Politics and Religion

You're confusing fascism with patriotism. Eom
Zing!!! 243 reads


The Daily Caller, a conservative internet rag trying to out-Drudge Drudge, claimed Menendez had sex with prostitutes in the Dominican Republic and they may have been under the legal age.

Swallowme was all too eager to believe the story and let himself be played like a fiddle.

The prostitute has now admitted that she was paid to lie about Menendez.  In the immortal words of Bill O'Reilly: "What say you, Swallowme?"


2013=28 ROFLMAO!  God hates the Yankees! A-Rod, Granderson, even the GM broke his leg.

followme318 reads

Well you stupid, ignorant fat ass blubber laden back stabbing coward, my post that you linked was about the UNDERAGED girls he fucked. The article you linked said that the one that, supposedly, said she lied is 23.
She said what she said because his deep-pocketed Democratic donor pal, Salomon Melgen, had his local criminal thugs threaten and intimidate her to change her story.

As for Cashman breaking his leg, he did it jumping out of an airplane raising money for The Wounded Warrior Project. But an unpatriotic, traitorous fuck like you and your lover boy team pinko members (including richardlovesgivinghead) do not care about those men and women, so you mock it like the true poltroon you are.

Now go ahead and put your dishonest, misguided cowardly spin on it, entertain us and have the last word. ....as I know you will

You’re Welcome
GOP = For God and Country  

-- Modified on 3/5/2013 9:36:37 AM

I admire your patriotism.  That is something this country is missing.  Thank You.

RichardHeadIII326 reads

swallowme luvs to be Tea Bagged, the harrier & sweatier the nut the better he always says.

I know you are being funny, speaking of gays.  

But one of these days, it will be inconceivable that we kept rights from gays.  It will be inconceivable as slavery is to our consciouslness today.

I look forward to the day when christians that have found solace through religion, can focus on their own darkness and forgiveness.  In the meantime, I think I would just like to move to the mountains.  Grow a little garden.  Walk in nature, talk with God.  Do some yoga and meditation.  Eat berries.  And grow a little home smoke beside my maters'.

Link:  6 things Christians just need to quit saying.

Those how have served their country. There's a big difference between talking and serving. Who's the loud mouth, washed up musician, who sounds like a patriotic, but dodged the draft?   ;)

-- Modified on 3/6/2013 8:21:43 AM

our military, and nascar.  But refuse to buy McDonalds and shop Wal-Mart?  I think part of the waking up process for me is the consumerism is fading away and not near as important as I thought it was.  It doesn't mean I don't like nice things, I just never want to be strapped with debt again.  Making better choices will get me closer to life I wish to live, which is FREE.


I believed it when I read it. I mean, shit, when have you ever read a news story about a politician fucking a hooker, and it WASN'T true?

The FBI looked into this, and found Menendez hadn't been in the Dominican Republic when she claimed this happened.

So chalk this up to Republicans using even more vile and disgusting tactics to try to win elections.

OkHereGoes270 reads

The Washington Post mistook one prostitute for another Monday in a report that initially seemed to debunk a November 2012 Daily Caller exposé of New Jersey Democratic Senator Bob Menendez.

While the Post said it had an affidavit from a woman in the Dominican Republic admitting she fabricated claims Menendez paid her for sex, that woman was not one of the two prostitutes TheDC interviewed for a Nov. 1 report.

The Post identified the woman as 23-year-old Nexis de los Santos Santana.

Both women TheDC interviewed said they were 24 years old at the time — not 23 — and neither went by Nexis de los Santos Santana. They spelled out their names and ages on camera, in the presence of Dominican lawyer Melanio Figueroa.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2013/03/05/wapo-report-confuses-one-prostitute-for-another-in-bid-to-debunk-menendez-allegations/#ixzz2MgpnV6lP

Posted By: BigPapasan
The Daily Caller, a conservative internet rag trying to out-Drudge Drudge, claimed Menendez had sex with prostitutes in the Dominican Republic and they may have been under the legal age.

Swallowme was all too eager to believe the story and let himself be played like a fiddle.

The prostitute has now admitted that she was paid to lie about Menendez.  In the immortal words of Bill O'Reilly: "What say you, Swallowme?"


2013=28 ROFLMAO!  God hates the Yankees! A-Rod, Granderson, even the GM broke his leg.

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