Politics and Religion

Two loud mouth Reps on this board brought up F&F.
no_email 3 Reviews 121 reads

Romney didn't mention F&F at the debate, Now the two loud mouths don't have anything to say about F&F.

Yes, I know you are not one of those loud mouths.

Yes, the dems were in charge during F&F.

Q: is every one in an administration, compleatly loyal to that administration?

My A: I don't believe so.

Posted By: From 85003
Were the Republicans in power when F&F went down?

Find the guns from the Fast & Furious policy and you’ll find your shooter.
Then hold the people responsible for it accountable.

You know it's ATF people, with conections to Mexico, and probably partial to the Republicans.
I don't think Holder is even Obama's boy.

When is Romney going to talk about F&F ?

Posted By: From 85003
Find the guns from the Fast & Furious policy and you’ll find your shooter.
Then hold the people responsible for it accountable.

Were the Republicans in power when F&F went down?

Romney didn't mention F&F at the debate, Now the two loud mouths don't have anything to say about F&F.

Yes, I know you are not one of those loud mouths.

Yes, the dems were in charge during F&F.

Q: is every one in an administration, compleatly loyal to that administration?

My A: I don't believe so.

Posted By: From 85003
Were the Republicans in power when F&F went down?

Let’s see what Romney has to say when that subject comes up!

I say give Romney the election, I want to see how he implements his policies.

Put him on the spot.

Posted By: From 85003
Let’s see what Romney has to say when that subject comes up!
-- Modified on 10/6/2012 12:15:35 AM

who ignored the flight training school employee who called in to report a student who paid in cash and said he didn't care about learning how to land in the simulator he only wanted know how to control a big jet in flight.

The same group that shows up in Libya three weeks after the fact and stays less than 24 hours .  

How about saying why it's a possibility. Is it because, and only because, of the size round they picked out of the deceased border patrol agent is the same as the M4s law enforcement uses. Obama and Holder sold the drug runners plenty of 5.56 caliber weapons.  


So because some one dosen't want to work for a debunked fed agency (all of them) they are a pussy?

Care to explain your reasoning? Your either with us or against us, what side you on? :D

Posted By: DirtyHarry_CrazyMary
who ignored the flight training school employee who called in to report a student who paid in cash and said he didn't care about learning how to land in the simulator he only wanted know how to control a big jet in flight.

The same group that shows up in Libya three weeks after the fact and stays less than 24 hours .  

How about saying why it's a possibility. Is it because, and only because, of the size round they picked out of the deceased border patrol agent is the same as the M4s law enforcement uses. Obama and Holder sold the drug runners plenty of 5.56 caliber weapons.  


-- Modified on 10/6/2012 2:39:44 PM

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