Politics and Religion

Your article said...

...in a survey of 7,870 girls and young women done by UNC Chapel Hill.  The "virgin birth" phenomenon was more common among girls who signed chastity pledges and those who discussed sex and birth control less than other parents and children.

Some of these probably don't want to admit they had vaginal sex but the percentage would still go way up if head-in-the-sand Republicans got their wish and sex education in schools was eliminated.

I've never heard a Republican say, they didn't want sex-ed in public schools.  

Wanting to pay for it, may be another story?

Posted By: BigPapasan
...in a survey of 7,870 girls and young women done by UNC Chapel Hill.  The "virgin birth" phenomenon was more common among girls who signed chastity pledges and those who discussed sex and birth control less than other parents and children.

Some of these probably don't want to admit they had vaginal sex but the percentage would still go way up if head-in-the-sand Republicans got their wish and sex education in schools was eliminated.

...there's only been one before them (except for the virgin who got pregnant in a municipal swimming pool).

It appears your math skills follow your posting abilities concomitantly.

That website wants baby to embrace the teachings of the Quran.

And it is He who created the night and the day and the sun and the moon; all [heavenly bodies] in an orbit are swimming. http://quran.com/21/33


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