Politics and Religion

You Slanderous IMPs
Zeel 67 Reviews 15 reads

Seriously, you are struggling so hard you just make shit up. I watched the video and like a normal smart person understood the English language. And, I quote:

"Think about what some people had to go through because of these laws. JD Vance calls pregnancy resulting from rape inconveinent. Inconveinence is traffic. I mean.. it is a... make him go through this."

You morons: He said he hopes Vance's family gets raped.

WTF is wrong with you imbeciles??? First, he said nothing of the sort. He showed empathy for people who actually have to go through it. He cited Vance who showed no empathy in calling rape an inconvienence. That's the headline here. Not your fake news. He said make him go through this not because he hoped he or is family would, but because he was suggesting maybe he would understand if he did. Nothing, not one thing, in what he said expresses hope or desire that they actually get raped. You two actually beleive people who are not on your political side are this bad.

You two are so stupid. (And I know it's more than two, because more dumbasses are likely incomming.) It's people like you that make me wonder how so many Trump followers eat this stupid shit up that spills out of your dumb mouths.

Democrats Governor of Kentucky says he hopes Vance's family members get raped.

These Democrats are just really nailing it with this convention. lolol.

Seriously, you are struggling so hard you just make shit up. I watched the video and like a normal smart person understood the English language. And, I quote:

"Think about what some people had to go through because of these laws. JD Vance calls pregnancy resulting from rape inconveinent. Inconveinence is traffic. I mean.. it is a... make him go through this."

You morons: He said he hopes Vance's family gets raped.

WTF is wrong with you imbeciles??? First, he said nothing of the sort. He showed empathy for people who actually have to go through it. He cited Vance who showed no empathy in calling rape an inconvienence. That's the headline here. Not your fake news. He said make him go through this not because he hoped he or is family would, but because he was suggesting maybe he would understand if he did. Nothing, not one thing, in what he said expresses hope or desire that they actually get raped. You two actually beleive people who are not on your political side are this bad.

You two are so stupid. (And I know it's more than two, because more dumbasses are likely incomming.) It's people like you that make me wonder how so many Trump followers eat this stupid shit up that spills out of your dumb mouths.

They thought they had the White House in their hands a month ago. Then the world shifted under their feet and they can't handle it. So they lie, they whine, they just make shit up, they go after people's character and even the way they laugh. But it won't work. I love it.

I told you your party is comprised of the mentally ill. Believe me now, Nicky?

"Think about what some people had to go through because of these laws. JD Vance calls pregnancy resulting from rape inconveinent. Inconveinence is traffic. I mean.. it is a... make him go through this."
Of course Beshear defenders won’t accept a translation that he was calling for Usha Vance to be raped.  But can you at least acknowledge that that specific choice of words was a mistake?

RespectfulRobert12 reads

What's with this "Beshear defenders" nonsense? You really think he was calling for Vance's wife to be raped?????

Beshear defenders
Zeel provided Beshear’s quote to knock down the allegation that the governor’s words meant he wanted to see Usha raped and impregnated. That’s not defending Beshear’s words? Nicky did too. That’s not a defense of Beshear’s words?

Why are you asking me what I think when I told you I think that Beshear made a mistake that he should own up to.

I’m expecting another deflection from you, but would you at least let us know where you stand on Beshear’s choice of words. Mistake or not a mistake?

RespectfulRobert14 reads

But it was YOU that said this:
"Of course Beshear defenders won’t accept a translation that he was calling for Usha Vance to be raped." YOU are not a Beshear defender so why is this so difficult? Do YOU really think he was calling for her rape or not? Why dance around that?
Lester made a vile comment when he said this: "Democrats Governor of Kentucky says he hopes Vance's family members get raped."  
Quite simple CKS. Do you agree with Lester or not? Stop dancing and take a stand!

No you moron. Just understand English and we won't need to ship you across the boarder for being an illegal.

Posted By: cks175
Re: You Slanderous IMPs (Incoming)
"Think about what some people had to go through because of these laws. JD Vance calls pregnancy resulting from rape inconveinent. Inconveinence is traffic. I mean.. it is a... make him go through this."
Of course Beshear defenders won’t accept a translation that he was calling for Usha Vance to be raped.  But can you at least acknowledge that that specific choice of words was a mistake?

Your being generous at best! What else could he mean by saying “make him go through this?”

I didn't watch the vid (I don't click on links to x). I read some articles to get the context. I read it as, "Make **HIM** go through this." implying to me, "Make HIM go through this LIFE ALTERING LIFE DISRUPTING potentially preventable or reversible (the pregnancy, not the rape) EVENT. Let's see how HE likes and who HE goes running to to get an abortion."  
Beshear did not say, "Make HER, his wife, go through this!"  
(Do you REALLY want me to post ~3000 words with just some of Trump's vile, disgusting, LESS ambiguous statements?)

Posted By: Zeel

 He said. “

make him go through this”.

That is miles from  

He needs to understand this.

And you fucking know it!

For crying out loud stop playing, or being, stupid. If you weren't so bias and so desperate for any angle that makes dems look bad and your poor beat up Trump and Vance look like victims, maybe you'd see it for what it actually is. You righties also cry about how dems are fruits and too sensative, then you cry like babies over complete BS like this. You cannot have it both ways. Either man up and support your we are tough ideology or stop wagging the finger every time you think we are too sensative.

RespectfulRobert13 reads

He said NOTHING of the sort. Why act like Willy and just make shit up about people. You are rapidly becoming just like Trump; a total scumbag.

But Fester's lies are right there in black and white.

Willy’s post has the link. Zeel included the entire quote in his post. He definitely said it.

Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, on Tuesday reviled a suggestion by Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear that the senator should “go through” pregnancy due to rape.
Inconvenience is traffic,” he said. “I mean it is a — make him go through this. It is someone being violated, someone being harmed and then telling them that they don’t have options after that.”
The senator took to X Tuesday to revile the remarks leveled against him.

“What the hell is this?” Sen. Vance asked. “Why is @AndyBeshearKY wishing that a member of my family would get raped?!? What a disgusting person.”

RespectfulRobert13 reads

Use a snippet, take it out of context and then use the worst interpretation impossible. Thats EXACTLY what Willy does here every day. You are pathetic.

There is only one possible interpretation. "make him" means "make it happen." The topic was the rape and impregnation of a family member in regards to elective abortion.
The only way to make it happen to Vance is to advocate the rape of a fertile female family member of Vance's family.
Words have meanings.

RespectfulRobert13 reads

Only when Dems speak them? You Trumpers have been telling us for YEARS not to take Trump literally! My God you people are just so hypocritical and brainwashed.

Dude still said he was hoping for revenge rape. LOL.

…are the lefties who are flipping out over this, but they don’t flip out about pro-terrorist protesters outside the convention. Or trans groomers. Or gay Satanic communists in their party. Or that their party is primarily composed of mentally ill women. But catch a Democrat putting a foot in their mouth advocating revenge rape while trying to draw sympathy for women who want to murder their children, and you’d think someone just burned an LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ flag while taking gay porn out of public school libraries. You fruitcakes are hilarious.

Is that you still somewhat function with so few brain cells.

But I’m still not dumb enough to advocate for revenge rape when your political party is comprised of mentally ill women. LOL.

He was found liable for calling a crazy lady crazy. She’s a celebrity stalker who was obsessed with The Apprentice, who named her cat “Vagina” and liked painting trees and rocks blue because she’s nuttier than Snickers bar. And when Trump called her a loon Democrats helped her sue him for calling her a loon. They enabled and funded a celebrity stalker.

RespectfulRobert13 reads

He was found liable for what he DID, and NOT what he said. Sorry but those damn facts keep getting in your way. lol

Can we get back to Beshear’s comments? Remember you promised to answer whether the wording was a mistake or not.

Beshear just appeared on MSNBC and was questioned about his comments. He refused to apologize. I think they were a major mistake and he should apologize. He didn’t specifically say Usha should be raped and impregnated, but he came damn close.  

If he didn’t mean that, what did “make him go through this” mean? How did you take it?

RespectfulRobert11 reads

You disagreed with Lester! AMEN! lol. Now could he have worded it slightly better? Of course but your side ALWAYS sides with Trump and tells us his words have no meaning and don't take him literally but you want the left to get all bent about a good man using imprecise language?

Were Beshear’s words a mistake? Should he have worded it differently?  
“Make  him go through it” is pretty graphic with violent undertones.

RespectfulRobert10 reads

I already did answer it you just didnt like my answer.. I wish you were .00000000001% as concerned about your nominees "asinine" comments (Per the VFW among MANY others) than a governor who is NOT running. Your hypocrisy is mind boggling.

Maybe instead of RespectfulRobert he should post under the alias BetaBob.

The question: Did Beshear use a poor choice of words? Should he have used words other than

"Make him go through this."

Beshear, asked by Andrea Mitchell (MSNBC) to respond to JD Vance’s tweet:

…obviously I’ld never wish harm on anyone”

This man has the nerve to call rape an inconveinence and then plays fake news victim. Literally, the bottom of the food chain. Someone should eat JD Vance. And no, I will not apologize. Yes, I did just suggest JD Vance be eaten by someone.

When you’re in a political party with 40+ year old overweight mentally ill women who haven’t been laid in 10+ years getting eaten sounds absolutely lovely compared to wishing someone gets raped.

You guys just shat on your key demographic. LOLOLOL.

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