Porn Stars

Thanks Doc! (eom)
ZedEx 29105 reads


on her belly of her husbands name? He in turn has her name tattoed on his belly. I think its Shauna or something to that effect. She's a brunette. About a year and a half ago she had an escort ad up, I wasnt sure if it was her, I called and talked to her, it sounded like her, but wasnt sure. Never saw any reviews. Anyone know who she is and if she is available. Real pretty girl. Thanks

-- Modified on 5/12/2002 10:45:46 AM

ZedEx23486 reads

...I spoke to her once by phone as well but then the ad went down--wondered what happened to her.

-- Modified on 5/12/2002 1:01:26 PM

THEDOCTORSW23438 reads

It this is the Shawna Edwards you guys are talking about she is at the Sheri's Ranch Nevada Brothel.


Seth A/K/A The Doctor

What are the rates out there(Nevada) and does anyone have a local contact number?

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