Politics and Religion

WW, disagree. Nugay, Daffy & FM/BM are worthless trolls.
Priapus53 290 reads

Along with their compatriots "# 2 " & RB. You can't do a "Kumbaya" stategy" with these idiots.

These dolts have to be tossed into a metaphorical
discussion board "7th Circle of hell"------

A couple of Laffy's posts caught my eye, and I was later pondering this, and I think I understand how Laffy's clusterfuck all began.

I saw this post.


And this.


Now, let's not focus on Laffy just acting like an ass in these posts, like he usually does. The thing that struck me, were the following sentences.

"I saw nothing but name-calling before I came on so I thought that was the "flow" of the board."


"Dude, there was CONSTANT name-calling before I showed up.   And hyper-partisanship."

I've always found it a fun mental exercise to try to put yourself in someone else's shoes, at least as best you can.

When Laffy came on board here, Buggy, Nuguy, and FM were all getting a little overbearing. What Laffy didn't know is that this was not the norm for this board. I guess the heat of the campaign season started to get to those guys, and they got a bit worked up.

I didn't react well to this either. I've always gotten along well with Snow here, but I ended up pissing him off pretty badly (sorry, bro).

Nuguy and FM were downright trollish at times, and Buggy wasn't far behind, and Laffy just assumed this was the norm and acceptable behavior around these parts.

What Laffy didn't understand is that while these guys can be hyper partisan at times, they're normally not. And if you've known someone or a group of people for several years, you're naturally going to be more tolerant than if they're a stranger.

From Laffy's perspective, since he's come to the board, these series of incidents have meant that this board tolerates trollish and hyper partisan behavior from conservatives, while it does not tolerate the same or similiar behavior from someone who leans more to the left.

This simply isn't the case, we're just more tolerant of people who have spent a number of years regularly posting here.

So what I'm proposing (which I admit is probably a mistake) is that we all give Laffy a second chance, and welcome him with open arms. This comes with the caveat that we've already explained to him what we consider good board etiquette. For newbies, this etiquette is important because it establishes respect between you and other members of the board. And it becomes less important once everyone has gotten to know you as an individual. This is not something that happens overnight. But rather something that is established over a period of many months.

I might be leaving myself open to get flamed a bit here, and hey that's cool, it's not like I've ever gotten into trouble around here, right? :::cough, Segway, cough:::

But I think if we give this a shot, things might improve around here. And if it doesn't, well, we're still where we're at right now. So what the hell?

-- Modified on 8/9/2012 8:18:30 PM

followme217 reads

I do not care that you mention me in your post HOWEVER
In every case that you mention buggy, nuguy and myself you need to include your boy pripussy.

You cannot deny that pripussy did, especially before his “hiatus” post as much and as obnoxious as trollish and much spam as laffy. Almost every post a stupid childish cartoon/pic. He is now back to the same.

A week or two ago your boy pripussy lables laffy a troll based solely on the number of posts, when he, pripussy was for a long, long time at the top of the top ten on this board.

How can anyone take you seriously if you do not include pripussy the attempted welsh in your post and  how could you not put him on the top of the name callers and the one of the most partisan posters here.

You’re Welcome
2012 = Drug Free GOP  

Priapus53291 reads

Along with their compatriots "# 2 " & RB. You can't do a "Kumbaya" stategy" with these idiots.

These dolts have to be tossed into a metaphorical
discussion board "7th Circle of hell"------

followme198 reads

Threats, suggestions, advice that I can -------otherwise----- ignore.

Still laughing my ass off at you and your "special project"

You're welcome
2012 = Drug Free GOP

I love the smell of bitch slapping pripussy in the morning

followme201 reads

See what I mean

Leaving out you boy pripussy the number one name caller and top of the list of of the stupid childish cartoons makes your post totally UN-creditable.

Now I do not deny involvement, however your boy is without doubt at the top of the list when it comes to all that is negating on this board and that is irrefutable.

You’re Welcome
2012 = Drug Free GOP

all the cliquish discussions about each other, and who belongs and who doesn't, and why, etc., etc. etc. The advice has been given by many over time, on most if not all the boards; if you don't care for someone's opinions or how they communicate them, don't read their posts, and don't respond to them.  (eom)

I like your proposal. I stopped by here yesterday to see what was happening since I was last here, and saw the craziness and just didn't think it was interesting here anymore. I kinda had a similar impression as Laffy, but it is not really my nature to call names or hurl ad-hominems, so I get uncomfortable when it's going on all around me. I can't keep up.

Honestly, I get bored on TER a lot because people like to insult each other on several boards. Many people find that entertaining, but I just get turned off. I am new as an online provider and maybe mistake this forum stuff as a way to get my name out there somehow, but would rather engage in discussions of something substantial than post endless photos of my body parts. (I never thought I'd get bored with looking at naked women, but I think I am about there... but really, if there were more brain food on more boards, the naked pictures would be a lovely diversion.) I had hoped that this P&R board might fulfill my need, and it did for a short minute, but then started to get really crazy so I got bored again. I wish there were a science and philosophy board. :)

I also felt that nobody shared any of my opinions, and that gets old after a while too. Laffy is similar to me politically, but again with the insults everyone was throwing at each other, it was hard to get to the good points being made.

The other problem is that most people who post here don't engage in a fulfilling way in these discussions. For instance, I have not yet noticed* any posts by someone saying, ya know, I hadn't thought of that- you may have a point there. It's all about how right the poster is and how wrong everyone else is, and rarely do the actual *issues* get torn apart and analyzed. Honestly, it's like watching the campaign commercials on mainstream TV. Yawn.

But maybe if the tenor of the screaming at each other were tempered, this would again become a mildly entertaining place to hang out. :)

*There may be instances of this, but I haven't noticed any. If there are, please point them out to me!

Pria thinks Laffy is hopeless. Matt's tired of us doing anything about it. FM thinks Pria is a troll for posting cartoons. I don't think sarcasm and cartoon posting is the same as trolling.

Let's try to come to some sort of consensus folks. I'll go with whatever the majority decides, but let's try to reach a consensus of some sort.

while i agree with much of GaG's sentiments, i'm willing to give a detente a shot. hell, if i can bury the hatchet with pri, i can bury the hatchet with anyone.

GaGambler147 reads

but in Daffy's case, just where am I allowed to bury it? lmao

"Matt's tired of us doing anything about it."

That's not what I said was: "(I'm)...getting really board with all the cliquish discussions about each other, and who belongs and who doesn't, and why, etc., etc. etc. The advice has been given by many over time, on most if not all the boards; if you don't care for someone's opinions or how they communicate them, don't read their posts, and don't respond to them.  (eom)"

That is what I propose doing!!! Name calling and talking about each other is doing something, however it doesn't seem to be accomplishing much!

P.S. Not really angry. Just wanted to emphasize my disagreement with your misrepresentation of my opinion!  ;)

I was thinking that I might just end up blocking Laffy. I'd hate to have to do this. But it may very well come to that.

There's no reason why I should do anything to make this place less enjoyable for you or Sarah, and others, so I think some consensus has got to be reached.

followme162 reads

I should have known you would give your boy a pass.

If you read my post you should note that the cartoons were not the basis for me referring to pripussy being as trollish as laffy.

Since your call for civility is partisan/biased, in that you point out those on the right who offend and give your boy pripussy (who IMO is the biggest offender in all aspects) and others a pass how can you be taken serious?

You’re Welcome
2012 = Drug Free GOP

-- Modified on 8/10/2012 11:39:26 AM

followme137 reads

Pripussy and willytwatka on their honeymoon cruise.... not that thre is any thing wrong with that

You’re Welcome
20212 = Drug Free GOP

Lastly, still laughing at you and your special project, and since I’m still posting that is proof that you are a failure.

-- Modified on 8/10/2012 12:11:58 PM

followme138 reads

You pripussy put up the cartoon. Self-Homophobic only you pripussy could pull that off (so to speak)

My reply pointing out you and willy on your honeymoon, clearly stated that there is nothing wrong with that .

putting you in your place is really very easy.

You're Welcome
2012 = Drug Free GOP

In case I've not mentioned , I'm still laughing at you and your special project

I just don't see pria doing anything trollish. True, posting frequently about the latest polls can get irritating, but that's about the closest he gets.

FM, you've been around here long enough to know that I will lay into Pria if I think it's necessary. Sorry, I just don't see what he's doing as anything remotely trollish.

If you're seeing something I'm not, feel free to prove me wrong. I'm all ears.

GaGambler220 reads

between his endless polls and insipid cartoons, he was not not a full blown troll, but he was getting troll"ish"

In the last several weeks however he has done nothing to be considered the least bit trollish.

As for Daffy, we are going through the same ritual that we seem to go through everytime there is a new troll here. We go from arguing with him, to trying to ignore him, to ridiculing him, and then either the troll will burn out like Trannyboy, get banned like TJ, liorr and benlanger. or become a running joke like ng. and I guess he could come around like jeff or hopefully nuguy.  IMO the vote is out on nuguy, but he does seem to be making an effort.

followme137 reads

You are entitled to your wrong opinion.

If you do not like the word troll in pripussy's caes how about one of the most obnoxious and near the top if not at the top of the list of name callers.

You're Welcome
2012 = Drug Free GOP

...I agree with you that Pria can be a bit obnoxious. He can be sarcastic as hell, but then again, I'm obnoxious and sarcastic too. I *think* I try to keep the mood lighter than Pria does, but personal bias and all, it's hard for me to tell.

I think general obnoxiousness is fine for this board. I don't like name calling, because it's incredibly low-brow, and you can turn on the TV if you wanna hear that.  

But regardless of all this, it seems like everyone on the board is willing to turn over a new leaf, and make this place more enjoyable for everyone. I never thought that would happen. Even Laffy seems to be giving an honest effort at this.

I realize you're one of the more passionate conservatives here, and you and Pria have rarely gotten along. But I say it's best to just let bygones by bygones, and just move forward.

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