Politics and Religion

What’s "Insane" is CKS175 accepting...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 23 reads

Lesser's claim that the attorney is a "progressive" without any proof.  That sure doesn't sound like it comports with "P&R Standards."  LOL!!

It looks like “she” went straight from a drag show to her law office en route to representing her client in court.

Lesser's claim that the attorney is a "progressive" without any proof.  That sure doesn't sound like it comports with "P&R Standards."  LOL!!

Actually it’s not insane that BigP can’t see the forest for the trees, it’s just par for the course.

Lesser's claim that the attorney is a "progressive" without any proof.  That sure doesn't sound like it comports with "P&R Standards
Lester didn’t claim the attorney was a progressive and of course BigP missed the meaning of “Progressives’ Finest”.  Seattle is a city that’s been ruined by progressive policies. The attorney in the video is a Seattle Public Defender. Ending up with “her” as an attorney is the result of failed progressive policies.  She’s a consequence of “Progressive Seattle’s” finest policies. Lester’s post most certainly “comports with” P&R standards.

If that turned up to represent you??? 😳😳😳

…leftists to start dressing as circus clowns and saying they identify as one.

Progressivism is a mental illness.

MAGA Cultism is a mental illness.

Posted By: lester_prairie
Re: Easy explanation
Progressivism is a mental illness.

Posted By: impposter
Re: Easy explanation
MAGA Cultism is a mental illness.
Posted By: lester_prairie
Re: Easy explanation  
 Progressivism is a mental illness.

MAGA cultism, huh? Do you tell gimpy? What do you consider to be MAGA cultism? A reaction to bullshit left wing agendas and policies? A desire to secure the border perhaps? A desire to not be forced into what turned out to be “not a vaccine”? A desire to not have pronouns shoved down your throat? Or something as simple as the desire for a strong economy? Or how about a government that hasn’t Weaponized it’s DOJ against its political enemies? Would all that qualify as MAGA cultism?

See this recent thread:

Posted By: LostSon
Re: Easy explanation
Posted By: impposter
Re: Easy explanation  
 MAGA Cultism is a mental illness.
Posted By: lester_prairie
Re: Easy explanation  
  Progressivism is a mental illness.
 MAGA cultism, huh? Do you tell gimpy? What do you consider to be MAGA cultism? A reaction to bullshit left wing agendas and policies? A desire to secure the border perhaps? A desire to not be forced into what turned out to be “not a vaccine”? A desire to not have pronouns shoved down your throat? Or something as simple as the desire for a strong economy? Or how about a government that hasn’t Weaponized it’s DOJ against its political enemies? Would all that qualify as MAGA cultism?

How bout you answer my questions?

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