Politics and Religion

Yep! Anecdotal evidence versus quantitative analysis!confused_smile
mattradd 40 Reviews 1716 reads

Being a law biding citizen, with friends and family who are law abiding citizens, amongst all of us, I have not one anecdotal example of a law enforcement officer behaving inappropriately. What does trouble me are two things, both evolving how police are depicted on TV and in movies. The first; in this country, we learn that when a law enforcement officer tells us to stop and put our hands over our heads, that's what we should do immediately. Not doing so puts our well-being and theirs at risk. On TV, we see people running away and the police chasing them, and/or shooting at police before the police feel free to fire back. The second, police being abusive to people in their custody. Both of these examples, I believe can have negative consequences to viewers, especially younger viewers, regarding how to behave when confronted by the police, and their expectations regarding what might happen to them if they find themselves detained.

mrnogood6413 reads

Seems America's biggest and most organized crime mob is at it again, nice to see they even carry ak-47's now JUST LIKE the other street gangs..

"ST. LOUIS • The FBI is investigating a claim that a St. Louis police officer killed an unarmed man as he begged for his life in the second of two violent confrontations Dec. 20."


and lets not forget the single mother raped  after calling 911 last week http://www.google.com/search?q=single+mother+raped+by+police+after+911+call&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a  

In atlanta we have cops shooting family pets for NO reason http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOQndZLWLHY

Police brutality http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTgMKOcTzRQ for no reason on protesters exercising their constitutional rights

You get the governments you deserve people, the problem here is us, you allowed this, and either we deal with this growing threat and police state, or your children will fall victims..

To often I see you guys blaming the politicians, when the fact is they're a REFLECTION of the people electing them..

So that makes the problem here YOU..

WTF is tHE fbi doing terrorizing people with chainsaws? http://boston.cbslocal.com/2012/01/31/fbi-uses-chainsaw-in-raid-on-wrong-fitchburg-apartment/


had face-to-face contact with a police officer were threatened with or actually experienced force, according to the best available studies compiled by the Department of Justice.

       In other words, Priapus is more likely to suffer a rare buffet accident than he is to be the victim of excessive force by the police.

     So the problem  is not  US but YOU  who once again have posted an internet headline without doing the research needed to put it into context.

...then why has entire police departments been reorganized over and over and over again? The Justice Department declared the Key West PD a "criminal enterprise" in 1984.


The New Orleans PD came under scutiny when it was found out that one of their "finest" were ordering hits on innocent civilians while running a drug protection racket, or killing their own while robbing restaurants. Of course, they weren't alone, as the Feds had to step in with the Pittsburgh PD, amid reports of unwarrented stops of black residents or beating them senseless.


And just a few weeks ago the mayor of East Haven, Connecticut had to reorganize the entire police department because of a federal report demonstrated wide spread discrimination.


From '94 to '03 the Feds have had to reform the Steubenville Police Department, New Jersey State Police, Los Angeles Police Department, District of Columbia Metropolitan Police Department, Highland Park, Illinois Police Department, Cincinnati Police Department, Columbus Police Department, Buffalo Police Department, Mount Prospect, Illinois Police Department, and the Montgomery County, Maryland Police Department.

If these incidents are indeed so rare, then why are entire police departments having to be overhauled? It is a little worse than a few "bad apples". This is wide scale corruption and abuse of power.

mrnogood1358 reads

you'd see the feds LOWERED testing standards EVERY TIME they reorganized police departments, and in some cases created separate tests for black recruits (which were even easier) than the revised tests the white officers had to take..

The feds rationing was OBVIOUSLY the tests were so racist blacks couldn't pass them to get in to the police departments to keep them from being so racist with balance of white cops and black cops


So basically now the police are people who can't even pass the testing, which makes them even worse cops..

If mari would chose to see what's going on he'd see the police state he chooses not to see it..

Police are going around the country shooting UNARMED children

LOL @ mari telling me I don't research...

Gotta love those animal spirits


"Almost half the people shot at by Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies after reaching toward their waistbands turned out to be unarmed, according to a study released Thursday."


-- Modified on 2/5/2012 6:03:58 AM

"Almost half the people shot at by Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies after reaching toward their waistbands turned out to be unarmed, according to a study released Thursday."

      Yeah, right, Mr.Nogood - when the police yell "stop-put up your hands" and the suspect suddenly reaches for his waistband the police by all means should wait until he draws whatever he is reaching for before they open fire.

     That's why we pay those guys the big bucks - they have to dodge the first shot before they can open fire.

mrnogood1033 reads

Some of us wont see it until it effects us..

Police used to be trained to defuse a situation these days they have military training

and we disagree, and it's okay

-- Modified on 2/5/2012 6:48:35 AM

has an established protocol as to the use of force. With the advent of the taser, the pre-2000 use of force protocols have been changed to require taser use in many circumstances where previously they could draw guns.

     Further, after every use of force - whether guns, taser or the ASp - most police departments require the officer to file a use of force report where the force is reviewed. So they do not wait for complaints but take a proactive approach.

     Does LE still use excessive force on occassion? Yes but in 99% of the cases the officer has a belief that it was necessary to subdue the subject or protect himself or others and where he proves this the force as a matter of law is not excessive.

-- Modified on 2/5/2012 7:54:23 AM

Reorganzing the police department to reduce discrimination is totally different from having a systemic problem of the police using excessive force, which is what we are talking about.

    You gave one example from 1984 -more than a quarter century ago and one rogue cop in New Orleans. We are talking about now or the recent past- MrNG says it's getting worse when in fact the statistics show it is not a problem at all from a statistical standpoint.

    The fed monitoring from 94 to 2003 shows how successful this was to change bad practices, as I pointed out to you last year with respect to your unsupported allegation of excessive force during Chief Ramsey's yeas in DC when in fact the fed monitoring during that period showed excessive force complaints dropped substantially.

ScamsRus1034 reads

is like asking the Big Bad Wolf for damage assessments on the homes of the 3 little pigs…lol

Posted By: marikod
had face-to-face contact with a police officer were threatened with or actually experienced force, according to the best available studies compiled by the Department of Justice.

but referenced the studies they compiled that are listed on their website.

    The studies were made by private groups.

Try again.

Being a law biding citizen, with friends and family who are law abiding citizens, amongst all of us, I have not one anecdotal example of a law enforcement officer behaving inappropriately. What does trouble me are two things, both evolving how police are depicted on TV and in movies. The first; in this country, we learn that when a law enforcement officer tells us to stop and put our hands over our heads, that's what we should do immediately. Not doing so puts our well-being and theirs at risk. On TV, we see people running away and the police chasing them, and/or shooting at police before the police feel free to fire back. The second, police being abusive to people in their custody. Both of these examples, I believe can have negative consequences to viewers, especially younger viewers, regarding how to behave when confronted by the police, and their expectations regarding what might happen to them if they find themselves detained.

StreetThug1267 reads

Even among my law breaking street thug friends , if we put our hands up or keep our hands on the wheel not one of us has been shot or beat up .
Granted sometimes an overzealous officer who was unmercifully bullied as a child, will try to agitate you to draw or push back .

Snowman391177 reads

Bernie Ward, owner of a large quality of child porn and liberal radio talk show host.

Am I to assume ALL liberals like to try to sleep with kids ?!?!

You can find this crap on any stereotype.

Hell, I could find these links on teachers and claim its the teacher's unions which drive them to it....

So what is YOUR point?

mrnogood2645 reads

as I said the people get the governments they deserve..

This is the SECOND time I've seen you use another subject to justify something

YOU ARE JUST LIKE A LIB, your rationing works the same way snow..

You ration to many things is "if such and such; did such and such, than you must think this".. I'm not caught in this rat race at all and am not on the left or the right, I can think for myself enough to see BOTH sides are crooks and liars..

ALL of you guys should be in the streets protecting our freedoms, but your not and you don't even see their under assault instead you wrongly assume your side will save us..I got news for ya BOTH sides are the ones who got us in this situation.. LOOK at our "democracy" and you tell me if picking the lesser of the 2 evils is what our founding fathers had in mind..

This is no longer the land of the free, or the home of the brave, your apathy is shocking

and while we're here in the US ALWAYS picking the lesser of the 2 evils in ALL elections, ask yourself WHY anyone in the world would want this form of democracy, and think about that..

NO ONE whats the form of "democracy" we're spreading, and it's a shame you guys think that ANYONE would want this..

There is none so enslaved than those that don't even realize it

Snow the REAL question is what's YOUR point?? Barney Frank's love affair with boys somehow makes this ok?? LO fuckin L

-- Modified on 2/6/2012 4:42:24 AM

Snowman391687 reads

just because there are one or two bad apples, does mean they are all evil.

BTW, just for your edification, we are NOT A DEMOCRACY. We are a Constitutional Republic.

Yes, I've heard the lesser of two evils argument before. Here is the trick you fail to understand. You can vote for ANYBODY you want. Are you aware that both Mickey Mouse and Pr. Potato Head have received votes for President.

As long as we have elections, I am fine with the system. If a voter lets money and slick advertising influence their vote, then that is their issue.

Have you ever stopped to consider the fact that perhaps the real problem here is not the system, but the average american voter who like a child, grabs for the prettiest, shiniest thing they see without knowing anything about it.

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