Politics and Religion

Your speculation is . . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 2 reads

duly noted.  

that Donald Trump wishes he was black and married to Michelle Obama instead of Melania?   There is a significant percentage of the population that thinks Michelle Obama is a tranny.

Personally, I don't think he's fucked her since she found out about Stormy.

"There is a significant percentage of the population that thinks Michelle Obama is a tranny." - Which is a self-admitted and sad testament to the low intelligence of Trump supporters.  
CDL: Do YOU think that Michelle Obama is a tranny?

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: Do you really believe . . . .
that Donald Trump wishes he was black and married to Michelle Obama instead of Melania?   There is a significant percentage of the population that thinks Michelle Obama is a tranny.

Posted By: impposter
Re: Do you really believe . . . .
"There is a significant percentage of the population that thinks Michelle Obama is a tranny." - Which is a self-admitted and sad testament to the low intelligence of Trump supporters.  
 CDL: Do YOU think that Michelle Obama is a tranny?  

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: Do you really believe . . . .  
 that Donald Trump wishes he was black and married to Michelle Obama instead of Melania?   There is a significant percentage of the population that thinks Michelle Obama is a tranny.


Who cares if "Big Mike" is putting the stones to his wife Barack? You cats let the racist Boobie derail the Thread?  

Trump is Basically Trolling Obama in what I believe to be payback for the insults at the white house correspondents' dinner.  

This I think, is the extent of what Trump is going to "DO TO HIS ENEMIES" now that he's back. No Jailing of Journalists. Maybe sue a couple for them being stupid. But yeah I don't see the Hitlarian response you lefties were ohhhh so worried about  coming to pass.  

One Thing is that it has kicked Jabba and Icky's nightly "But Tump" sessions into high gear. So High in fact I think they are actually getting tired of "BUT TRUMP", at least, one could hope right?

-- Modified on 12/29/2024 5:16:00 PM

We all know that you have had firsthand experience with trannies........not that there is anything wrong with that.

so, since you are asking the question instead of firmly asserting michelle is not, makes me think perhaps you believe she is. a tranny.  

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
There is a significant percentage of the population that thinks Michelle Obama is a tranny.
I'm not surprised, since 2% of Americans firmly believe the Earth is flat, and at least 5% strongly believe the moon landing was fake.

a 'significant percentage' of American are fucking retardedly stupid filthy maga traitors. So, yeah - dumb enough to 'believe' she's tranny - or at least keep the dumb filthy maga traitor fantasy alive and well in the delusional minds of these dumb fucking idiots.

absolute stupidest Americans thought Biden was, and is, of sound mind the last few years.  40% believed that Kamala was qualified to be President after she sucked her way to the top of the ladder in California Politics and then claimed for four years as a diversity-pick VP that Biden was at the top of his game mentally.  Is she really THAT stupid, or just an accomplished liar.  Are you in either one of these groups that thought this?

Wrong. Most people that voted against the filthy maga traitor cunt and CONVICTED CRIMINAL FELON simply didn't want a RAPIST and CONVICTED CRIMINAL FELON sitting in the WH after the daily violations of the Emoluments Clause and trying to steal top secret documents to sell -- and sucking vlad putin's cock every chance he got.  Most of us normal rational logical people would have voted in a pet fucking ROCK vs. a CONVICTED FUCKING FELON CRIMINAL RAPIST.  But good for you and the rest of the filthy maga traitor scum for CRIMINALIZING the POTUS and shoving LIES out into the ether sphere every other minute and getting other delusional sycophants to amplify the filthy maga traitor LIES.  Well done!

on the failed Democrat campaign strategy that it's better to hate Trump than to like a different candidate?  That line of thinking is what cost the Dems the election.   Voters feel better about voting FOR someone than AGAINST someone, and that is why Trump mopped the floor with Harris and flipped the Senate as well despite his temporary baggage from the FAILED lawfare campaign of the Dems.   Frankly, I hope the Dems continue to think this strategy will be a winner in the future.  

I tend to believe the vast majority of America - ESPECIALLY the racist south red filthy maga traitor states (if you've ever visited there - you KNOW) are RACIST and SEXIST and that is why a black/Asian woman was constantly attacked as a 'diversity' candidate when she's absolutely qualified - from being a prosecutor, AG, Rep., Senator and VP.  And YES, I didn't want a RAPIST and CONVICTED FELON CRIMINAL TRAITOR as POTUS.  You got me, there. Nice job!

Posted By: SnowKing69
Re: So you are doubling down . . . .
I tend to believe the vast majority of America - ESPECIALLY the racist south red filthy maga traitor states (if you've ever visited there - you KNOW) are RACIST and SEXIST and that is why a black/Asian woman was constantly attacked as a 'diversity' candidate when she's absolutely qualified - from being a prosecutor, AG, Rep., Senator and VP.  And YES, I didn't want a RAPIST and CONVICTED FELON CRIMINAL TRAITOR as POTUS.  You got me, there. Nice job!
Keep drinking that blue 🥶 goo and then regurgitating it. You’re a rank amateur compared to icky D. But you know, keep practicing. By the way, have icky and Jabba you into their little but Trump club yet?

He won less than 50% of the popular vote and beat Harris by only 1.5%. A historically thin margin. Also, the reason the Reps won the Senate was mainly because the Dems had many more seats to defend in this cycle.
Please stop drinking the Kool-Aid.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: Sorry, but as I pointed out earlier, Trump didn't "mop the floor with Harris."
He won less than 50% of the popular vote and beat Harris by only 1.5%. A historically thin margin. Also, the reason the Reps won the Senate was mainly because the Dems had many more seats to defend in this cycle.  
 Please stop drinking the Kool-Aid.
says the largest
Swiller of koolaide to ever take to a keyboard.

How many swing states did the Albatross loose?  House? Senate? Keep dreaming with those BULLSHIT stolen vote numbers.  

Ya know icky you’re not going to live long enough to see America get back to where it was before liberal fucks (that you love suck up to) started to fuck this country up. But I will and I will remember just how people like you tried it. 🖕🖕🖕🖕

You think of yourself as being rational and logical….damn I’m laughing so hard it almost hurts

You are one of the most if not the most irrational posters to ever post here and that is saying a lot.
Your virulent tirades hissy fits, temper tantrums are irrefutable proof of that.

You are so blinded with  rage anger you are clearly emotionally disturbed and likely other mental health issues that you do not have the intestinal fortitude to do anything about so you just wallow in your own misery and dystopia.

You will of course lash out with a tirade of profanities in reply and will continue to  post  your vomit, diarrhea, muck and goo. I’d say don’t get any on yourself but you did that a long time ago. You are wallowing in it all.


January 20, 2025 :)

obviously - no one has spoken to you in a direct, uncensored truthful manner.  You've been coddled by the other filthy maga traitor cunts on this board that swallow hook line and sinker every single DUMB filthy maga traitor cunt LIE.  It's funny as fuck and comedy in action to watch you dumb cunts post alternate reality Qamoron stupidity and think you're all 'smart'.  You're a fucking LOSER. And likely a cock sucker.  Dumb bitch.  BTW: this is NOT anger.  It's just FACT.  Retard.

Obama did more damage to this country than can be measured. In addition his policy’s in the Middle East are going to prove disastrous for decades to come.  

And you think he’s great because why?

Obama brought this country out of the 2008 Great Recession, which G. W. Bush passed to him because he failed to anticipate and prevent it.  As Senator, Obama opposed invading Iraq, a country which had nothing to do with 9/11. Bush invaded Iraq, diverting much needed military forces from Afghanistan, drawing out the war that region. By toppling Iraq and disbanding its military, Bush removed the only countering force to Iran's military and political influence in the region. Obama gave the green light for ST6 to attack the Abbottabad compound and kill OBL.

His first term was spent passing a ton of wasteful government spending hoping it would get us out of a recession. It didn’t. What got us out was the Federal Reserve and their QE policies which later (today) contributed to record inflation. He then passed a health care reform bill that only marginally improved the highway robbery the old system was. The rest of his Presidency was spent stoking racial hatred and woketard policies, from causing riots in Furgeson, to collaborating with Soros to cause BLM riots and terrorism, to depriving due process to men at universities and colleges. Obama corrupted the institutions of government, from the Justice Dept to the FBI, he pushed changes to defense authorization bills to allow intelligence agencies to use propaganda against the American People, and he protected Wall Street and bailed them out when the entire country wanted them prosecuted. And to top everything off, his administration spied on the Trump campaign and lied to a FISA court to do it.

What a bunch of filthy maga traitor scum ignorance and stupidity.  For fuck sake. Just say you HATE black people and are a racist cunt. The Obama administration successfully took us out of the last republican (now magamoron) recession, had no real scandals (except the tan suit that filthy maga traitor cunts melted down over) and launched the USA into over a decade of a very high performing economy.  Filthy maga traitor cunts just CAN'T accept that FACT.  Dumb ignorant magamoron cunts.  Anyone that doesn't understand that the ENTIRE WORLD's inflation was due to the pandemic (and subsequent supply chain issues) and filthy war criminal putin's invasion of Ukraine is just DUMB.  Fucking DUMB.  

…before the board’s mods have to get involved, which could result in this entire board getting shut down. You’re violating one of the key board rules of “don’t be an ass”. You’ve been warned about this multiple times from multiple people on this board.

Oh fuck please. Every single one of your maga cunts is a complete and total ass to ME. So fuck off. Further - another 'rule' of this board is to not post outright fucking LIES. Which you filthy maga cunts violate with just about every fucking post. So again, fuck off. Now, we all KNOW you filthy maga cunts can't handle the TRUTH. So go report me like a whiny little filthy maga cunt that can't handle the truth that you are.  

Posted By: SnowKing69
Re: Please tone down your rhetoric…
Oh fuck please. Every single one of your maga cunts is a complete and total ass to ME. So fuck off. Further - another 'rule' of this board is to not post outright fucking LIES. Which you filthy maga cunts violate with just about every fucking post. So again, fuck off. Now, we all KNOW you filthy maga cunts can't handle the TRUTH. So go report me like a whiny little filthy maga cunt that can't handle the truth that you are.  
Oh fuck please indeed… your a victim with a hair trigger.

I actually looked and your very first post on the P&R board was attacking the right. Soooo there ya go, you are just trying to be argumentative and inflammatory on purpose.

So if you want we can continue to beat your liberal pussy ass like a drum. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Btw Trump is going to be your president AGAIN! Motherfucker!  

Your hair triggered reaction 👉 🤯


cock sucking loser maga bitch

That's your comeback????   Bwahahahahaha

yeah, that's it. My feeling were really, truly hurt. Butt hurt bad. I mean, I might as well go drink some soy milk, right, dopey? fuck you idiots are dumb.

Posted a picture of a child on the board. Now just watch if the mods pull it, Meat will lie that I had it pulled. Even if he pulled it himself.
What a lying sack of shit and hypocrite.

Backstabbing coward rolls

He reports a post then cowardly tries to cover it up by posting the above.  

He will them proudly pronounce that I did what he predicted….which is of course more of his cover up.

So in order to not cause this branch to go on forever  I’ll allow ickypus the backstabbing post pulling coward to declare victory and pretend he won by allowing him to have his coveted last word  

What can we expect in that last word…. His usual denial…more false accusations  Whaaaa, whaaaaa….whining….. crying….out liar…..prove it ….etc.

At ickypus the backstabbing post pulling coward we LaUgH

January 20, 2025 :)

He's a dishonorable coward who lies and pretends to know things he couldn't possibly know. And he's totally transparent about it.
Then he pulls out his ancient "trick" to try desperately to get me not to post and reveal his perfidy.
His game was never adequate but now it's just old and stale. Like SwallowMeat himself.
And now for some parody: At SwallowMeat the backstabbing, lying fraud, we LaUgH.
It's SwallowMeat's motto:

gtfo11 reads

Always good to see that dipshit is focusing on all the important stuff.

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