Politics and Religion

What's happening?
borabora 15 Reviews 239 reads

Busy day. Just picking up news.

Why is Weiner sexting via Clinton's server? Why would he have access to classified information? If he did, why would he pass it on to a 15-yr old girl in NC? Do women start flowing juices when they hear classified information?

Someone please let me know what's happening.

bigguy30926 reads

So this was not even on Hillary Clinton computer server.

Mr. Comey said the F.B.I. was taking steps to “determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation.” He said he did not know how long it would take to review the emails, or whether the new information was significant.

I will say it again, nothing will come of this investigation.
He could not even say, if the information was  significant.

-- Modified on 10/28/2016 3:45:49 PM

And he says they'll look into it. What more do you want?

bigguy30262 reads

So I know you are not use, to a real news sources either.
You are so desperate, it's embarrassing for you. Lol

Posted By: 86H13LTP

saltyballs241 reads

Anyone watch the multi-orgasms the Trump acolytes on Fox News and their guests were having soon after FBI director, Comey released a statement regarding the emails? We now find out those emails were connected to the computers of a dick named Weiner. Ok, Trump cockroaches, nothing here, time to head back to the to your roach infested sewers.  

FWIW, HRC is still the odds on favorite to win the election, her place in history as the first female POTUS will not be denied.

-- Modified on 10/28/2016 5:41:41 PM

With the election over a week away, the bewildered herd will digest the Weiner/Clinton emails. The give-a-fucks will forget about it, and the cultists will tamp down their feverish outrage.  

OTOH, had they surfaced on 11/09, or had not been revealed until then, it would be a far worse picture for Clinton. There would be greater anger and less support. Also, conspiracy theories would target the FBI, which would further erode trust.

So better now then later. IMO only.

bigguy30293 reads

When Trump and his cult lost on November 8th.
They can't say, it was because the FBI was hiding something now.


Posted By: WickedBrut
With the election over a week away, the bewildered herd will digest the Weiner/Clinton emails. The give-a-fucks will forget about it, and the cultists will tamp down their feverish outrage.  
 OTOH, had they surfaced on 11/09, or had not been revealed until then, it would be a far worse picture for Clinton. There would be greater anger and less support. Also, conspiracy theories would target the FBI, which would further erode trust.  
 So better now then later. IMO only.

stucaboy262 reads

When Comey got HRC off the hook, he pissed off a lot of agents. Comey knows those agents will not allow him to pull the same stunt twice. Pissed off agents will leak info.   The real surprise is that Wiki-leaker and the Russians probably had no part in this leak; maybe others as well.     Lets watch and see how Uma and her tween-hunting husband Weiner get the DOJ to look the other way. Looks like the POTUS  will be busy writing a few more pardons.        

-- Modified on 10/28/2016 4:45:47 PM

GaGambler233 reads

He must have seen something in these emails that would be career ending for him if he let this go too.

You could tell from his tone and body language when made his statement allowing Hillary off the hook last time that he was a VERY unhappy camper. It was pretty obvious that he wasn't doing it of his own free will. This may very well be the house I've been waiting to fall on Hillary's head finally doing so. We can only hope.

What would really be ironic is if Hillary is removed as a candidate and none of the people who voted for her in early voting would be allowed to recast their vote for whoever replaces her as the Democratic candidate. lol

-- Modified on 10/28/2016 3:27:34 PM

JakeFromStateFarm218 reads

The answer is, you don't.  So your statement is just wishful thinking. And you wonder why you have no credibility here.
No one knows if this is a big deal or not.
Also, I find it amusing as hell that, whatever happens as a result of this, the most momentous bombshell regarding the Clinton emails came from Anthony Weiner's sexting exploits NOT from Julian Assange's Wikileaks.  Poor Julian, he must be so upset.

We won't know until we know. Comey does not play political games. For him to make this annoucement it must be something serious. Maybe he wanted to jump ahead of wikileaks...

Busy day. Just picking up news.

Why is Weiner sexting via Clinton's server? Why would he have access to classified information? If he did, why would he pass it on to a 15-yr old girl in NC? Do women start flowing juices when they hear classified information?

Someone please let me know what's happening.

...The truth for rite now is NOTHING except a bunch of speculation by the rumor mongers that post on this board & love to bash HRC when ever they can, they can't hold their water long enough to wait for all the facts to come out.

...(which it won't) it wouldn't change a single mind.  

Those who like Clinton despite her e-mail and other issues would still vote for Clinton.  

Those who'd vote for Clinton because they're scared shitless of Donald Trump would still vote for Clinton because they're scared shitless of Donald Trump. Even if they waffle a bit this waffle will last only until the next time they catch a glimpse of Trump's speaking.  

Those who decided not to vote for either of the two would still not vote for either of the two. And those who'd vote for Trump even if he shoots somebody of the 7th Ave. would still vote for Trump.  

Will these new revelation suppress HRC vote? No way! Will it excite the Trump's vote farther? I don't see how unless there are still Trump supporters out there who haven't heard of HRCs e-mail problem.

... that would be too egregious. HRC and the DNC would have no choice but to withdraw.


Posted By: Nnoway
...(which it won't) it wouldn't change a single mind.  
 Those who like Clinton despite her e-mail and other issues would still vote for Clinton.  
 Those who'd vote for Clinton because they're scared shitless of Donald Trump would still vote for Clinton because they're scared shitless of Donald Trump. Even if they waffle a bit this waffle will last only until the next time they catch a glimpse of Trump's speaking.  
 Those who decided not to vote for either of the two would still not vote for either of the two. And those who'd vote for Trump even if he shoots somebody of the 7th Ave. would still vote for Trump.  
 Will these new revelation suppress HRC vote? No way! Will it excite the Trump's vote farther? I don't see how unless there are still Trump supporters out there who haven't heard of HRCs e-mail problem.

bigguy30174 reads

I am laughing at your response coment, especially with Trump's history with Russia.
This will only help Hillary in the long run and expose GOP cult.

Posted By: DoctorGonzo
... that would be too egregious. HRC and the DNC would have no choice but to withdraw.  
Posted By: Nnoway
...(which it won't) it wouldn't change a single mind.    
  Those who like Clinton despite her e-mail and other issues would still vote for Clinton.    
  Those who'd vote for Clinton because they're scared shitless of Donald Trump would still vote for Clinton because they're scared shitless of Donald Trump. Even if they waffle a bit this waffle will last only until the next time they catch a glimpse of Trump's speaking.    
  Those who decided not to vote for either of the two would still not vote for either of the two. And those who'd vote for Trump even if he shoots somebody of the 7th Ave. would still vote for Trump.    
  Will these new revelation suppress HRC vote? No way! Will it excite the Trump's vote farther? I don't see how unless there are still Trump supporters out there who haven't heard of HRCs e-mail problem.

oh gfy already ignorant boy, read my civilized response to Laffy.

stucaboy129 reads

somebody will be in a lot of trouble.  

Posted By: bigguy30
So this was not even on Hillary Clinton computer server.  
 Mr. Comey said the F.B.I. was taking steps to “determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation.” He said he did not know how long it would take to review the emails, or whether the new information was significant.  
 I will say it again, nothing will come of this investigation.  
 He could not even say, if the information was  significant.  

-- Modified on 10/28/2016 3:45:49 PM

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