Politics and Religion

You need to be privy to the website the Ruckus Society
ElGuapo505 1451 reads


The sooner we let the zealots expire at their leisure, the better. (let them cut their cables... splat.)

mrnogood3279 reads

The ragtag Occupy Wall Street encampments that sprang up in scores of cities last fall, thrusting “We are the 99 percent” into the vernacular, have largely been dismantled, with a new wave of crackdowns and evictions in the past week. Since the violent clashes last month in Oakland, Calif., headlines about Occupy have dwindled, too.

Far from dissipating, groups around the country say they are preparing for a new phase of larger marches and strikes this spring that they hope will rebuild momentum and cast an even brighter glare on inequality and corporate greed. But this transition is filled with potential pitfalls and uncertainties: without the visible camps or clear goals, can Occupy become a lasting force for change? Will disruptive protests do more to galvanize or alienate the public?

Though still loosely organized, the movement is putting down roots in many cities. Activists in Chicago and Des Moines have rented offices, a significant change for groups accustomed to holding open-air assemblies or huddling in tents in bad weather.

The most amazing part is they're doing this in spring, when Neptune is rising in Pieces.. This is your serpent rising from the sea Christians ! and Obama declared the National Emergency the day Saturn passed pluto..

Saturn is the blue star Kachina in Hopi prophesy, and in western esoteric schools the crossing of Saturn of Pluto marks the day the fool begins to rise..

The fool has a Tarot card which is quite telling, tarot is Derived from Egyptian words tar, meaning "royal", and ro, meaning "road",

http://www.wulfz.com/  here is a picture of this fool who will rise and change the ages and the world, notice this fool is standing infront of saturn, or the blue star kachina and juggling the zodiak ages..

This fool is us! So strong is this force of shocking change. A tarot writer had this to say about the Fool

You are the Fool card. The Fool fearlessly begins the journey into the unknown. To do this, he does not regard the world he knows as firm and fixed. He has a seemingly reckless disregard for obstacles

His disregard for all things tradition is reminiscent of the Anti Christ of Daniel

Here is Daniel 11:37

He will show no regard for the gods of his fathers or for the one desired by women, nor will he regard any god, but will exalt himself above them all..

The idiots who are governing us, govern you by the stars and heavens, and have hidden real world truths from you, so that they can enslave you to even need government...

So here we have our leaders declaring a national emergency on a VERY important day, and planning for revolution when Neptune is rising in Pieces..

I assure you EVERYTHING they do is done this way! only most of you can not see it because they took this knowledge from you and concealed it in ALL the worlds holy books

Humanity is finishing up an age, the age of blind faith, or Pieces, and we did real good, we're about to go to an age of reason called aquarius ..

The bibles version of this natural evolution of the soul is one of guilt, the truth is it's all part of a cycle.. The cycle of the evolution of man's soul also called Jacobs ladder..

-- Modified on 2/13/2012 6:55:56 AM

Priapus531012 reads

Where most of your prognostications seem to be flowing from.

Btw, it would behoove you to acknowledge your "cut & paste sources"; by not doing so you're engaging in plagiarism. The different writing style coupled with no spelling/grammatical mistakes is a dead giveaway.

Making political/current event predictions based on Astrology/Tarot cards ?! Hell-----even the most diehard right-wing OWS haters here would laugh you off this board.

Lastly, it's spelled " zodiac".

Did anyone notice that our favorite Space Cadet copied and pasted the first 3 paragraphs on her OP, before getting into a deranged nonsensical babblefest about astrology? Jesus, I can carry a more coherent discussion when I'm drunk, high, and tripping on shrooms....all at the same time!

Or maybe I'm just not getting it. Perhaps our favorite Space Cadet is actually an avant-garde artist, trying to bring dadaist abstract expressionism to the written word in the form of prose on a hooker message board.

In that spirit, I give you.....CAT BREADING!!!

mrnogood1259 reads

and has planned occupy 2.0 with another important astrological event..

If nothing else it's interesting..

Not only has obama declared a national emergency but he is also organizing fools! But you gotta be your own fools, don't follow ANYONE else

-- Modified on 2/13/2012 8:41:02 AM

ElGuapo5051452 reads


The sooner we let the zealots expire at their leisure, the better. (let them cut their cables... splat.)

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