Politics and Religion

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anonymousfun 6 Reviews 184 reads


It looks like if the demographics continue as they are, the Republican party is on track to 3rd party status in California by the end of the decade.

followme217 reads

your lover boy (the attempted welsh) used the term "toast' a lot and look what happend to him.

Now I cannot say that bigpapascum stabbed him in the back because I have no proof, but as you know bigpapascum is a back stabbing coward and no doubt looking to cowardly stab you (or anyone for that matter) in the back.

You're Welcome
GOP = For God and Country

Snowman39176 reads

California is heading down the crapper.

Taxes have gotten ridiculously high, they have a debt that is totally unsustainable. Yeah, sounds like a place run by liberal democrats.

Lets the Dems have it, I give it 10-20 years and its going to look like Detroit, another liberal run place.

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