Politics and Religion

Your Dumbness is Not My Fault
Zeel 67 Reviews 18 reads

You want names because why you're that dumb? Only 4 members of his last cabinet are endorsing him. You want names? Look it up yourself and stop being lazy. Why would I tell you why I know his wife fears him? Is it not obvious that's my opinion? But you have to wonder why she refused to speak at the convention and has been much more on the sidelines this election. It doesn't look good when your wife seems to be uninvoled. But hey, you Repubs love women who shut up and step aside and hate when they have actual power. I get it. You want to roll things back to the 1950s. You're mad that Harris is a leader, and prefer women cook, clean, and raise babies. Oh well, time to wake up and join the 21st century.

Trump has people close to him who refuse to endorse him. Numerous members of his last cabinet, including his VP Pence won’t endorse him. RFK Jr. made some back room deal and endorsed him, yet none of his family, not even his wife, will join in on endorsing Trump. Trump has nieces and nephews who refuse to endorse him.

Meanwhile anyone who is reasonably close to Harris endorses her. Even her husband’s ex-wife is endorsing her. That’s because good people don’t push away those who get close to them.

There are three types of people who get close to Trump. Those who are opportunistic and endorse him because they want to get something out of it. Those who stay quiet for various reasons, but mostly out of fear, including his current wife. And than the few brave good people who stand up to him because they know better than everyone else how vile of a person he is. These are the ones that gave the Don every easy chance to win them over, and yet they have endorsed Harris.

That tells you everything you need to know.

…or elect an idiot party girl that no one in her own party took seriously until a couple months ago. Here’s a clip of Schumer telling a cackling Harris to shut the fuck up.

Trump will be written down in the history books as the 2nd worst president ever. Should be first though. He's truly a POS.

Doug Emhoff's offspring ever mentioning what a great step-mom Kamala was when they were growing up.  

Your third paragraph makes a generalized self-serving statement that fails to mention a single NAME of anyone except Trump's wife, and then you say she fears him, but can't tell us why you know that. You're what we call a low-information Democrat voter.  It's okay, even though you don't know much about what is going on, I'm sure you are embracing the JOY of having Kamala as your nominee.  When she crashes and burns over the next few months, will you still be defending her?  

-- Modified on 8/26/2024 10:39:54 AM

You want names because why you're that dumb? Only 4 members of his last cabinet are endorsing him. You want names? Look it up yourself and stop being lazy. Why would I tell you why I know his wife fears him? Is it not obvious that's my opinion? But you have to wonder why she refused to speak at the convention and has been much more on the sidelines this election. It doesn't look good when your wife seems to be uninvoled. But hey, you Repubs love women who shut up and step aside and hate when they have actual power. I get it. You want to roll things back to the 1950s. You're mad that Harris is a leader, and prefer women cook, clean, and raise babies. Oh well, time to wake up and join the 21st century.

Trump is building a bipartisan coalition to Make America Great Again!

eviscerated Kamala in one of the early 2020 debates, this could be another shove down the slippery slope for Kamala.

Willie Brown followed her all around California so he could get his dick sucked.  (according to Willie, she swallows) Using your feminine wiles to manipulate men is not really a sound basis for leadership.  

All of Trumps kids are successful and well adjusted.  Biden's kids are train wrecks (Hunter and Ashley were both druggies.)  Not to mention Biden showering with his teenage daughter.  Egads!
Kamala is childless.  So we have no metric on how good of a parent she would have been.  Her resume is as empty there as her VP days.  I guess there is a pattern there.

Trump's kids are brats and bitches. They are so spoiled and so disconnected from reality. It's a fucking joke. And we are not talking about Biden anymore so get over it. You are right, Harris doesn't have her own kid. So we cannot saying anything good or bad about her as a parent. But this has nothing to do with parenting numb nuts. This is about people close to you supporting you. The fact that such a large number of people who were close to Trump will not endorse him, and in some cases have spoken out against him and/or endorsed Harris, is embarrassing. And, it tells you that he's an asshole.

Trump offspring is a crackhead and takes videos of himself cavorting with hookers?   Which ones are charged with tax evasion?   Which ones failed to register as a foreign lobbyist?  Which ones sold influence and access to their dad while in office to the Chinese and Russians?   Which one(s) of Kamala's stepkids or Walz's issue are running a multimillion-dollar company while their dad runs for president?  You make about as much sense as a fish with a bicycle.  

All of them. Which ones have been convicted of financial fraud? Eric. Which ones have murdered beautiful game animals in Africa? Eric and Don, Jr.
I could go on, but.....
Pot=Kettle=Black much?

answer a single one of my questions.  The convictions will be overturned and then what do you have left?  Eric and Don Jr. helped the lion population of Africa cull the herds of grazing animals that are out of control and destroying the natural vegetation, leaving some herds starving.  This is a bad thing HOW?  

dates back years and isn't being overturned. The hunting part wasn't a crime and I didn't say it was. It's only disgusting.

a charity board?  The condition of them NOT being banned was that they took a class on managing a charity.  Here's the link to fact check showing your allegations are wrong.  

RFK Jr. made some back room deal and endorsed him
Back room deal?! After what the Democrats did to Biden and then installed Harris as the nominee, you’re complaining about back room deals? Here’s the bottom line. Kennedy’s endorsement of Trump was not a back room deal. Both he and Shanahan were very publicly transparent about what it would take for Trump to get an endorsement from RFK Jr. That’s in no way, shape or form a back room deal.
Those who stay quiet for various reasons, but mostly out of fear, including his current wife.
CDL has already pointed this out in this thread, but Zeel has no basis to say that Melania Trump “fears” her husband. That’s just the musings of a TDS individual.

RFKjr will talk to anyone willing to listen.  He's told the "deal" story several times.  How he spoke with Trump, met with Trump, what they talked about.  Trump announced what RFKjr will be involved with in his administration.
Not only not "back room"  but they are parading it as a unity push.

I think it's the other way around. And it has been since she learned about Stormy. Why do you think she was able to get a re-write of their pre-nup as the price of moving to the White House. No one hopes more than Melania that Trump loses.

Okay, so what is RFK Jr. getting for endorsing Trump? I would love to hear you explain that one. Because just a couple of months ago he took a complete dump on Trump. And, not only that, his endorsement of Trump was weak af. He literally said they don't really agree on everything. RFK Jr.'s family has spoken out about how disgusted they are by his endorsing Trump. His wife who stood by his side, refused to mention anything about endorsing Trump. She literally acted like it didn't happen.

And, you're as dumb as CDL for thinking for one minute I was suggesting Melania fearing Trump is a fact. That's my opinion. Disagree if you want. But don't act like I need to provide proof for an opinion.

RFKjr wants influence.  He stated his three areas -- health, peace, freedom of expression.  
He was collapsing in the polls and also out of money and Shanahan wanted to cut her losses for a third party spoiler effect.  He took the best deal he could under the circumstances.  There's not really a mystery when the options are pretty clear on the face of it.

You fucking shitting me. You actually believe he rolled over because Trump said, sure you can have influence? Wtf does that actually mean? RFK Jr. would be the dumbest fuck if he settled for Trump just saying yes you can have influence. No fucking way. His endorsement cost something more concrete or he's an idiot. And, he still may be an idiot.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: He had nowhere else to go. Harris wouldn't even talk to him.
And who was left? The Trumpanzee.
And this proves what a complete dumbass Harris is! I am shocked by how many granola chick hookers in California are RFK-jr fans.  

Plus his speech was pretty impressive!

If RFK Jr. said to Harris, I want influence. She would be like, “That’s it? Done.” But he clearly wanted something she was willing to so that was more substantial. In comes Trump and his anything to win attitude, fuck morales.

Have you been attending remedial courses at The CDL School of Rhetoric?

Invoking the kind of rhetoric that got 6 million Jews killed seems like a bad idea.

Only a toxic twat like Wanker could connect "Trumpazee" and The Holocaust.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: I didn't "invoke" it. You did, Wanker.
Only a toxic twat like Wanker could connect "Trumpazee" and The Holocaust.

He actually has no idea what the truth is and proves it every single day.
Loooooser is a desperate partisan hack.

Dehumanizing people you disagree with is not. It’s the kind of irresponsible rhetoric that enables genocides. Comparing Trump to Hitler because you’re too intellectually lazy to find arguments to oppose Trump’s policies is an insult to the millions who died in the Holocaust. You might as well deny the Holocaust ever happened.

Because he regularly descends into the muck with overheated, racist and sexist broadsides.
Please spare us your sanctimonious bullshit, Wanker.

When you make ridiculous and unfounded comparisons between Trump and Hitler, you’re not making Trump sound worse than he is. You making Hitler sound *better* than he was. Was Hitler trying to Make Germany Great Again, Nicky? Was Hitler just a patriotic moderate trying to bring Germany back to it’s former pre-World War 1 glory? Was Hitler’s policies towards the Jews just an immigration issue?

Wanker is the one who introduced Nazi/Hitler comparisons into the thread. And Looser had to go back nearly a full YEAR to find a meme where I compared Trump to Hitler.
Wanker's weak attempt at diversion FAILS.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: Fox News breaks from Trump, along with Republican lawyers who endorsed Harris.
This is damning.
And how many intelligence officials said Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian Disinformation?  

Icky quit trying to twist yourself into a proverbial pretzel over Kackles and her emotional support Governor. They are reprehensible human beings who love communism.  

Your blinded by your ERTDS.

When Fox News breaks the betrayal of a large group of Republican lawyers who'd served under both Bushes and Trump himself, it's big news. Denial by a known Loooooser changes nothing.
Semper Lie.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: Poor, poor Looooooser. He can't handle the truth.
When Fox News breaks the betrayal of a large group of Republican lawyers who'd served under both Bushes and Trump himself, it's big news. Denial by a known Loooooser changes nothing.  
 Semper Lie.
Your hatred of Trump is seriously damaging your quality of life.

Your trying to elevate K A C K L E S to leader of the free world!!!


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