Politics and Religion

They're not caused by a general feeling of well being and security; that's for sure!sad_smile
RRO2610 51 Reviews 337 reads

Bully for Bill Gates Steve Jobs and Warren Buffet. But just because they are 3 extraordinary individuals who accomplished great wealth shouldn't label the rest of us lazy losers. Anything from a hurricane to a crippling recession in the economy can too long delay or effectively devastate an average "lazy loser's" opportunity at the brass ring.

 I'm not saying the great and exalted god of capitalism and competition is directly responsible for the litany of mass murders committed by disenfranchised social outcasts.
I’m saying the prevalent “desperation” reaped by a ruthless “I got mine; fuck the rest of you” socio-economic construct simply helps play into these atrocities.    

Well, at least that's what the NRA would have you believe. BTW, I am an NRA member! Well, it seems like L.A. had a very successful weapons buy back event. I'd say it was at least beneficial in that it got two shoulder held rocket launchers off the streets.

Rich fucks usually make bank for their philanthropic efforts; but the average Joe is supposed to get all warm and fuzzy inside for trading an heirloom, or state of the art weapon worth possibly thousands for TWO fuck'n Benjamins?

  Until the Left gets REAL; the Right is just gonna stockpile guns, magazines, and bullets.

P.S. I dropped my NRA membership back in 2008 when they started on their insane campaign accusing Barack Obama of every thing including the Holocaust and crucifixion of Jesus Christ. But if the only post-Newtown/Sandy Hook answer the Left can come up with is forcibly stealing my legally purchased, serial number registered, safely stored investments from me and every other responsible gun owner The NRA will soon again receive a check from me, and probably many others like me.  

-- Modified on 12/28/2012 5:07:35 PM

My point is that the NRA would have everyone believe that there is no one willing to give up there guns. I know I don't want to give up mine. However, there apparently are plenty who are willing.

Regarding "Until the Left gets REAL," What about the right? This guy is spouting Snow's 'slippery slope' argument regarding any attempt to enact any sane gun control laws.

This growing litany of unthinkable mass murders is a symptom; not the sickness.

 At present America has a wealth disparity not seen since the feudal ages, and those not in the coveted 1% have little or no chance of ever achieving it. The banks caused the last fiscal bubble to burst subsequently devastating the only real investment the 99% ever had going for it; their very homes. 401s and pensions also were gutted by the bubbles burst along with most middle/working class jobs.

  DESPERATION is the new normal for the 99% while the 1% live in two or more ten thousand square foot homes with multi car garages, elevators, and guard gated egress's into their neighborhoods. The 99% have been stripped of their jobs, homes, savings, and ancillary abilities to even search for a job if one is available. (if you don't have a PC you'll be taking a bus to the Social Services office to use theirs)
The Red team proselytizes about achieving 1% status while it's hobbled most every avenue outside of hitting Lotto for the average citizen to get there.  

 The country (save for 1%) is in desperation, and desperation simply gives impetus to the aberrant.

Snowman39250 reads

Really !?!?!?!

How screwed up is that logic????

Every time I have seen these stories, the shooters were social outcasts or something of that nature, I have NEVER seen someone say it was because they lived in a double wide!!!

As far as moving up the ladder, I am sorry, but you are full of it...

Bill Gates
Steve Jobs
Warren Buffet

These names ring a bell to you. I don't believe any of them started in the 1%. People like you always say there is no way to move up, but in the end, it is pretty much the same story, just too lazy to do what it takes to move up.

Bully for Bill Gates Steve Jobs and Warren Buffet. But just because they are 3 extraordinary individuals who accomplished great wealth shouldn't label the rest of us lazy losers. Anything from a hurricane to a crippling recession in the economy can too long delay or effectively devastate an average "lazy loser's" opportunity at the brass ring.

 I'm not saying the great and exalted god of capitalism and competition is directly responsible for the litany of mass murders committed by disenfranchised social outcasts.
I’m saying the prevalent “desperation” reaped by a ruthless “I got mine; fuck the rest of you” socio-economic construct simply helps play into these atrocities.    

Goodwill comes from within as a reflection of our personal, individual sense of well-being. To force it, externally, through moral intimidation (altruism), social intimidation (duty), or at the point of a gun (legislation), debilitates our personal sense of well-being and negates the source of Goodwill.

Unfortunately the soup kitchen that I have the pleasure of being a part of,  has informed us that unless they get funding they will be closing down around May,  as that is all that is left in the coffers as people now are looking at paying much higher taxes and other Government BS,  instead of doing what is "in their hearts",  which is to help the downtrodden.  Altruism is going by the wayside,  as the people with the altruistic means are getting socked by the government for more money,  so unfortunately their altruism now is through intimidation (duty)

When a man assumes a public trust, he should consider himself public property. – Thomas Jefferson

Snowman39293 reads

I know people do not like this argument, but there is ABSOLUTELY no denying it.

Many people do not trust the government, and when you look at their track record, there is good cause.
I see people talk all the time on this board about "evil and power" corporations. NEWS FLASH, they all pale in comparison to the power and size of the US government.

If people really understood the Bill of Rights,it is a document which is designed to limit the power of the government over individuals. Remember the time it was written, they were uprising against what they believed to be an oppressive government.

The U.S. Government and the government of the Corporatocracy!

The U.S. Government is FABULOUS in assuring us our Constitutional Rights and liberties when ever we directly deal with them.
The Corporatocracy requires we pee in a cup before we can earn a single Dollar to sustain ourselves on.  

 The U.S. Federal and State Governments have outsourced/privatized our individual privacy and liberties to the Corporatocracy.  

I'm guessing the police are recording all serial #  and perhaps fingerprinting... performing ballistics tests on some.
How many where dropped off by someone wearing latex gloves and paper plates on thier cars?

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