Politics and Religion

Took out your cannon !!! PAFFF PAFFF !!! let s fight enemies!!
Pavliena See my TER Reviews 264 reads

Took out  your  cannon !!! PAFFF PAFFF !!!  would it reach over the ocean?

Or just to her lips?

What I advice .. just to to Poland or may be even Ukraine  and  display your American missiles there ....

like blue balls red head  and white stars - girls would love your American  balls there  for a bit - till you will start call them enemies.
 This word "enemies "- I think should be used only in active war zone... or it is really sound  as mad house even to rad those articles .. poor middle class .. in states  reading all this garbage which has ONLY ONE PURPOSE  to control you and keep you in the fear of outside world.
 Go by some tickets and take trip around the world not just seating on TER with escorts.  
 Kissess always ready to help :) should you start feel as you are in mad house with your yellow press

Timbow1789 reads

Quote :
For the State Department, permitting Russia to build the stations would help mend the Obama administration’s relationship with the government of President Vladimir V. Putin, now at a nadir because of Moscow’s granting asylum to Mr. Snowden and its backing of President Bashar al-Assad of Syria.

But the C.I.A. and other American spy agencies, as well as the Pentagon, suspect that the monitor stations would give the Russians a foothold on American territory that would sharpen the accuracy of Moscow’s satellite-steered weapons. The stations, they believe, could also give the Russians an opening to snoop on the United States within its borders.


-- Modified on 11/16/2013 9:03:25 PM

words Enemies should not be used at all when there no war declared .. brain washing for low classes of americans  
to shift attention form real problems  

When OOOO When fellow Americans you stop to think about rest of the world in two terms
1. Enemies
2. Their need our leadership.  

What gave me optimistic outlook  on nation as whole it is facts that not just Obama government bit and in before Obama times it was productive collaborations with Russians  I  can say about more sophisticated examples as let s say " New Start" treaty , or Nuclear Energy pacts ..  but more simple - Second war alliance ...
 Why  OOO WHy you let media brain wash your mind.
 All what they do now  using  such words
 as Enemy ..  weapons,  Russian come - again just shifting your attention from real problems
 you face here ..  
Russians are not enemies .. it is just one part of globalization  .. you older  people have to accept it and step  forward  from cold war times  ..  
 words Enemies should not be used at all when there no war declared  
 I think any normal person should see that ..if someone running when there are no war and screaming enemies enemies - he is just  
Mentally ill
Want shift your attention from something playing on your fears
 Fears-  are not good tool to make decisions  ... not be  fear  any Russians  
  just get know them  
 they are not Zombies  
 your should afraid your own zombies who scream enemies weapon .. and want eat you up alive wipe out all middle class  

Let s me share one story it is evident to the fact how  US government is more advanced to  own population- and it was not Obama administration .. when It happened  it was in 2003 so ..
When I was taking naturalization test and I was asked what is my email address  is  
 I said  
 and I added and my Skype is  
 No any numbers nothing - straight two word and an officer just salut me and said -  welcome , I know you as person  based on your email handles.. he stopped  even  interview me no ,more questions was asked I was welcomed JUST BECAUSE I put those two words TOGETHER  
 he was not  young man at all  

 but what I  see in life here it is that older generations of americans can not overcome fear of the cold war and why who knows..
  older generation totally ignoring ANY globalization and is soooo Introverted  to own county and afraid  of any aligns  as if  dog would  protect his meal barking   and biting hand on some one who wants take his leash off  
 so he  can enjoy the freedom to be accepted in the world family - it is whom reminding me  middle americans.. you say - middle class  almost wiped out in states .. why it is?
I  am not wealthy nor I am republican.. but I do feel that  right to vote fro president has to be given to those who has means to make  balanced decisions  and would   vote not  for the reason have a meal at home and right drink bear and watch sport game but  for some other reasons a?
 I think it was in American history that you can not vote if you do not own land?
 I think we  need be   back to this point .. so then intelligent people of few generations  
 would  decide future of the country  
not those who are hungry  and can be brained washed ..  by   those articles  
 words Enemies should not be used at all when there no war declared  

 Now days it calls  Globalization  
and older people - let s to youth have its way with world
let them have their way not think that
 you do know it better and better  

"stations would give the Russians a foothold on American territory that would sharpen the accuracy of Moscow’s satellite-steered weapons"
 Moscow weapons ... Moscow weapons  hunt on witches  starts again I think .. and all it is - it is just against Obama  
 I do not care Obama not Obama  
I do know ONE THING  
 if you /we want to keep international terrorism under control  those two countries has to unite its effort
Or Russia was in Afpgan  or America  .. by turn .. why Not together ?
 who s fault ?  
May be it possible to fix  ? of course if americans stop think  Russians are enemies .. Russia is tooo far from  you territory  to capture  americans and send to labor camps.. ...
 but i think .. it would be good idea for NYC poverty with no jobs just on government assistant  generation by generation  as min  have some input in economy.
Of course it would not help  stop fear of the russians .. it is generational thing trust me .. your kids not fear russians so much  ask them ..

-- Modified on 11/17/2013 12:37:52 AM

("Нравится вам или нет, но история на нашей стороне. Мы вас закопаем").
"Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will dig you in"
 (Nikita Khrushchev)

 "What the bourgeoisie therefore produces, above all, are its own grave-diggers.
(An interpretation from the Communist Manifesto)

 Don't blame me; I just look this shit up.

Took out  your  cannon !!! PAFFF PAFFF !!!  would it reach over the ocean?

Or just to her lips?

What I advice .. just to to Poland or may be even Ukraine  and  display your American missiles there ....

like blue balls red head  and white stars - girls would love your American  balls there  for a bit - till you will start call them enemies.
 This word "enemies "- I think should be used only in active war zone... or it is really sound  as mad house even to rad those articles .. poor middle class .. in states  reading all this garbage which has ONLY ONE PURPOSE  to control you and keep you in the fear of outside world.
 Go by some tickets and take trip around the world not just seating on TER with escorts.  
 Kissess always ready to help :) should you start feel as you are in mad house with your yellow press

Loyal citizen and support government you have elected. So simple ha ha  
 then seems  and Obama and Putin doing all not to dive in to times of cold war.. Iam trully trully HONESTLY
think that it is just generational thing that Americans not trust russian- caring it from he past y
 - youth is more  open to the world and this country has great future because of  youth ..
as an Adults  you have to be sure that your kids still be able to pay back their educational loans find job, have house and have own kids as you did ..
 worry better about that

 then about  myth- threat from those horrible Russians  

Trust me I  love American no less then you are  but  I can see how rudiments of cold war can spoil  many nice things which can happened between USA and Russia  
did  it EVER occurred to you that Russia is possibly is ONLY one way out  for your dollar to have return on investemnt ..  
yes yet it is too far to invest and yes  there yet  federal restrictions on Russian behalf to lim flow of your investments there .. may be it is  WHAT your administration trying to achieve it is to  build constructive relationship with Russians? So reanimate your own economy? never  got this idea in your head fellow middle class of America?  
as to Russians coming to your houses and counties with its rockets  to take from you your burgers-
- all that just madness of imagination  
-  just think of  how much land Russia has herself   and how far it is..and if they are really mad people send  nuclear missiles to the states.. hope not .. here watch better NKorea  
 and as to ideological  war  between communism and capitalism -  
 borders now are so vague between those two ideologies  and in communistic China and Russia now is not communists are ruling party times  when ideology was  main reason to be fear of  russia I believe long past gone .. now it is all about profit  for both countries .. and I need remind Russia do not have   such outrages national debt to China as States.. .. China  soon swallow you up and even would not notice that .. I  be not surprised that all this "enemies"  articles toward to Russians would be a product those forces who want to shift your attention from WHERE is real trouble to  states located .. as  you know Russian Fairtale  about
 where Koshe Intrenal  was hiding his death?
and how he was shifting attention  from  the  places where he hided his death?
fair tales are soo wise ..too bad that in states kid play soo much video games instead of reading  and may be it is why american men love russian and sisn women those at list read books themeless to kids and not feed them with french fries .. OMg how Ido to the kids ??!! ha ha ..I am a true woman a ??
 But I done with kids have own well raised and yes . in states . and yes .. God bless america and Iam not your enemy nor any russians are in now days. Support your government on globalization attempts and on attempts to  save you from diving to more economical crisis may be with help of Russian virgin resources .
 sorry as always for bad English and NOw I need get ready to my trip and it be DC and MD and Philly  



-- Modified on 11/17/2013 10:43:15 PM

GaGambler387 reads

instead of apologizing for your constant ads and bad English, why don't you do something about it?

Using anyone of a number of translator programs out there would make your posts much easier to read, and would rob me of being able to hammer you over it. Even the "nice" people here are tired of your long winded, barely intelligible diatribes, and I am hardly nice. Your good friend and fellow Russian Lina seems to have no problems writing in perfectly understandable English, are you admitting that she is smarter than you?

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