Porn Stars

Re: Unless you're trying to subvert an election you'll be okay 🙄
randy62 31 Reviews 55 reads

Draves go back into your corner and suck your thumb. I have lots of friends who are middle road libs. I have zero tolerance for libtards. Stay terrified buddy people are waking up to the lawless bs in this country.

Be honest, would anyone actually consider hooking up with her now?  I lost interest years ago when I found out she was talking about all this stuff going on.   I like my privacy.

This isn't about privacy, stupid. Trump covered up their assignation to throw the election in his favor and it worked. He fucked with the election and that's a crime. I kind of doubt you, netnoy, are running for president so I think you'd be fine. I also did not and will not run for president and so after I saw her - - great time! - - nothing happened to me.

Besides, after being a part of this giant trial and having a target painted in her back, you REALLY think she'll be escorting EVER AGAIN? You're dense.

JFC... 🙄

She is escorting still.  No need to be an asshole.  This wasn't meant to be a political discussion.

You are actually an idiot here. She resurfaced during the campaign in order to interfere with the election and he had to put out a fire. Every single attack against him is election interference, but you don’t have a problem with that because you have Trump arrangement syndrome. James Comey giving Hillary Clinton a free pass on her email server was election interference. The justice department issuing a press release saying that they believe the Hunter Biden laptop was a Russian plant Weeks before the election was election interference. Joe Biden trying to put his greatest political rival in jail and keep his interparty rivals off the ballot and as many states as possible, and denying them, Secret Service protection is election interference. But you’re too stupid to see that , so just keep the politics out of you have no idea what you’re talking about

You're an ass.....what did Hillary have on her don't know....what does Hunter have a his don't know..but the orange faced totally failure paid off a porn star and you buy he's're dumb as a box of rocks.

Draves go back into your corner and suck your thumb. I have lots of friends who are middle road libs. I have zero tolerance for libtards. Stay terrified buddy people are waking up to the lawless bs in this country.

She hit the wall, hard. I could see her appeal in her heyday but now she's more infamous than beloved. She is basically a trainwreck like Jenna Jameson.

They've done porn parodies of politicians and other celebrities. E.g., "Who's Nailin' Palin" about Sarah Palin. (Yikes! I just googled celebrity porn parodies and there are A LOT!)  
My Q: Who will play Stormy Daniels in the Stormy Daniels political parody? And who will play the "David Dennison" role?

Posted By: netnoy

Be honest, would anyone actually consider hooking up with her now?  I lost interest years ago when I found out she was talking about all this stuff going on.   I like my privacy.

The part of Stormy Daniles will be played by:  Stormy Daniels.  

The real question is who plays Cohn and Trump?  

Here's my suggestion:  

Michael Cohn, played by Charlie Sheen (I'll bet he'd do it! lol)  
Donald Vonshitzinpantz (yes, that will be the character's name) played by Ron Jeremy (he will need a prison work pass, but  he can get one for this).  

Life is good

The Cat

Newto100062 reads

1)  MIchael Cohen, not MIchael Cohn
2)  I believe that all the criminal charges against Ron Jeremy were dropped due to his severe dementia.  So, he is available.
3)  I don't think that Netnoy's post had anything to do with politics.  My sense is that he is concerned about being exposed as a prominent TER poster since Stormy can't keep her mouth shut.  lol
4)  The last thing Stormy would do at this stage of her life is escort.

I'd still fuck her 8n a heartbeat. Donations would have to be reasonable tho.
I dont put politics ahead of penis satisfaction...

Even tough i never hidden what i do in this business and therefore i wouldn't care to be "outed", i still find it repulsive for my fellow clients that she did this. Just for that she would be a nogo because thats bad behaviors. It does not matter what you think or not of Trump in that. You don't out your clients ever.

Although there may have been a quid pro quo for consideration to appear on The Apprentice, there was no money exchanged.  That is, she was not being a paid escort / prostitute. It wasn't a long term affair. It was a one night stand. She was using her womanly wiles to try to get an opportunity or job.  
Many women (and men) exchange sexual favors for career advancement. It isn't against PROSTITUTION laws but it might violate various workplace discrimination laws. USUALLY, such things are kept secret but it wouldn't be completely odd to commiserate with a friend that, "I can't believe I slept with the guy and I didn't get the job! What a creep!" Sometimes, there might even be an admission to a friend that, "The only reason I got the job was because I slept with him."  
(Part of the story was that, during their encounter, Trump showed Stormy a magazine [Forbes?] with his picture in it and he rolled it up and spanked her with it.)  
(Another part of the story is that Trump asked several other porn stars, also at the same Lake Tahoe resort in 2006, to have sex with him but they all turned him down. I can't find any names or corroboration using google. There's a paywall on this article:  
Here Are the Adult Industry Performers and Models With Alleged Ties to Donald Trump. )  
A Trump and Stormy Daniels Timeline

Posted By: Halloween_Mike
Re: No
Even tough i never hidden what i do in this business and therefore i wouldn't care to be "outed", i still find it repulsive for my fellow clients that she did this. Just for that she would be a nogo because thats bad behaviors. It does not matter what you think or not of Trump in that. You don't out your clients ever.

The Wall Street Journal released the story after they investigated it and only then did Stormy Daniels sue Trump, since the cat was out of the bag! it's not like she just volunteered it and was blabbing to anyone who would listen! So TRY to pay attention before making these idiotic comments!

Not sure why you have to keep making asshole comments to other people.  Small dick energy going on here?

I wouldn’t touch Stormy Daniels pussy with Rosie O’Donnells’s 10 ft dick

connman0984 reads

I'm sure there are other boards you could take your politics. This is not what we are here for.

IJMiggs75 reads

If you don’t believe me, just ask because I’ve experienced it.  

I don’t think when Trump was banging Stormy ever thought he would be running for president of the free world.

-- Modified on 5/7/2024 11:35:47 PM

I'd never heard of her until the story came out about her and trump.  I looked up photos of her online and while she's not unattractive, she doesn't do it for me now or back in her prime.

She's a disgrace to all sew workers she bagged the top dog & got paid to shut up about it ,& hasn't kept her mouth shut since.

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