San Diego

I'm sorry, but that is just plain mean and not deserved!!sad_smile
lapkitty 5 Reviews 18623 reads

It's obvious from Mara's picture on sdx that she does not want to be recognized from that pic. I see nothing wrong about that. But when evidently every hobbyist that has spent time with her has nothing but good things to say about her, then it becomes obvious that she is a hot lady who enjoys her job and should be commended for going above and beyond the basics of providing. Sandiego2, maybe the next time you're doing the nasty with your SO, you should cut out a picture of a playboy playmate and place it over her face!

Forgive me guys, but i frequently look at the new reviews and I cannot believe the utter Dogs you guys are screwing on a daily basis.  For example, Mara.  Mara?  Are you kidding me?  Shes the most heinous looking thing I have ever seen.  Yet every day or three, with hundreds of hot chicks on the escort sites, I see Mara continually popping to the top.  Then i look at the other 5 ... and they're fat.... or old... or just plain disgusting.

Cmon guys.  Look at and find the hot chicks and post reviews on them.  If you're going to spend the money, spend it on someone at least civil looking.  I cannot believe the dogs the all these san diego guys are screwing.

gumby00721010 reads

....are you talking about??? Have you ever had an appointment with Mara. While nobody claims that she has model looks, she apparently more than makes up for it with her performance. You obviously don't know about our local rip-off artists.
  Are you new to the hobby or something?? Maybe you need to do some research before you blast our local providers.

Mara19290 reads

Kisses & Licks..........

I would sugest that YOU contact and see ALL those "hot chicks" and write reviews on each and everyone.  After you have been ripped by 90% then maybe Mara won't look so bad.  Go to mirror and take a good look at your self.  Mara may not like what is looking back at you.  Now, I have never seen Mara, but the next time I'm in SD she will be the first I call.

Mara19668 reads

Kisses & Licks........

comes and wants to rip a provider he has not ever seen.  And doesn't have the OO's (balls) to post anything.  Must be a pretty boy.  
Or maybe he doesn't like women.

toutbob17510 reads

I have found this board to be very helpful in trying to select Providers to visit. After reading your post I immediately decided I wanted to see who you had posted reviews on, as sharing information on the "Great Providers" is the reason this board exists.

I did not find any reviews posted by you. Regarding Mara, she is much better looking in person than her pictures, is a fantastic provider and really a wonderful person to visit and communicate with.

Please post your reviews as to your select group so we can all reap the harvest.

Mara25241 reads

Kisses & Licks......

Machiavelli21026 reads

have you even seen her?doesnt look heinous looking from the picture.From her reviews looks like shes into it and enjoy it and knows how to treat someone. that is real important

Mara20511 reads

Kisses & Licks...........

This reviewer didn't mention just one website did they? Spam to get others to look at their site? What do you think?

It's funny how "to each his own" doesn't mean much to others. "One man's trash is another man's treasure"

We don't have the same taste. I think the reason we are hobbyists is because we want a little "variety" in our life.

As already mentioned, don't throw stones if you live in a glass house. Write some reviews and let others see whom you have fun with.

Too many one liners, I think I'm done with this one!!


Mara20885 reads

Kisses & Licks.......

2sense19042 reads

I'm wondering if this "so-called" sandiego2 is really one of our infamous cash-and-dash artists (i.e., Austin / Bridgette / Mandy-Jenny), which would account for the recommendation to go to SD-Exotics (where so many of them reside).

Although I haven't met Mara, there seems little doubt from the reviews on TER that she is bonafide, and close to GFE.

Sandiego2: Why don't you go to Afghanistan and spread your disinformation there?

-- Modified on 10/5/2001 7:54:22 AM

Mara22058 reads

Kisses & Licks......

Devil Dog19056 reads

Actually some of the "Hot Chicks" on SDExotics do have reviews and they are not all favorable. As a matter of fact, if you have time, go through the list and you'll find some of San Diego's more notorious Rip-Off artists. Thankfully, many hobbyists have done their part to help protect others from these scams.

While beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I think you can still find other great gals on other sites. For that matter, some of San Diego's finest looking ladies (I'm told), e.i. Ashlee, Shannon, and Kelle, do not advertise on sd-exotics. Still other very attractive and real providers do, such as Hope Taylor and Vanessa.

Or are you just trying to spam your site, a site known to others as showing real providers, as well as harboring rip-off. I:m not sure I would want that kind of reputation over the long run, were it my site.


Mara23271 reads

Kisses & Licks........

Or, a post be SDExotics staff.

Who ever you are, you owe Mara an appology. If I knew who you were I'd kick your a**!!! (woman or not!) Mara is one of the loveliest LADIES I have ever met. True beauty lay within. Look into her eyes sometime... there is beauty in them. I would trade 10 of the SD Exotics gals for Mara. The reason you keep seeing reviews of her is... SHE IS ALL THAT!

Most of the so called beauties on the site you mentioned are not real. AND if they are "Authintic photos" the service is less than desirable. The only screwing you will get in the wallet.

May I make a suggestion here? Maybe all the reputable providers should cancel there ad on the exotic site. Who wants to be associated with the known rip-offs anyway?

Just Another Bimbo20766 reads

Pulled my ads on anywhere there was an ad for a known rip-off, which meant most all of the ad sites. I thought I could have a chance to build a better rep without the guilt by association to overcome. Not all the girls on those sites are rip-offs though. That's not what I'm trying to say. I know many of them who aren't. I just couldn't bring myself to be displayed right up there in a row with Briget and Austin.

sedagive18995 reads

JAB- Come and advertise on SouthCoast VIP.  We don't allow the rip off girls and we verify all photos.  Please check out the site and contact me if you are interested.  Sedagive.

Mara23180 reads

It is a rival and unfortuantely, I have a lot to learn from this business. I will always remember this posting as a learning experience. Those that know me also know that I have been through so much in my life that something like this is not going to take me down, this too shall pass. The irony is that I find it somewhat erotic that so many people are writing about me and cuming to my defense. I have high standards for the quality of service I provide my focus will continue to be making all the emotionally intellegent  men of this world happy even if it is only for a session or two!

I will not pull my ad from sd-exotics because out of all the ones I have tried and there have been several it is the one that I get abouty 60% of my business. It would not be a wise business move.
Kisses & Licks................

-- Modified on 10/5/2001 9:04:55 PM

Wellll...I've been around the world and back with Mara. You should be so lucky.

Mara21023 reads

Kisses & Licks........

mara is a very sweet lady.some of supposedly hot women are ripoff's and agency ad's.(i should know cause a majority of the ad's on exotic's are placed by a agency i worked for when i started out).

   beside's wouldnt you prefer a lady who is down to earth?or would you rather have some snooty chick asking for tip's?cause i can promise that 90% of the guy's would rather have a cute or average girl who doesnt hustle for tip's.

 so be be a nice and quit acting like a junior high school boy.all of the good provider's deserve to be treated with respect.shame on you!! you arent a doggie,you're a mongrel!


Mara22284 reads

Thanks for your post.
kisses & licks......

Mara24410 reads

-- Modified on 10/5/2001 9:23:08 PM

KOUKI11220307 reads

dont worry mara hun, the rest of san diego thinks your fine!!!

Mara29443 reads

At this point I am wondering what fine is for San Diego?
I am just I mention earlier I love my body and the way I look. I am a sexy latina who loves what she does and it shows. I do thank you sincerely for your post.
Kisses & licks.......

gimpyboy21805 reads

Just wanted to put my 2 cents in. I have seen Mara several times and she is hands down one of the best! True GFE. In fact I saw her again today. Mara, you are a treasure. Thanks for today. She is sweet, smart, sensual, and above all beautiful!

Mara21743 reads

You are very sweet, I love spending time with you too. I look forward to seeing you before Sunday.......... until then like usual....
Kisses & Licks everywhere!

Mara20205 reads

I am wondering if I know you....yes I remember know.........what a conicidence I was talking about you a few days ago. You gave yourself away with the whole weight thing. I think that what you did to the visiting provider just a few weeks ago is so typical of you. If I would have let you, you would have done the same with me. Better yet you still got a lot more than you paid for.  I must inform you that this posting has only brought me more business than I can handle and I thank you. You are so full of anger, smoking so much pot is not helping you.You continue to schedule appt. with women that for some odd reason you claim are not your type, I suggest you read providers stats carefully so you do not waist our time. You are not going to get anything for free..... You just want to see how far you can get without turning over the donation and when you are asked to turn over the envelope you decide that we are either too tall, to big, or 20 pds over wieght and how if I would loose weight for you, you will take care of me. As I responded I like my body the way it is and if you do not.....then let it be.
Again, thank you for all the publicity.
kisses & Licks.........

-- Modified on 10/5/2001 9:20:43 PM

gingergrrrl18835 reads

yes I have met him and he is definately weird,,,He gave me the narcissis and for someone who has so much to say about our appearance he is nothing pretty...put some muscle on that bod guy you look like you should be pulling a rickshaw....

i believe i might have talked with his person in the past.either way he obviously has issue's.he is the kind of client that most agency girl's would justify ripiing off cause of his attitude.(no i dont agree with ripping client's off).however his attitude and demeanor would make it that much easier.

tmoney21508 reads

Holy shit look at Ginger up here with the rickshaw take! Classic. RACK 'ER! Huge post of the day.

   I'm out.

toutbob20095 reads


It's obvious from Mara's picture on sdx that she does not want to be recognized from that pic. I see nothing wrong about that. But when evidently every hobbyist that has spent time with her has nothing but good things to say about her, then it becomes obvious that she is a hot lady who enjoys her job and should be commended for going above and beyond the basics of providing. Sandiego2, maybe the next time you're doing the nasty with your SO, you should cut out a picture of a playboy playmate and place it over her face!

Mara20477 reads

You are very kind I appriciate your support on this matter.
Kisses & Licks.......

neuroed19126 reads

I recently visited your fair city and spent a wonderful evening with Mara. I take this post as almost a personal affront. this person is either demented or totally blind to true beauty. As the saying goes "their is more to the book than the cover". Open the book sometime,you might be suprised what you find.

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