Politics and Religion

You generally have the right idea but are off a little on the completeness of the facts.
ed2000 31 Reviews 304 reads

I’m not addressing the ridiculousness of using water as a fuel for the same obvious reasons you stated. It is clearly true that the net energy from the electrolysis of separating the hydrogen from the oxygen in water and then oxidizing the hydrogen through either direct combustion or in a fuel cell is negative. But hydrogen can still play a role as an energy storage mechanism. It burns clean, producing at best water vapor and at worst a little ammonia if burned in the atmosphere. This is why some like it for vehicles. The problem though is its light weight. True, that by weight it has 3 times the energy density of the average fossil fuel but by volume fossil fuels have 5 times the energy density of hydrogen.

This gives rise to its problem of mobility. The standard pressurized systems for transporting propane or liquefied natural gas will hold several times the energy of hydrogen at the same pressures. Hydrogen can be easily produced from more than just water. It can be extracted from natural gas by using steam. In reality hydrogen only exists as a true fuel in stars, but let’s not go there (pun intended). The natural states of hydrogen on earth makes it just an energy transportation mechanism, not a true fuel since (as you noted) it’s production is extremely endothermic. Hydrogen’s super light weight make natural gas a much better vehicle fuel to use as a bridge over the next few decades.

So you harbor a silent desire for his demise? Why would he care if an alternative energy source come to play 100 yrs from now?

My demise will occur if everyone buys their own home and kills their domesticated animals lol

It will either be made "illegal" as has been done for decades with Cannabis,
the Thorium fuel will cost $200,000/gram

 Unless Big Business can financially enslave you with their product while the government further taxes you on it there is little hope for it ever getting to market.

...A guy invents an engine that runs on...water.  Big Oil doesn't like it of course and hilarity doesn't ensue.

all based upon bullshit.

Trust me, when I first heard of a car that runs on water, I was thrilled by such a concept. The only problem is that it doesn't fucking work.

The problem here is the principle of the conservation of energy. Most of the ideas here suggest that they have found a new and vastly more efficient way to separate the hydrogen atoms from the oxygen atoms in H20. The idea is that you just burn hydrogen, which mixes with oxygen and water vapor is your exhaust.

The problem is that you cannot create a net increase in energy by separating H2O into H2 and O2 and then combining it together again.

People have proposed just using hydrogen to fuel cars, but it would be costly because you'd have to use what little hydrogen we have on this planet, or use water, and you'd have the same problem, even when you take into account that hydrogen produces 3 times higher Kilojoules than petroleum.

No matter how you work it, using water as a fuel won't work because of efficiency losses. Even if you ran cars on steam, you'd have to have a power source to create that steam. And if you have access to that power source, then you might as well use it to power a car and skip the water entirely.

I’m not addressing the ridiculousness of using water as a fuel for the same obvious reasons you stated. It is clearly true that the net energy from the electrolysis of separating the hydrogen from the oxygen in water and then oxidizing the hydrogen through either direct combustion or in a fuel cell is negative. But hydrogen can still play a role as an energy storage mechanism. It burns clean, producing at best water vapor and at worst a little ammonia if burned in the atmosphere. This is why some like it for vehicles. The problem though is its light weight. True, that by weight it has 3 times the energy density of the average fossil fuel but by volume fossil fuels have 5 times the energy density of hydrogen.

This gives rise to its problem of mobility. The standard pressurized systems for transporting propane or liquefied natural gas will hold several times the energy of hydrogen at the same pressures. Hydrogen can be easily produced from more than just water. It can be extracted from natural gas by using steam. In reality hydrogen only exists as a true fuel in stars, but let’s not go there (pun intended). The natural states of hydrogen on earth makes it just an energy transportation mechanism, not a true fuel since (as you noted) it’s production is extremely endothermic. Hydrogen’s super light weight make natural gas a much better vehicle fuel to use as a bridge over the next few decades.

I hadn't considered the volume issue. I suppose I just assumed a hydrogen powered car would use liquid hydrogen, but I have no clue if that's even remotely feasible.

One of the problems with natural gas is that there's issues related to fracking. I vaguely remember reading something about entire towns becoming unliveable due to this practice.

One possible fuel source that I've been fascinated with is bio-diesel, produced by algae. I suspect it would be easier to switch to for cars than just going all electric. You could still have an internal combustion engine with bio-diesel, and you could even use the algae production to reduce CO2 in the atmosphere. I've even heard of using the exhausts of coal power plants to supply the CO2, and it helps turns some of the toxic waste produced by the power plant into inert and safe organic compounds.

Did you know the anti-fracking, Matt Damon movies were financed by OPEC members?

Bio fuels made from things we don't presently eat are promising. Did you know that 40% of Iowa's corn production goes into gas tanks now?

GaGambler341 reads

Maybe Obama will pay me to NOT pump oil, just like the farmers? I already get the blame, I might as well get me some of the that corporate welfare too.

Who wrote that article?

 "You'd have to put fueling instructions in your will when you left the car to children after you died."

 Serafima's posts are easier to read than that sentence. :-D


...and why does it have to look like the Batmobile

You are smart guy. Thorium has no radiation and it is not a fissile material. US was the first to do thorium research for generating power but abandoned it in the late 70’s.

India is heavily into thorium powered reactors for generating electricity and have a functioning experimental thorium reactor producing electricity.

Theoretically, it is possible to power everything including cars with small thorium reactors. There numerous scientific papers on it.

Do Goggle search on thorium reactors. Most abundant mineral on planet earth.

Everything you don’t know is not really bullshit

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