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Post a secret code
impposter 49 Reviews 174 reads

Posted By: BigPapasan

On Old TER, a provider could check a guy's white lists by either his user name or his e-mail address.  If she got an e-mail from [email protected] requesting an appointment, she could verify that it was really me by checking to see whether that was the email I registered with TER.  
 At least one provider and one hobbyist have received e-mails from someone using my handle but with a different e-mail service provider.  If Old TER was still in effect, they could have simply checked to see if the e-mail was really from me.  Instead, they had to PM me to find out it was some asshole pretending he was me.  
 Not all hobbyists have PM, so providers could not verify that the e-mail handle belonged to the hobbyist who wrote to her.  This makes providers less safe and have to verify the hobbyist by other means.  All these additionalhoops that hobbyists and providers have to jump through could be avoided if email verification was brought back as it was on Old TER.  If it ain't broke, don't fix it!!!  
 Yes I know, not all hobbyists are whitelisted or those who are can also choose not to show their whitelists.  So what, I'm not talking about them.
A new Provider without PM (or even with PM), can send you an email at [email protected] and ask you to post a message or a reply to a recent TER thread with a secret message: "Post a reply to the current thread about "Dick Size" on the General Board and include this code 13579-24680."  You log in to your TER account and post a reply to that topic: "Not another dick size thread! 13579-24680"  
If a FAKE BigPapasan claiming to be you and using [email protected] gets her message, it will be impossible for him to log in to TER as you and post her secret code.  
Regular (non-VIP) members can post to the boards. A fake BP-san might claim, "I can't PM you from my TER account 'cause I let  my VIP expire." but he CAN'T claim not to be able to post a simple reply to the boards.

On Old TER, a provider could check a guy's white lists by either his user name or his e-mail address.  If she got an e-mail from [email protected] requesting an appointment, she could verify that it was really me by checking to see whether that was the email I registered with TER.

At least one provider and one hobbyist have received e-mails from someone using my handle but with a different e-mail service provider.  If Old TER was still in effect, they could have simply checked to see if the e-mail was really from me.  Instead, they had to PM me to find out it was some asshole pretending he was me.

Not all hobbyists have PM, so providers could not verify that the e-mail handle belonged to the hobbyist who wrote to her.  This makes providers less safe and have to verify the hobbyist by other means.  All these additionalhoops that hobbyists and providers have to jump through could be avoided if email verification was brought back as it was on Old TER.  If it ain't broke, don't fix it!!!

Yes I know, not all hobbyists are whitelisted or those who are can also choose not to show their whitelists.  So what, I'm not talking about them.

Maybe the key is if the provider had "simply checked"?

Of course I am not an admin, or a provider, so I am not 100% positive, but based on a recent PM I received, as well as the recent thread on the newbie board regarding the search by email function for providers, I was 95 % certain it still worked. :)

TER is responsible for anyone's saftey regardless of features currently available or not available.

One of those posts on personal responsibility  

Your saftey should be your responsibility.

Posted By: BigPapasan

On Old TER, a provider could check a guy's white lists by either his user name or his e-mail address.  If she got an e-mail from [email protected] requesting an appointment, she could verify that it was really me by checking to see whether that was the email I registered with TER.  
 At least one provider and one hobbyist have received e-mails from someone using my handle but with a different e-mail service provider.  If Old TER was still in effect, they could have simply checked to see if the e-mail was really from me.  Instead, they had to PM me to find out it was some asshole pretending he was me.  
 Not all hobbyists have PM, so providers could not verify that the e-mail handle belonged to the hobbyist who wrote to her.  This makes providers less safe and have to verify the hobbyist by other means.  All these additionalhoops that hobbyists and providers have to jump through could be avoided if email verification was brought back as it was on Old TER.  If it ain't broke, don't fix it!!!  
 Yes I know, not all hobbyists are whitelisted or those who are can also choose not to show their whitelists.  So what, I'm not talking about them.
A new Provider without PM (or even with PM), can send you an email at [email protected] and ask you to post a message or a reply to a recent TER thread with a secret message: "Post a reply to the current thread about "Dick Size" on the General Board and include this code 13579-24680."  You log in to your TER account and post a reply to that topic: "Not another dick size thread! 13579-24680"  
If a FAKE BigPapasan claiming to be you and using [email protected] gets her message, it will be impossible for him to log in to TER as you and post her secret code.  
Regular (non-VIP) members can post to the boards. A fake BP-san might claim, "I can't PM you from my TER account 'cause I let  my VIP expire." but he CAN'T claim not to be able to post a simple reply to the boards.

No need to go to those lengths.  Just pick a thread a few pages back, maybe on a little-used board to boot, and tell the guy (or gal) to post something, anything, at the end of the thread.  It will be clear who it was due to the outdated thread.

Posted By: NoGreenBorderedEnvelope
Re: Secret code, eh, Mr. Bond?
No need to go to those lengths.  Just pick a thread a few pages back, maybe on a little-used board to boot, and tell the guy (or gal) to post something, anything, at the end of the thread.  It will be clear who it was due to the outdated thread.
OK, OK. Same basic idea. Client and Provider can work out their preferred details requiring a login and post from the REAL ter member.  

Uh, oh. This could hurt:

-- Modified on 7/11/2017 2:08:45 AM

Posted By: BigPapasan

 At least one provider and one hobbyist have received e-mails from someone using my handle but with a different e-mail service provider.  If Old TER was still in effect, they could have simply checked to see if the e-mail was really from me.  Instead, they had to PM me to find out it was some asshole pretending he was me.  
You said one provider and one hobbyist received these emails, then you said "they" could have checked the email under the old system. I don't think hobbyists ever had that ability. The provider could, and still can, since that didn't change in the new TER.

If she had checked the email and it didn't show your whitelists, it still doesn't prove that is not you. It just proves that is not the email attached to your TER account. It still could be "your" email.

-- Modified on 7/9/2017 8:22:15 PM

...EITHER the user name or the email he had registered with TER.  Maybe my mind is playing tricks on me, but now you can only search Whitelists by the user name.

Members cannot now nor have they been able to in the past, search by email.  Only providers who are linked.  

If you don't give them the email you used to register, then they can't find you by email.

and my recommendation is that TER admin develop a FAQ on how to use TER for the purposes of "verification."  This subject is very confusing for both providers and consumers.  Briefly, it is my understanding that ...

1) If a TER provider has the e-mail address of an individual, then she could search TER and obtain his TER handle (as long as the e-mail address that he provided is linked to his TER account).  Once she has his TER handle, she could easily obtain his white lists.  She could also PM the individual if they both have VIP accounts.
2) If a gentlemen uses P411 to request an appointment from a provider, the appointment request will provide the e-mail address associated with his P411 account.  If that same e-mail address is also associated with his TER account, then that gentlemen might have unknowingly allowed the provider to obtain his TER handle.  That could create several problems for him if he intended to keep the review process separate from the verification process.    

Everyone needs to better understand this space.

But I think it is for providers only

That's search by reviewer (search by handle). Any VIP member can use that. I believe what is only for providers is to see the email address said reviewer used to register here.

She's a provider. Of course we can''t see that because we are not providers so clicking on her link takes us to our "search by username" link. She did not realize we would get a different link.

Oh. Probably so. Her actual link says search by reviewer just like when I go to that page on my own account. I had ASSumed it would say search by email and then not work for me if it were her search by email link. Though now you have me think about it, providers probably navigate to that page and find two search fields there, while we have one. I dunno how that works, I don't wanna know. I think we've about beat the fuck out of this particular dead horse. I'm gonna go find another one.

I have never seen a provider's account page but I assume it does look exactly like ours, except where the box says "enter reviewer's username" I ASSume theirs says "enter reviewer's username or email address.  

As far as her link and why we see a different link than what she posted, There are 2 different outcomes when someone posts a link that someone else can't access. For some things it will be page unavailable. For other things it will take you to your version of that page. For example  if someone sends you a link to a post on the PO board but you don't have access there, you will get a page unavailable message. However, say I send you a link to "my board posts," or "my favorites," or "my reviews," when you click on the links, you will see YOUR posts, or favorites or reviews.

as mentioned several times in this thread.  
I assume you posted a link to YOUR "search reviews by email address" page. Anybody without a linked provider account will not see the same thing as you when they click on the link in your post. (Or I should say when they copy and paste it since you did not correctly hotlink it.)

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