jan 2024 because SOME of the MEN lie who write the reviews. Imagine that!

As far as the OP, that provider (if a decent one) should have told him as soon as she knew she had her period.  I haven't had a period in years (not because of age but because of a hysterectomy when I was younger) and would NEVER have worked during it if I could schedule around it.  If it pops up on the wrong day then I would have reached out and explained the situation and asked if you wanted to reschedule/cancel or... Let the client make the decision to keep the appointment or not.

Seems you’re an outcall kinda of guy and based on your ISO post it seems you were looking for alittle “freak”.  Well that’s not  what you would’ve gotten from a KGirl. They have a basic script and what you were looking for, it would have thrown them off.
And some agencies would have sent you who they have, regardless of who you wanted to see. It’s Vegas
And it’s 500 for outcall..,but overall  I get you

OjackieO43 reads

Well, first, I'm jealous, I LOVE Venetian. Yeah, that was wrong. I would have gotten ahold of you to discuss that as soon as I knew. Or even if it was going to be a possibility. If you do write the review, just be honest. I've had one that I know of that outright lied to the core about me. It had nothing to do with what you are talking about, but it was also  A LIE. As a matter of fact, he got called out by other girls ON THIS WEBSITE, before I even knew about it. Then a few people that knew him. Sometimes people get their own selves in trouble, (both ways).  One reason I don't require references. Another girl may  DESPISE a gentleman I had absolutely no issue with. I also have one I Know of that is either an ex, or an ex-related employer/coworker, that has tried to destroy me, but only has made themselves look like the brain dead idiot they really are & it's obvious. A life mission. Then there's the morons that just take their word for it, lol. Sorry you got ripped off, let's just hope, both ways, the good outways the bad. I imagine things in Vegas might be rough. I'd love to live in Vegas, but I bet there's 100,000,000,001 women there, so that's why you might run into things like this,  lies, bait & switch, & other things. Catty Cattness. if only the world was upfront, honest, safe, clean & polite, right??

you need a better website..Base on what I cant see of you, i would not take the chance anymore won mater what any review would say...

There seems to be pics of multiple different people on their website.....

OjackieO27 reads

On WHOSE website? Do you know me? I am VERY discreet, I have to be. Maybe some women do not understand discretion, or care, but I do & my clients appreciate it. I had a client tell me once IF he was a family member, he would KNOW exactly who I was concerning ONE of MY pics. I took it down & have made sure ever since I didnt post anything they could recognize. EVERY client I meet tells me I look better than my pics. Maybe you are living in a world where YOU have to post your face, but I do not! Throw out some more haterade.  
TRUST me, there's many guys on this site that know me. Most don't speak up b/c the biggest complaint i hear is it's hard to get an appt. I STRESS on my website to call EARLY 100 times. But they do not, & I am booked, & they get mad. I also have a no BS policy. Banned many. THAT is where negativity comes from. Stepping on their own Weenie & not recognizing I don't play games.

OjackieO27 reads

That would be your loss then. You expect people to put their face on a website when they have family & friends that have NO idea what I do??? It's MY privacy I respect, as well as yours. My clients have no problem with my website.  Actually most THANK ME for being SO honest, descriptive as I can be & discreet.  Maybe you Breeeeeeezed thru it & didn't comprehend it? LOL. THAT happens. Do your homework!

OjackieO30 reads

I do FBSM, Fetishes, NURU Body2Body. My website is perfect. It's laid out for even the skimmers to hopefully catch on, but some don't. You are looking for a 1 hour massage, right? Not a wife? When people say something like that to me, that do not know me, & obviously not informed, I just tell them to go cheap & go down to the asian spa. Let them rip you off & rub your back ONLY. B/C i'm in a tourist town & these places are known to get you out of there & not take any chance of getting shut down. Again. Be careful tho, b/c when they are raided, everyone in there is detained & identified. THAT is what a smart man should think about. Not worry about scrutinizing pictures from someone who is safe, clean & private. SO PRIVATE, they don't want their face all over the Net so their fam & friends don't get involved, & I am not recognized in the freakin' grocery store. I'm a real person with a real life. Some of you think backwards.

Just write an honest one. No need to lose your shi*t over one less than professional provider.

Revenge reviews laden with vitriol make you look as bad as her. Keep it objective and let others beware based upon truth.

Well my question is this, when a woman is on her period even p3n3tration epidural be off limits or messy therefore how did she handle that?  
We use sponges and those are safe for the other activity too so to me sounds like total bs!
However I know of many ladies that consider themselves GFEs and don’t do a lot of the expected.  
Some ladies justify their price based on looks but services offered.

....aren't most pro's on the pill or some form of birth control?  And my second dumb question... doesn't this usually stop the menstrual cycle all together usually?

I know many providers who are NOT on The Pill.

Normally, a user of The Pill will have a period every month. The card with the pills contains sugar pills for a number of days, so the actual contraceptive is not taken every day of the month. This is called "cyclical pill use". I'm not sure how common it is to take the actual contraceptive pills every single day instead of cyclically.

You said," But that will not keep me from writing a really bad review to warn others"...so warn us or ME now.
I'll be in Vegas next week and I'd like to know who she is....so come out with it now already.
Or was this some useless rant...

Women are women.  Men are men.  Life should be pretty simple buts it’s not.   If you take your boat out into the ocean where there are tremendous hazards, many good things may happen.  Full enjoyment, satisfaction, great expectations fulfilled… until the weather turns bad and the boat springs a leak.  Are you a survivor or shark bait.  We should all know the risks before setting sail, but many don’t.   Well guys, expecting women to fulfill your expectations is like thinking a 3 hour sun filled tour will turn out just great but sometimes it leads to being stranded on Gillian’s Island.  Sink or swim… or just waste your ink on TER.

If by “Gillian’s Island” you mean an island with Gillian Anderson, that doesn’t sound too bad at all really. If you meant to say stranded on Gilligan’s Island, even better!

Think about it, you’ve got Mary Ann & Ginger, coconut radios, clothes that never seem to wear out or even get dirty, Mary Ann, Kurt Russel running amok with hilarious results, Mary Ann, and comfy hammocks. All that, and just as a bonus, Mary Ann would be there to keep you company if you ever got bored!!

I don’t think it would be all that bad myself. Just sayin.  

To your larger point that sometimes shit just happens and it’s all about how you prepared and how you respond, I think I would agree.

Mary Ann >  Ginger. Not. Even. Close.

Yes Sir! Hopefully I wasn’t too subtle about that lol

What’s funny about that is that generally, in real life, I have a huge weakness for redheads. But Ginger was so shallow and high maintenance and the breathy whispers thing got old fast.  

Mary Ann was more of a down-home GND who seemed to not know how hot she was. More my style for sure. Of course Dawn’s big beautiful eyes, gorgeous smile and killer legs didn’t hurt either!

During Covid, I saw some reruns of Monk (OCD police detective in San Francisco, CA). It's a police - comedy - drama.
Sharona Fleming or Natalie Teeger ?
I would like either of them to "assist" me. But I'm leaning slightly towards Natalie.

Posted By: RegencyHobbyist
Re: Oh I dunno…
Mary Ann >  Ginger. Not. Even. Close.

That is horrible! I’m so sorry that happened to you.  The good reviews might be fake.

21 days in Vegas. That must be some kind of record!

I am willing to DFK for clients who actually show up. There's only certain things that I will never do (No matter how much the Client pays).

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