Politics and Religion

Who cares ,like Cain has a chance in hell :) EOM
Timbow 1291 reads

Posted By: xfean
Offensive Black 'Hos' Republican Ad (Herman Cain)


Timbow1292 reads

Posted By: xfean
Offensive Black 'Hos' Republican Ad (Herman Cain)


The two whites take offense to the point where they are almost beyond words.

Can anyone really say that these words are never used in the Black community?

Or is it that they can be used by some Blacks, like rap musicians when they disparage women, but they can't be used to illustrate a point about personal responsibility?

Do Blacks never use dialect or "Ebonics" to illustrate a point?

President Obama has condemned the occurance in the Black community of men who father kids and then skip out.  There is a whole movement of "Men are fathers," that is only a stone's throw away from this ad.

Very often people take offense at what they want to be offended by.  I have never been offended by the use of "Jewish dialect" or stereotypes.  If it is funny, I like it.  If it isn't funny I think the person saying (writing) it needs to hone his art a little more.  But offended?  Nope. Sticks and stones.

Posted By: xfean
Offensive Black 'Hos' Republican Ad (Herman Cain)


Can you imagine a black man, talking about problems in the black community, and two lilly white people are up in arms. Why am I not surprised?

I actually listened to a couple of minutes of the clip and didn't find it offensive at all. In fact Cain said some things that really needed saying, like if you aren't a contributing member of society why should you care to to have a vote in the running of it?

Get a job, join the army, go to school, do something, anything that is productive was the message I got out of it. Wow how offensive is that to tell some lazy young potential thug to do something useful with his life.

Imagien if some hillbilly white guy was delivering the same message to some white trailer park trash, using white hillybilly euphemisms and slang, would that be considered racist. The message that Cain was getting out is equally relevant to poor lazy whith trash.

Just because some blacks use those terms does not mean it's alright to do the same.  Nor does it mean that those terms could not be considered offensive!  

The problem is that it is hardly ever considered offensive.

To say that they "could" be considered offensive, avoids the question.  Everyone "can" be offended by something.  As I have said, you chose what offends you.

Likewise, you avoid the issue of this is the message that people like President Obama have said about personal responsibility.  Or is that underlying message offensive also?

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