Politics and Religion

Trump Assures Jury Stormy Daniels Was Way Hotter Back Then -- Babylon Bee
lester_prairie 12 Reviews 13 reads


To make things even worse his lawyer continually repeated "the orange turd," again and again while Trump watched. I wonder what he was thinking? This is certainly the first time in history these words have been uttered in a court of law.
To make matters worse, his lawyer failed to object when Daniels' mentioned Trump didn't wear a condom. "For the life of me," said the judge, he didn't understand why no objection was made.
Trump's crack legal team is in tatters.

...of the trial.  I'm sure he didn't want to hire her in the first place because she's not good looking but he needed a woman lawyer to cross-examine women witnesses.  Here's the type of lawyer Trump likes:

Stormy wouldn't even have had to testify if Trump's lawyer Todd Blanche hadn't BIGLY fucked up in his opening statement.  Blanche said Trump never had sex with Stormy because that's what Trump wanted him to say so Stormy had to give all the sordid details.

Christina Bobb, as nutty as the day is long. And now she's in a world of hurt.

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