Politics and Religion

They have also gone down . . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 2 reads

in SoCal in the past year, from $5.20/gallon to $5.10.  BFD.  

Great for America but it's more bad news for Trump. Trump's head might explode today with all this good news. Things are really falling apart for him.

According to the story the average price of gasoline is $3.20 per gallon.
On January 20, 2021, when Trump left office, the national average price for a gallon of regular gasoline was $2.39.

You blamed Dems for prices going up, so they must get the credit when they fall. And fall they have! The timing sucks for your boy. All the momentum is on our side!

The former stands for the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge, where no oil drilling is currently permitted. The latter is an air field in Afghanistan. He mixed the two up in a classic example of Trump Word Salad at a rally yesterday.

Posted By: Hpygolky
Re: Reminder: There was this pandemic thing going on...
That trump botched every which way....
The blunders in covid were, not investigating, firing and Inditing Fauci, next letting Big Pharma bring forth mRNA  based treatments (they aren’t real vaccines) and lastly locking down the country. If ya wanna black Trumps eye for covid those were his mistakes right there. Everything else you try to hang on him is left wing bullshit!

Let's also remember that Trump has been lying in his implications that the US is not now energy-independent. It is and has been under Biden.

First of all, gas always goes down in election season and second,  what's your definition of "plummeting" It would only get back to a reasonable price by putting a republican back in charge. It's still Biden gas right now.  

Plummeting he said 🤣🤣  
Give me a break!

The prices will come down. Oil will realize that a Harris administration isn't that bad of a thing, although the'd prefer trump.
I've felt that gas prices was something oil used to hurt Biden. And yes it was a price gouge. We pumped more then ever and still the price went up. Now, in my area we're close to what it was under trump and I don't see it going up significantly.
And if the Saudis didn't fuck with us then the prices wouldn't have risen the way they did, but they're trump allies and probably took directions from trump to hold back oil production just to make Biden look bad....its trump playbook. Hurt Americans, just to make him look good.
Has any former president rooted so hard to see us fail?

Posted By: RespectfulRobert

Great for America but it's more bad news for Trump. Trump's head might explode today with all this good news. Things are really falling apart for him.

in SoCal in the past year, from $5.20/gallon to $5.10.  BFD.  

...closest to me is $5.60 for regular so I drive an extra mile and pay $4.29.  

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