Porn Stars

Though sanctimonious, Doc will be missed!
NYCDOMSTUD 3 Reviews 11569 reads

While I take umbridge with the awe and reverence that many of you, especially the Doctor, seem to hold PSE'e in (referrring to them as Superstars, Goddesses, ect., rather than the more perjorative but accurate terms that I would apply), on balance, and despite his occassional sanctimoniosness, the Doc is one of the more interesting and colorful characters in this hobby.  He provides a wealth of information and an enthusiasm that wont soon be replicated.  Now, about various providers' inspections and rules. If you think for a moment about WHAT it is they DO, and more importantly, WHO it is they do it with, their hypocrisy is absurd.  Many of the so called "porn studs" are serious low-lifes, drug users and ex-cons, so and if they are going to worry about anyone, tests or not, it should be THEM, not the average hobbyist paying a serious premium to fulfill a fantasy.  And while the restrictions may be applied out of health consciousness,  there is more to it than that.  Many, though not all porn stars, are serioulsy conflicted about what they do (especially the PSE part) and on some level, realize they are degrading themselves.  Lets face it, if they had adequate finacial resources, they would NEVER see hobbyists and most would not, save the attention starved with no self-esteem be shooting porn). Simply put, its far more degrading to them to speak Greek and give a BBBJ with a facial pop to a complete stranger, than it is no greek and translated French.  Hence, the rules and restrictions are also about maintaining control and a minimal amount of self esteem/dignity.  However,  for the freight thats being charged, Docs approach is the ONLY sane one.  Either you receive a first class, round the world, the passenger is always right journey with a nearly unlimited menu selection, or youre being seriously ripped off!

Score12918 reads

In light of Doc's leaving, I wanted to publicly thank him for his help with a lot of the girls I've seen. His counsel and guidance have helped me get the most out of my meetings, and this board has clearly distinguished the good and bad of the industry, and I know that was his intention from the beginning.

Cheers for a job well done, Doc.

I to want to thank Doc publicly for his guidance and advice.  Without his urging, I may not have ever tried to fullfill my PS fantasies, nor made some of the friends I have in the past year or so.

Thank you! Hopefully others such as Score, FastEddie, etc... will fill the gap left by Doc's departure.

Doc, see you on the other side;-)


chris_12310850 reads

It is a shame that Doc is leaving.  I was just getting ready to move forward with my first PS experiance and he helped me with a lot of info.  He will be missed greatly and I hope that they can work things out.  Doc adds a lot of value to the board.

Best wishes Doc.

I'm sure Doc would consider me to be an adversary, but I think that would be unfortunate because I saw eye to eye with him merely 90% of the time. I know if we could meet face to face, we'd probably agree on many things.

I think overall, he had a very difficult job and did it for the most part well. Yes, I could criticize, but it would be inappropriate to do so here. Much better to focus on the good rather than the bad, and try to improve on it for the next moderator.

The next moderator should be one who has had many PSEs, while at the same time not put into a position of conflict between the board and the agencies. In short, a frequent retail consumer.

To play with escorts, one must be relatively affluent, but to play with PSs, one must be fairly wealthy. A guy spending $1500 on a date making $300K a year is spending roughly .7% of his after tax income on such a deal, not an insignificant amount. If you have spent as much time overseas as I have, then you understand it's difficult to whip out $300, let alone $1500, no matter how wealthy you are, after spending time in the fine brothels of Germany, Spain, Thailand, etc., but I digress...

Concurrently, TER must be thick skinned and not beholden to putative sponsors such as Moonlight, E2K, et al and let the moderator moderate and not shill or have posts taken down because the agency didn't like what it read. The best way to promote this business is to have a policy of honesty, not a carnival atmosphere where high spending clients are marks, as is the attitude of the management of one well known brothel.

In closing, Doc, I wish you the best of luck in all your endeavors, and hope you will at some point in the future return to TER as a contributor. Your experience and insight is invaluable to the success of this board.

blade runner12544 reads

It's a shame that TER and Doc had a falling out over his review of Ms. Denise. It does make one wonder about who is actually running the board.

jldick5010595 reads

"How many times have we heard that the ladies (insert moderator here) are leaving and suddenly out of thin air, they are back nastier then ever" these are Doc's own words (ROTFLMAO)

carlspackler13017 reads

is a neutral person who monitors the discussions to keep things civil.

Doc is never neutral. If you disagree with him on any small detail uses his position to bully people.

He was not the right person to moderate. He is best when he is a participant. His immaturity really prevented him from being successful in this forum.

This isn't the first time he took his ball and went home ( porn board, TER after about a week) and I am sure it wont be the last.

I'll miss his unique use of verb tenses and his knowledge, but I feel this board will better without his tirades when someone sets him off by using the evil ISO instead of searching past threads.

I have two not so fond memories of the doc I want to share:  

1. When I sent him a personal e-mail detailing my first encounter with a well known porn star, he created an alias and posted it as a review. The porn star had asked me not to post a review, and she felt I betrayed her trust. It wasn't me!

2. Some dude was excited about porn star trading cards, and I made a referrence that  my last experience with trading cards was when I was 10 and I put them in the spokes of my bike. Well this comment was enough to send doc over the edge and have my posts moderated. I should have known by his posts about "Jenna Jameson Calling Cards" that this is much more than a hobby for doc.

These were very small events, but they proved to me his tenure would be limited. I am sorry he won't be around to share his knowledge, but I am glad he no longer has the power of editing, I always felt he was the one who should have been moderated.


-- Modified on 10/13/2002 9:27:15 AM

Score12181 reads

I'm not attacking you here at all, just offering Doc's explanation of your 2 issues:

First, it was not DOC who made up an alias and posted your review...some jerk-off in CA that Doc sent your review to as a favor did that, and Doc has apologized and feels terrible about it.

Second, with the trading card post...well, you made a sarcastic comment and he deleted it. I'm sure it was made with no harm intended, but if you read the top of this board you'll see it clearly says anything inflammatory will be deleted.

I don't want to be in the middle of anything here, and I understand your feelings on the first issue, but again it wasn't Doc.

RAIDER98769522 reads


I always felt the value of the boards was the sharing of information and that all opinons were valid. Grammar could be in any language as long as the thoughts were conveyed and I am aided in making a decision, I'm happy.

Doc has helped me navigate through the PS experience and I'd like to thank him for that! It was obvious to me Doc has numerous contacts/relationships and we all benefited from his knowledge. Even if we disagreed with his opinions the fact that the opinion is out there allows us to decide what is right for us - we are not robots and we can do whatever we like with posted information. His review of Nikita Denise on the Florida board is the essence of what the board should be about. Some of us may have chosen not to relay an experience that did not go well with a a lady of Nikita's stature, but Doc spoke his mind and I'm sure some will think twice about seeing Nikita and using the agency.

To me the boards are nothing more than expressions of experiences which in and of itself makes them somewhat biased. It's up to us to determine who the shills are, those who have grudges and those who are making realistic accounts of their experiences. By using this board and contacting fellow hobbyists through back channels, maybe even conversing with the ladies we get a pool of info that helps us make the decision! I'm heading to NYC this week and will be seeing a lady based on a combination of inputs and I'm sure I would not have made my decision without these resources. I hope whoever takes over is not afraid to express themselves and let us make our own decisions.

As for Doc, I hope all is well with you. I know you wil continue to enjoy the PS experience and probably will have more time for the ladies without the duties of moderator!! LOL

Sorry for the rant and I hope my grammar is not too offensive!!


DrX12845 reads

I am truly in a place I do no want to be.

Both this most recent review and the recent review of LDM should be enough to cause a little concern about the veracity of the claims.  Both times the ladies were concerned about the safety of certain acts, were coerced into performing and then slammed about that policy and their reticence to perform; it's a bad thing that Nikita wanted a visual inspection of his johnson before agreeing to a BBBJ?  Sure he had recent tests but that doesn't cover herpes or a possible lack of hygiene (no I'm not saying that hygiene is the issue here but just something to consider).

In my dealings with Doc and several ladies that have talked to both of us, I have had my evaluation of him go from respect to disgust.  Granted, he has shared some very valuable information with those of us just starting out but always with his own agenda.  I pity the women he uses that think that he will actually help them, one word against his current mood and they can forget any positive mention again.

My own posts on this board were severely curtailed when I posted a question about a previous reply to obvious spam to the board that disappeared.  My own post was also deleted but the post is probably still there (I don't even remember who's paysite it was for).  I emailed and messaged Doc with no reply; I had emailed him previously, back when he still used TBD, with good discussions.  I only received any response when I posted on a local board about why I was withdrawing from the boards.  His answering post was very articulate but said nothing of substance.

So my opinion is that I'm glad to see Doc leave another board.  It's not the best for the hobbiest as some information will be lost but I feel it will be the best for the hobby, especially those ladies we are all here to discuss.


GirlCrazy11036 reads

on a Porn Starlet that has done numerous BBBJTC, Facial, DFK and Greek, has dealt with the agency numerous times that they already know my MO and preferences, and still treat in the way he was treated (not dressed per request, has to wait for the guy she partied with the night before to leave), I will be mad too.

I don't think this is any different from any number of reviews that posted in TER that mentioned services not delivered, cold and go through the motion feel of some of the ladies.  That Doc is smart enough to figure it out ahead of time and thus save his money is nothing to be slammed about.

PS ladies are different from ladies in a local city.  They charged more because hobbyists in general wanted to duplicate what they have seen on videos (of course with covers on for safety since hobbyists are amateurs).  If those Anal Queens didn’t want to do this or that, it is better for them to state that in the open or allow reviews, rather that simply misleading hobbyists.

Some hobbyists might still want to spend the money and enjoy the limited services Nikita Denise offered.  As for other members, it is another example of Doc being a pioneer and lifts the veil of secrecy about these well-known Porn Starlets.  I bet this saves many members their grieves.

Crack Addict12272 reads

Doc, pretty much everyone in AE has been exposed to HSV-II. Ask a couple of your favorite porn stars if you don't believe me.

As someone who represents himself as an MD, I'm surprised you apparently are not aware tests to determine exposure are available.

DrX12805 reads

Exposure to the virus and exposure to the active sores are totally different.  A vast majority of the population of the world, let alone AE, have been exposed to the various herpes virus; unfortunately, the tests tend to be a bit inaccurate since the virus can be latent intracellularly during the tests and then progress to an outbreak situation within a very short time; I don't know why anyone would even bother wasting money for the tests.

As for my nick, I don't recall ever saying that I was an MD.  I do have my doctorate in a health care field but not my MD.  Just wanted to make sure you didn't have the wrong impression.


msharkm13058 reads

Carl is right. Doc was very wise but not cut
out for the position of responsibility he was
given. I personally think he was right to scold
those too lazy to do some research on their own.
My problem was that he gave way too much praise to
some ladies and was overly tough on others.

There are always going to be disagreements on
anonymous Internet boards. Anyone who cannot stand having
someone post a dissenting opinion or poking holes shouldn't

REFORMED9718 reads

He sent me a very disturbing e-mail which I forwarded to the staff at TER, he basically threatened me and said that law enforcement has all of my information and they will take action? This all stems from a disagreement we have over Sinnamon Love which I rate as a Total Rip Off. The harsh reality is that these women don't care about any of us, they are not our friends, all they care about is the mighty dollar. I would like to ask the senior hobbyists a question, how many times did a porn star see you for free? I don't mean give you a discount, I mean called you up and said "Hey come over I want to see you?", I bet the answer is NO. I just hope the next moderator is fair and imparshall to US the paying customers not to the so called "LADIES?". They eat and live off of our money, we earn that money the right way and hopefully the next moderator will drive the point home that if you don't appreciate the meal ticket then you will STARVE!

Candide12536 reads

Carl, you are exactly right and I could not agree with you more. Seth used his position as "moderator" to manipulate posts in order for him to gain the upper-hand in a discussion and damn you if you disagree with him.

GirlCrazy14846 reads

a referee.  If the main function of a moderator is just to make sure everyone posted in this board make nice to each other, then almost anyone can qualify.  I am not sure that is a good thing.

JMHO, it is important for a moderator to have good grasp of the local hobby scene.  He has to have good contacts with a number of local ladies in order to know the gossips and smell phony posts and reviews.

Doc is extremely knowledgeable in the PS hobby scene.  He put his money on the line, not afraid to offend ladies and agencies alike and give good well-meaning guidance to fellow members of this board.  Yes, he can be harsh with his words but I will rather have a moderator that speaks the truth then someone just kept his mouth shut.

Doc can be seen as too dominating in this board because of the time he spent here, his vast knowledge, and his willingness to share info.  Well, he makes this board interesting and lively with his many thread-initiated posts.  Some of his harsh words on newbie can be viewed as exacting a certain standard of posting in this board and cut down on the mundane and BS messages.

Porn Starlet ladies are hard subjects to cover because of their public / private status.  I enjoy reading Doc's posts because for the most part he lifted the veil of mystery and secrecy around them.

As for carlspackler's 2 examples, I believe the 1st one has nothing to do with Doc's function as a moderator.  As Score has explained above, it is mainly a member to member back channel mishap.  As for the 2nd example, I have been moderated before and it is no fun for sure.  However I always believe that if I keep my composure and use good and to the point wordings in my messages, it is hard for any moderator to have reasons or excuses to keep on moderating my posts.

BTW, I am just a hobbyist in LA and not really into the PS hobby.  So please excuse me for jumping into this discussion.  I don’t know enough about the nuance of past events that involved Doc the moderator and other members of this board.  I just based my opinions on my own readings of messages posted in this board.

Score10034 reads

For those in support of Doc, he thanks you. As far as these other rants:

First, Doc is not actually an MD..."The Doctor" is his nickname.

As far as his testing, he's told me now and in the past he has PCR/HIV DNA tests which test for EVERYTHING. Those tests are faxed to the agencies so there is no confusion or misunderstandings between he and the girls per his requirements.

The problem w/ LDM was her attitude; trashing other girls in the biz, arrogance, and paranoia. I didn't see it in my meeting with her, but for Doc it was a major turn-off.

As for Nikita Denise, EVERYTHING was a disaster. She was dressed like she was going to do laundry, there was a GUY in the room (WTF?), and she negated EVERYTHING they had previously agreed upon. For the cash he was gonna be dropping I don't blame him for walking out the door. I'm sure it didn't hit him in the ass on the way out either!!!


pat398537 reads

...I think Doc is/was a major asset to this board.  Yeah, he may have been a little hard on people here and there, yet at the same time, the wealth of information he supplied along with his wit I believe overwhelmed any possible shortcomings he had. Above all, he kept this board clean of morons (and spammers) that like to get on boards such as this and cause trouble just for the sake of getting attention- I have seen this happen too often and it has killed off some good groups.  I hope this situation somehow gets resolved.

While I take umbridge with the awe and reverence that many of you, especially the Doctor, seem to hold PSE'e in (referrring to them as Superstars, Goddesses, ect., rather than the more perjorative but accurate terms that I would apply), on balance, and despite his occassional sanctimoniosness, the Doc is one of the more interesting and colorful characters in this hobby.  He provides a wealth of information and an enthusiasm that wont soon be replicated.  Now, about various providers' inspections and rules. If you think for a moment about WHAT it is they DO, and more importantly, WHO it is they do it with, their hypocrisy is absurd.  Many of the so called "porn studs" are serious low-lifes, drug users and ex-cons, so and if they are going to worry about anyone, tests or not, it should be THEM, not the average hobbyist paying a serious premium to fulfill a fantasy.  And while the restrictions may be applied out of health consciousness,  there is more to it than that.  Many, though not all porn stars, are serioulsy conflicted about what they do (especially the PSE part) and on some level, realize they are degrading themselves.  Lets face it, if they had adequate finacial resources, they would NEVER see hobbyists and most would not, save the attention starved with no self-esteem be shooting porn). Simply put, its far more degrading to them to speak Greek and give a BBBJ with a facial pop to a complete stranger, than it is no greek and translated French.  Hence, the rules and restrictions are also about maintaining control and a minimal amount of self esteem/dignity.  However,  for the freight thats being charged, Docs approach is the ONLY sane one.  Either you receive a first class, round the world, the passenger is always right journey with a nearly unlimited menu selection, or youre being seriously ripped off!

Mr. T11258 reads

There has been some talk about S.T.D.'s under this topic and I thought I would offer some info on the subject. Sexually transmitted diseases can be due to many different microorganisms like bacteria (gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia), viruses (hepatitis, HIV, herpes, genital warts), protozoa (trichomoniasis, amebiasis), fungi (candidiasis), and ectoparasites (lice, scabies). Most can be treated fairly easy with the exception of the viruses, which usually stay within someone for life. Most can be detected by some type of test, but THERE IS NO ONE TEST THAT CHECKS FOR EVERYTHING. If you get a PCR/HIV, it only tests for HIV.

Viral hepatitis (HBV, HCV) is a very serious disease and can result in chronic infection, liver failure, and/or death. The virus is present in blood, saliva, semen, and vaginal secretions. It is also alot more easily transmitted than HIV. The good news is there is a vaccine available for the hepatitis B virus (HBV). EVERYONE should ask their health care provider or health department about getting the vaccine. It should be noted however, that this vaccine does NOT protect against the hepatitis C virus (HCV). There is no vaccine for HCV.
Furthermore, while HBV is highly prevalent in homosexuals and IV drug users, most cases reported in the USA now result from heterosexual transmission.

We all have our vices; let's just be as safe as we can while we enjoy them!

DrX11791 reads

PCR/HIV tests are specifically for HIV.  The acronym stands for polymerase chain reaction DNA amplification for HIV; it is highly sensitive and accurate ONLY for HIV.  For further information please go to the AIM website, you will see that they have an entire battery of tests for sexually transmitted diseases of which the PCR/HIV is only one.

As for the MD status, I believe that was in reference to me.


majoraccent10383 reads

I have seen the Doctor in all his various incarnations on the various hobbyists' board. Here's:

THE GOOD: Doc is extremely helpful when backchanneling. He always answers emails and gives good, though somewhat cryptic advice. He has in the past provided photographic evidence of his exploits, which except for the view of his tiny willie were very helpful in establishing his street cred.

THE BAD: His bragging, especially about his "power" over agencies and his incessant hint-dropping about this or that PS he's bagged -- but can't tell us because he's sworn to secrecy. Then why mention it? A perfect example of this is Shayla LaVeaux, whom the Doc has dropped hints about for years. If you did her, spit it out, or stop talking about it.  Also, his tone can be very harsh. Yes, it's frustrating when someone posts an ISO without doing a simple search, but that doesn't mean you bite their head off.

THE UGLY: This swearing up and down about his disease-free status is laughable. Another poster is right-- MOST porn stars have herpes Type II -- the gift that keep on giving. Type II can be easily spread through vaginal, anal, *ORAL* as well as slight skin-to-skin contact. The Doc may not have gotten satisfaction from some of his dates because they have found out about his history and possible exposure to all types of beasties. The typical PCR/DNA test used to test for HIV doesn't necessarily mean that a patient is being tested for herpes, genital warts, etc.  I think what's tragic is the pied-piperism Doc engaged in, telling people to follow his example of bullying women to perform unsafe sex practices. He should not force his "requirements" (which, IMHO are irresponsible, dangerous and disgusting) on unwilling women.

jldick5011447 reads

Oh boo hoo what will you guys do with out Doc?, sure he was a wealth of information, but he never told you anything you couldn't have found out for your self, but most of you are just to lazy and don't want to do your homework, it was just to easy to turn to Doc(LOL)

jldick5010804 reads

Doc was a bully that took advantage of his position as moderator, and even though he was a wealth of knowledge, he never told you anything that you couldn't find for your self, if you would just do your home work.

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